Rachit Kumar SaxenaManager-Editorial
The Commission mentioned the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus separately for both tiers of the exam. Though most of the topics will be common there will be additional topics in the SSC CGL Tier 2 syllabus. The candidates are suggested to download the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus PDF here for ready reference. The candidates are suggested to prepare all the topics mentioned in the SSC CGL syllabus because the Commission does not mention the weightage of the topics in the official notification. The SSC CGL 2024 was conducted as a Computer-Based Exam (CBE).
The candidates should take the cue from the SSC CGL exam analysis and prepare accordingly. The Staff Selection Commission released the official syllabus topics in the SSC CGL notification. There are two phases in the exam. The candidates can see below the SSC CGL Exam Tiers:
- SSC CGL Tier 1
- SSC CGL Tier 2
The SSC-defined syllabus is the most important component of the Combined Graduate Level Exam. The Staff Selection Commission mentioned the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus in the official notification. The candidates are suggested to prepare all the topics mentioned in the official syllabus. The SSC CGL exam 2024 was conducted till September 26, 2024.
Q: Who prescribes SSC CGL syllabus?
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) prescribed the SSC CGL syllabus 2024 in the official notification. SSC CGL 2024 syllabus was notified in the official notification. The Commission mentioned all the topics in the official notification but the Commission do not mention the weightage to the topics. The SSC CGL Tier 1 exam 2024 will be conducted in September/October 2024 based on the syllabus mentioned in the official notification.

Q: What are the SSC CGL Subjects?
A: SSC CGL syllabus will be defined separately for all the tiers of exam. The important components of the SSC CGL syllabus is:
- SSC CGL Tier I Syllabus
- SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus
The SSC CGL Tier 1 Syllabus has the following sections.
- English Intelligence & Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English Comprehension
SSC CGL Tier-II Syllabus has the following components:
- Paper 1:
- Mathematical Abilities
- Reasoning and General Intelligence
- English Language and Comprehension
- General Awareness
- Computer Knowledge
- Data Entry Skills
Paper 3: General Studies-Finance and Economics

Q: When was the SSC CGL 2024 notification released?
The SSC CGL 2024 notification was released online. The last date to apply online was July 24, 2024. The SSC CGL applications was also start with the release of official notification. The Commission released the SSC CGL 2024 notification pdf online only. The SSC CGL 2024 exam will be conducted from September 09 to 26, 2024. The Commission will release the official answer key (tentative) within a week of the exam. The candidates will be required to send the objections against the incorrect answers.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024
The Commission can ask any type of question from the given topic and hence the candidates are suggested to prepare all the aspects of topics. The candidates need to prepare all the topics mentioned in the SSC CGL syllabus because the Staff Selection Commission does not mention the weightage of the topics in the official notification. SSC CGL syllabus 2024 has four important components as shown below:
- Mathematical Abilities
- Reasoning and General Intelligence
- English Language and Comprehension
- General Awareness
The candidates should start preparing for the upcoming SSC CGL exam 2024 with the given syllabus so that they can prepare in a better way and score better in the exam.
Q: Do SSC CGL has interview?
SSC CGL exam has no interview in the exam process. There are two tiers in the SSC CGL exam and the candidates need to appear and clear both the tiers. After that, the document verification will be carried at the department of appointment. This reduced the time of the exam process and expedited the exam process.
The SSC CGL 2024 notification is expected to be released online on June 11, 2024 on its official website. The candidates can check the SSC CGL 2024 selection process in the official notification.

Q: Is SSC CGL syllabus released every year?
Yes, SSC CGL syllabus is released every year with the official notification. The Commission release the SSC CGL syllabus every year with the notification that governs the exam of that year. The Commission can change the syllabus anytime even after the release of notification through an addendum. The syllabus mentioned in the syllabus form the basis of the paper for that year. The SSC CGL 2024 syllabus will be mentioned in the official SSC CGL notification.
The SSC CGL 2024 notification is expected to be released online on June 10, 2024.

Q: When will SSC CGL 2024 question papers be available?
The question papers for SSC CGL 2024 will be available after the exam is conducted. The SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam for 2024 is scheduled to be conducted in August/September. After the exam is conducted, the question papers are usually released along with the answer keys on the official SSC website. Candidates can access and download the question papers to review their performance and analyze their answers. It is advisable to regularly check the official SSC website for updates on the availability of question papers post-exam.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
The candidates should have the SSC CGL syllabus 2024 at their preparation desk so that they can have all the topics in one snapshot. The Commission releases the official notification mentioning the SSC CGL 2024 Syllabus in its appendix. The candidates need to scroll over the whole notification to get the details of the SSC CGL syllabus 2024. Here we are providing the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus pdf for the candidates so that they can download and print the same to stick it in their preparation area.
Download Here:SSC CGL Syllabus PDF
Looking for last-minute preparation tips on SSC CGL English? Get the Best from Mentors
See Here VideoQ: How can I download SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier 1 exam?
To download the SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier 1, you can follow these steps:
- Visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) when the SSC CGL Notification 2024 is released.
- Look for the section related to the SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier 1.
- Locate the link to download the PDF file of the syllabus.
- Click on the download link to save the SSC CGL Tier 1 Syllabus PDF to your device.
By following these steps on the official SSC website, you will be able to access and download the SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier 1 when it is officially released

Q: What are the topics covered in the General Knowledge section of SSC CGL Tier 1 exam?
The General Knowledge section of the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam covers a wide range of topics to test candidates' awareness and knowledge. Based on the provided sources, the topics covered in the General Knowledge section of the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam include:
- Current Affairs
- History
- Polity
- Geography
- Economy
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Miscellaneous topics
These topics are essential for candidates to prepare for the General Knowledge section of the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam, as they form the basis of questions asked in this section

Q: What are the different sections in the SSC CGL question paper?
The SSC CGL Tier 1 exam is different from Tier 2 exam. The SSC CGL exam pattern can fully explain the difference. The candidates should note that the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam consists of four sections:
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English Comprehension
Each section contains 25 questions, with a total of 100 questions in the exam. The maximum marks for the Tier 1 exam are 200, with each section carrying 50 marks. Candidates have a total of 60 minutes to complete the Tier 1 exam.

SSC CGL Tier-1 Syllabus 2024
The Commission did not change the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus for Tier 1. The candidates need to prepare the SSC CGL syllabus 2024 for Tier 1 thoroughly because SSC CGL Tier 1 has the highest level of competition in the exam. It screen-out the maximum number of candidates. It is expected that around 8 Lakh candidates appear in the exam and only around 75 thousand to 1 Lakh candidates will clear the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. There are four sections in the SSC CGL syllabus 2024 for Tier 1 exam as given in the official syllabus:
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English Comprehension
The candidates can see here all the details of all the sections of SSC CGL Tier 1 exam.
SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus for Tier 1
The CGL Tier 1 exam is the screening exam but the marks secured in the Tier 1 exam are counted for the SSC CGL result (final). General Intelligence & Reasoning section is one of the most scoring sections in the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. The candidates are required to prepare to score better and clear the exam.
Section Descriptions |
The topics are,
The above topics are very important and the candidates should prepare all of them fully.
SSC CGL General Awareness Syllabus for Tier 1
The general awareness section has acquired new importance in the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus because the SSC added general awareness in the Tier 2 exam. The candidates find it most difficult to prepare because of the enormity of the syllabus. The SSC CGL General Awareness syllabus is defined as below:
- National
- Polity and Governance
- Economy
- Environmental Issues
- Geography and Agriculture
- International News
- Science & Tech.
- Society
- Government Schemes
- Person in News and Awards
- Sports
- Others
The candidates need to prepare all the topics because this will be very useful in the Tier 2 exam also.
SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for Tier 1
The candidates must prepare the SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude topics in the SSC CGL syllabus 2024 as it is the most scoring topic among all. Candidates who maintain speed and accuracy for mathematics questions can secure better marks in the exam. The Commission mention the Quantitative aptitude topics and mentions that the questions will be of Class tenth level. The SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude topics are mentioned below:
The candidates should master all the topics mentioned above so that they can score better and ensure their selection.
SSC CGL English Syllabus for Tier 1
This section is the most important section because it can save time for other sections. The candidates need to prepare all the topics mentioned in the English syllabus. Candidate's ability to understand correct English, his/ her basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested in the exam.
The SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus has not changed. The SSC CGL Tier 1 exam was conducted based on the syllabus given above.
Q: What are the topics covered in SSC CGL tier 1 syllabus?
The SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus covers various topics across different sections. Here are the major topics covered in the SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus:
General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section includes topics like Analogies, Similarities and Differences, Space
Visualization, Problem-Solving, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, etc.
General Awareness: Topics in this section include History, Geography, Culture, Economic Scene, Important Days, Books and
Authors, Sports, Science, Current Affairs, India & Its Neighbouring Countries, etc.
Quantitative Aptitude: This section covers topics such as Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion,
Averages, Profit and Loss, Partnership Business, etc.
English Comprehension: Topics in this section include Active/ Passive Voice, Spot the Error, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms,
Antonyms, Comprehension Passage, Sentence Structure, etc.
These are the key topics that candidates need to prepare for in the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam based on the syllabus provided by the Staff Selection Commission

Q: What is the quantum of negative marking in the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam?
The SSC CGL exam has negative markings in both of its tiers. The candidates should carefully mark their answers on the screen and avoid human errors while marking the answers.
The candidates should also avoid guessing in the SSC CGL exam. The candidates can take chances only if they are confused between two options.

Q: What is the weightage of General Knowledge in SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus?
The weightage of General Knowledge in the SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus is significant. In the Tier 1 exam, General Knowledge carries a weightage of 25 marks, with 25 questions dedicated to this section. This indicates that General Knowledge plays a crucial role in the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam, accounting for a substantial portion of the total marks allocated for this stage of the examination.
The candidates should keep preparing the Current Affairs of last one year from the exam because it is seen in the past that the Commission ask questions from the past year events.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus 2024
The SSC CGL Tier 2 syllabus is explained as below:
SSC CGL Tier-II exam consists of three papers:
- Paper 1:
- Section I:
Module-I: Mathematical Abilities
Module-II: Reasoning and General IntelligenceSection II:
Module-I: English Language and Comprehension
Module-II: General AwarenessSection III:
Module-I: Computer Knowledge
- Section I:
- Paper 2: Statistics
- Paper 3: General Studies - Finance and Economics
The candidates should prepare the topics given in the syllabus and besides that, they should also prepare the sub-topics and associated topics that are not mentioned in the official syllabus. No weightage of topics is defined in the official notification, hence the candidates need to prepare all the topics and divide their time accordingly. The candidates should prepare the syllabus in light of SSC CGL question papers so that they can anticipate the importance of the topics. The candidates should do this exercise with previous year's papers to get the average weightage of the topics. SSC CGL syllabus serves as the guiding force for the preparation.
Also Read: SSC CGL Job Profiles
SSC CGL Mathematical Abilities Syllabus for Tier 2
The candidates can see here the Mathematical abilities topics of the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus so that they can prepare for the exam. The following topics will be asked in the Mathematical abilities.
Number Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers.
Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time and work.
Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations.
Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles.
Mensuration: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base.
Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin2? + cos2?=1 etc.
Statistics and Probability: Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart; Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, standard deviation; calculation of simple probabilities.
SSC CGL Reasoning and General Intelligence Syllabus for Tier 2
The following are the important topics for General Intelligence and Reasoning section as mentioned in the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus. The Commission can ask questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. These will include questions on
Semantic Analogy | Symbolic operations | Symbolic/ Number Analogy |
Trends | Figural Analogy | Space Orientation |
Semantic Classification, | Venn Diagrams | Symbolic/ Number Classification |
Drawing inferences | Figural Classification | Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding |
Semantic Series | Figural Pattern-folding and completion | Number Series |
Embedded figures | Figural Series | Critical Thinking |
Problem Solving | Emotional Intelligence | Word Building |
Social Intelligence | Coding and de-coding | Numerical operations |
The questions can be asked from any subtopics of the above topics (if any).
SSC CGL English Language and Comprehension Syllabus for Tier 2
SSC removed the descriptive paper in Tier 3. It defines the contour of the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus through the topics given below:
Vocabulary | grammar | sentence structure |
synonyms | antonyms and their correct usage | Spot the Error |
Fill in the Blanks | Synonyms/Homonyms | Antonyms |
Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words | Idioms & Phrases, | One word substitution |
Improvement of Sentences | Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs | Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration |
Shuffling of Sentence parts | Shuffling of Sentences in a passage | Cloze Passage |
Comprehension Passage |
The candidates are advised to prepare all the topics mentioned above to score better in the exam.
SSC CGL General Awareness Syllabus for Tier 2
The Commission has mentioned the same syllabus for the General Awareness section as mentioned under the Tier 1 exam. There is no change in the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus for tier 1 and tier 2 exam for General Awareness section.
The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to
- History
- Culture
- Geography
- Economic Scene
- General policy and Scientific research
Also Read: SSC CGL General Awareness Topics
SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Syllabus for Tier 2
Computer Awareness is the new section added in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam and SSC CGL syllabus 2024 (with the General Awareness). The candidates need to prepare the given topics as well as sub-topics.
Computer Basics: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back- up devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts.
Software: Windows Operating system including basics of Microsoft Office like MS word, MS Excel and PowerPoint etc.
Working with Internet and e-mails: Web Browsing & Searching, Downloading & Uploading, Managing an E-mail Account, e-Banking. Basics of networking and cyber security: Networking devices and protocols, Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojan etc.) and preventive measures.
To test comprehension three or more paragraphs will be given and questions based on those will be asked. At least one paragraph should be a simple one based on a book or a story and the other two paragraphs should be on current affairs, based on a report or an editorial.
SSC CGL Statistics Syllabus for Tier 2
The Commission has continued with this paper because the candidates are tested for their statistical skills through this paper. The Commission did not change the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus for this section because Statistics is important in taking decisions. The statistics topics as mentioned in the official notification are given below:
Topics | Subtopics |
Collection, Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data |
Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions |
Common measures of central tendency – mean median and mode; Partition values- quartiles, |
Measures of Dispersion |
Common measures dispersion – range, quartile deviations, mean deviation and standard deviation; Measures of relative dispersion. |
Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis |
Different types of moments and their relationship; meaning of skewness and kurtosis; different |
Scatter diagram; simple correlation coefficient; simple regression lines; Spearman’s rank correlation; |
Meaning of probability; Different definitions of probability; Conditional probability; Compound probability; |
Random Variable and Probability Distributions |
Random variable; Probability functions; Expectation and Variance of a random variable; Higher moments of a random variable; Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions; Joint distribution of two random variable (discrete). |
Sampling Theory |
Concept of population and sample; Parameter and statistic, Sampling and non-sampling errors; Probability and non-probability sampling techniques (simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience sampling and quota sampling); Sampling distribution(statement only); Sample size decisions. |
Point estimation and interval estimation, Properties of a good estimator, Methods of estimation (Moments |
Analysis of one-way classified data and two-way classified data. |
Time Series Analysis |
Components of time series, Determinations of trend component by different methods, Measurement of seasonal variation by different methods |
Index Numbers |
Meaning of Index Numbers, Problems in the construction of index numbers, Types of index number, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers, Cost of living Index Numbers, Uses of Index Numbers. |
The above topics are indicative only.
SSC CGL General Studies-Finance and Economics Syllabus for Tier 2
SSC CGL Tier 2 General Studies-Finance and Economics topics as mentioned in the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus will have the following two parts.
- Part A: Finance and Accounts-(80 marks)
- Part B: Economics and Governance-(120 marks)
The candidates can see below the important topics and sub-topics of the SSC CGL General Studies Finance and Economics paper. in Tier 2 exam.
SSC CGL General Studies - Finance and Economics Part A: Finance and Accounts Syllabus - (80 marks)
The candidates can see below the topics for Finance and Accounts
Fundamental principles and basic concept of Accounting | |
Financial Accounting | Nature and scope, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Basic concepts and Conventions, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. |
Basic concepts of accounting | Single and double entry, Books of original Entry, Bank Reconciliation, Journal, ledgers, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors, Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & loss Appropriation Accounts, Balance Sheet Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Non-profit organisations Accounts, Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Self Balancing Ledgers. |
The questions can be asked of any depth.
SSC CGL General Studies - Finance and Economics Part A: Economics and Governance Syllabus - (120 marks)
The candidates can see below the important topics and subtopics for Economics and Governance syllabus.
Topic | Sub-Topics |
Theory of Production and Cost |
Constitutional provisions, Role and responsibility. |
Finance Commission | Role and Functions |
Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics | Definition, scope and nature of Economics, Methods of economic study and Central problems of an economy and Production possibilities curve. |
Theory of Demand and Supply | Meaning and determinants of demand, Law of demand and Elasticity of demand, Price, income and cross elasticity; Theory of consumer’s behaviour- Marshallian approach and Indifference curve approach, Meaning and determinants of supply, Law of supply and Elasticity of Supply. |
Theory of Production and cost | Meaning and Factors of production; Laws of production- Law of variable proportions and Laws of returns to scale. |
Forms of Market and Price Determination in Different Markets | Various forms of markets-Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly and Price determination in these markets. |
Indian Economy | Nature of the Indian Economy Role of different sectors- Role of Agriculture, Industry and Services-their problems and growth; National Income of India-Concepts of national income, Different methods of measuring national income. Population-Its size, rate of growth and its implication on economic growth. Poverty and unemployment- Absolute and relative poverty, types, causes and incidence of unemployment. Infrastructure-Energy, Transportation, Communication. |
Economic Reforms in India | Economic reforms since 1991; Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation and Disinvestment |
Monetary/ Fiscal policy | Role and functions of Reserve Bank of India; functions of commercial Banks/RRB/Payment Banks. Budget and Fiscal deficits and Balance of payments. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 |
Role of Information Technology in Governance | The emerging role of Information Technology in Governance and the Government Services |
The above topics are not exhaustive but inclusive. The questions can appear from any of the topics or sub-topics.
Q: What is the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Syllabus?
The Staff Selection Commission mentioned the SSC CGL 2023 syllabus in the official notification. The Commission mentioned the SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2 syllabus separately. The Commission changed the SSC CGL Tier 2 syllabus and exam pattern in the last notification. The candidates should prepare all the topics mentioned in the official notification.
The Commission merged the SSC CGL Tier 3 and 4 in the Tier 2 exam. The Commission now include the Computer Skill test and the typing skill test in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam. The candidates can see below the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam syllabus as mentioned in the official syllabus.
SSC CGL Tier 2 | Sections | SSC CGL Subjects |
Paper I: Session I 2 Hours & 15 Minutes | Section I: Module-I: Mathematical Abilities Section II: Module-I: English Language and Comprehension Section III: Module-I: Computer Knowledge |
Paper I: Session II 15 minutes | Section III: Module-II: Data Entry Speed Test Module
| Data Entry Skills (Qualifying Only) |
Paper II | Statistics | Statistics |
Paper III | General Studies-Finance and Economics | General Studies-Finance and Economics |
The Paper 2 and Paper 3 is conducted separately.

Q: What are the topics asked in SSC CGL Tier 2 exam?
The Commission mention the SSC CGL syllabus in the official notification.
The topics asked in SSC CGL Tier 2 exam include General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, and Maths. For General Awareness, the topics may include History, Geography, Science, Sports, and Awards.
For Computer Knowledge, the topics may include Hardware, Software, Networking, and Internet.
For Maths, the topics may include Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry.

Q: What is the weightage of General Knowledge in the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam?
The weightage of General Knowledge in the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam is significant. In the Tier 2 exam, General Awareness carries a weightage of 50 marks, with 25 questions dedicated to this section. This indicates that General Knowledge plays a crucial role in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam, accounting for a substantial portion of the total marks allocated for this stage of the examination.

The Staff Selection Commission conduct the SSC CGL exam to recruit candidates for desk positions in the central government ministries and departments. SSC CGL 2024 syllabus will mention the same topics as mentioned last year. The candidates selected for CGL posts are required to do entries on the computers. To test the skill related to the Computer-operations, the Commission is continuing with the CPT and DEST. The candidates can see the syllabus for Computer-Proficiency Test and Date Entry Speed Test as below:
SSC CGL CPT Syllabus
The Commission has replaced a separate CPT with the Computer Knowledge Test (CKT) in the SSC CGL Tier 2. The candidates need to qualify in the Computer Knowledge Test and its marks will not be considered for the final merit list but, the official notification mentions that the CKT mandatory but qualifying in nature. The Commission also mentioned that for the following SSC CGL posts, the Commission will set higher qualifying standards for the candidates:
- Assistant Section Officer in CSS, MEA & AFHQ
- Assistant in Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Assistant (GSI) in the Ministry of Mines
- Assistant in Indian Meteorological Department (Ministry of Earth Sciences)
- Inspector (CGST &Central Excise)
- Inspector (Preventive officer) & Inspector (Examiner) in CBIC and Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant in the Department of Post
The Computer Knowledge Test will be conducted to test the computer proficiency of the candidates.
SSC CGL Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) Syllabus
The Commission conduct the DEST to check the speed and accuracy of the candidates in doing data entry work on the Computer. The duration of the DEST is 15 minutes only. “Data Entry Speed Test” (DEST) Skill Test will be conducted for a passage of about 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for 15 (fifteen) minutes. The Commission mentioned that there will be two categories of mistakes in the SSC CGL DEST. These are
- Full Mistake
- Half Mistake
The Commission has mentioned the following rules for consideration of full and half mistakes:
SSC CGL DEST Full Mistake Criteria
The Commission will consider full mistake in case of the following:
- For every omission of a word/figure.
- For every substitution of a wrong word/figure, except transposition of words.
- For every addition of a word/figure not found in the passage.
- For every spelling error committed by way of repetition, or addition, or omission, or substitution of a letter/letter, e.g. the word ‘spelling’ is typed as seeplings; seplling; speling; seepling; spelling etc.
- For repetition of word/figure, e.g. ‘I shall shall be grateful ..........’
- Incomplete words (half-typed words will be treated as mistake).
SSC CGL DEST Half Mistake Criteria
The Commission will consider the following as half-mistake
- Spacing Errors: Where no space is provided between two words, e.g. ‘Ihope’, or undesired space is provided between the words or letters of a word e.g. ‘I have’, ‘I h ave’ (space left between a word).
- Wrong Capitalisation: Wrong typing of a capital letter for small letter or vice-versa. (This does not apply in respect of Hindi Typewriting scripts)
- Punctuation Errors: Where the punctuation mark is omitted or added or substituted by another.
- Transposition Errors: Where words are transposed, e.g. the words ‘I hope’ typed as ‘hope I’.
- Paragraphic Errors: Half mistake shall be treated for each irrational para, where the space given before starting of any paragraph is not uniform, i.e paragraph given manual spaces; without pressing the Tab Key, will be treated as half-mistake
The candidates can download here the SSC CGL DEST Script Evaluation Instructions
Q: Is the SSC CGL DEST exam conducted separately?
Yes, the SSC CGL DEST (Data Entry Speed Test) exam is conducted separately after the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam. It is a skill test that is compulsory for all candidates who qualify for the SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams. The DEST is a separate test that focuses on assessing the data entry speed of candidates, and it is an essential part of the SSC CGL examination process.
The SSC CGL Tier 2 exam 2024 is expected to be conducted online in November 2024.

Q: What is the syllabus of SSC CGL CPT (skill Test)?
The syllabus of the SSC CGL CPT (Computer Proficiency Test) includes the following topics:
Basics of Computer: CPU, Functioning, Output and input devices, computer memory, memory organization, backup, windows explorer, and keyboard shortcuts.
Internet and E-mail: Web Browsing and Searching, Downloading, Uploading, E-mail, and e-banking.
Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Basics of Networking and Cybersecurity: Networking devices and protocols, Network and information security threats, and preventive measures.
These are the key areas that candidates need to focus on to prepare for the Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) in the SSC CGL exam.

Q: What is the syllabus of SSC CGL DEST exam?
The syllabus of the SSC DEST (Data Entry Speed Test) exam includes a typing test where candidates are required to make 2000 key depressions in 15 minutes. This test assesses the typing speed of candidates and is mandatory for all posts under the SSC CGL exam. The DEST is qualifying in nature and is essential for candidates to qualify for all the posts that require this skill test.

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2024
The candidates must read and understand the SSC CGL exam pattern because it will help in time management during the exam. Check out some of the major points regarding SSC CGL exam pattern below:
Particulars |
SSC CGL Exam Pattern Highlights |
Number of tiers |
2 |
Exam mode |
Tier-I: Online Tier-II: Online |
Number of papers/sections |
Tier-I: 4 sections (English Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Comprehension) Tier-II: 3 papers will be conducted in SSC CGL Tier 3. The details are given below: Paper 1:
Paper 2: Statistics Paper 3: General Studies-Finance and Economics |
Exam duration |
Tier-I: 60 minutes Tier-II: 150 Minutes for Paper 1 120 Minutes each for Paper 2 and 3 |
Number of questions |
Tier-I: 100 Tier-II: 350 |
Type of questions |
Tier-I: MCQs Tier-II: MCQs + DEST |
Total marks |
Tier-I: 200 Tier-II: 850 |
Language of paper |
Tier-I: English and Hindi Tier II: English and Hindi |
Q: Will there be any changes in the SSC CGL 2024 exam pattern?
The SSC CGL 2024 exam pattern will be notified in the official notification. The Commission is expected to release the SSC CGL notification on June 11, 2024. The Commission is not expected to change the SSC CGL 2024 exam pattern in the official notification because the Commission has successfully followed the new exam pattern in the last two years and no complexities cropped up in the exam process.
So it is highly anticipated that the Commission will continue with the same SSC CGL exam pattern.

Q: What is the new exam pattern of SSC CGL?

Q: Who releases SSC CGL exam pattern?
The conducting body of the exam, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) releases the SSC CGL pattern. The Commission notifies the SSC CGL exam pattern in the official notification. SSC CGL 2023 exam pattern was notified in the official notification which was released online on April 3 instead of April 1, 2023. The Commission released the SSC exam calendar 2023-24 mentioning all the important dates.
The Commissin conducted the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam from July 14 to 27 based on the official exam pattern as mentioned in the official noification.

SSC CGL Topic-Wise Weightage
The candidates should prepare all the topics which will be mentioned in the SSC CGL 2024 syllabus. There is no mention of weightage in the official syllabus but we can mention it based on the analysis of the previous year question paper. The candidates can see below the weightage of the SSC CGL topics.
SSC CGL General Awareness Topic-wise Weightage
The candidates can see below the weightage of the general awareness Topics
Topics |
Weightage |
SSC CGL General Awareness Syllabus |
Current Affairs |
4-5 |
National News, International News, Person Appointed, Important International Events, Summits, Reports, Sports |
Economy & Finance |
2-3 |
Major Economic Policies, Features of the Indian Economy, Indian Economic Structure, Economic Development in India. Monetary Policy, Inflation and related Concepts, |
Geography |
4-5 |
Indian Geography, World Geography, Physical Geography, Drainage System, Mountain System, |
History |
3-4 |
History of India, World History, Modern History, Indian Freedom Struggle, Gandhi and related events |
Indian Polity & Constitution |
3-4 |
Indian Polity & Constitution, Important Acts passed/pending in Parliament. Central Commissions |
Science & Technology |
4-5 |
Biology, Chemistry, Computers, Discoveries & Inventions, Other Information, Physics, Space, Defence in India, Technological Developments |
Static GK |
4-5 | Honors & Awards, Important Dates, Miscellaneous, National & International Organisations, Other Information, Art & Culture, Books & Authors |
The above topics are indicative only as sometimes the questions fall in more than one category as devised above.
SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Topics Weightage
The candidates can see below the SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Topics with their weightage.
Topics | Weightage | Topics | Weightage |
Whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers |
4-5 | Common tangents to two or more circles | 2-3 |
Percentage | 4-5 | Triangle | 2-3 |
Ratio & Proportion | 2-3 | Circle | 1-2 |
Square roots | 1-2 | Right Prism | 1-2 |
Averages |
3-4 | Right Circular Cone | 1-2 |
2-3 | Age-related Questions | 2-3 |
Mixture and Alligation | 3-4 | Right Circular Cylinder | 1-2 |
Partnership Business | 2-3 | Sphere | 0-1 |
Profit and Loss, Discount | 5-6 | Hemispheres | 0-1 |
Interest ( SI & CI) | 4-5 | Rectangular Parallelepiped | 0-1 |
Time and distance |
5-6 | Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base | 0-1 |
Time & Work | 4-5 | Trigonometric ratio | 2-3 |
Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds | 4-5 | Degree and Radian Measures | 1-2 |
Graphs of Linear Equations | 1-2 | Standard Identities | 2-3 |
Triangle and its various kinds of centres | 2-3 | Complementary angles | 2-3 |
Congruence and similarity of triangles | 2-3 | Heights and Distances | 2-3 |
Circle and its chords | 1-2 | Regular Polygons | 0-1 |
Tangents | 1-2 | Quadrilaterals | 0-1 |
Bar diagram & Pie chart | 2-3 | Frequency polygon | 0-1 |
Angles subtended by chords of a circle |
2-3 | Histogram |
2-3 |
SSC ask questions from some of the topics and not all topics have been asked in the paper.
SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning Topics Weightage
The candidates can see here the General Intelligence and Reasoning topics weightage for the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam:
Topics |
Weightage |
Topics |
Weightage |
Analogies | 3-4 | Semantic Series | 1-3 |
Similarities and differences | 1-2 | Number Series | 4-5 |
Space visualization | 3-4 | Figural Series | 4-5 |
Spatial orientation | 2-3 | Problem Solving |
4-5 |
Problem-solving | 2-3 | Word Building | 2-3 |
Analysis | 1-2 | Numerical Operations | 5-6 |
Judgment | 2-3 | Symbolic Operations | 4-5 |
Decision making | 2-3 | Trends | 1-2 |
Visual memory | 2-3 | Space Orientation | 2-3 |
Discrimination | 1-2 | Space Visualization | 2-3 |
Observation | 0-2 | Venn Diagrams | 4-5 |
Relationship concepts | 1-3 | Drawing inferences | 1-2 |
Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification | 3-4 | Punched hole/pattern- folding & un-folding | 2-3 |
Arithmetic number series | 4-5 | Figural Pattern- folding and completion, Indexing | 3-4 |
Non-verbal series | 3-4 | Address matching | 0-3 |
Coding and decoding | 4-5 | Date & city matching | 0-2 |
Statement conclusion | 5-6 | Classification of centre codes/roll numbers | 2-3 |
Syllogistic reasoning, etc. |
3-4 | Small & Capital letters/ numbers coding | 3-4 |
Semantic Analogy | 2-3 | decoding and classification | 2-3 |
Symbolic/ Number Analogy | 2-3 | Embedded Figures | 2-3 |
Figural Analogy | 3-4 | Critical thinking | 2-3 |
Semantic Classification | 1-2 | Emotional Intelligence |
1-2 |
Symbolic/Number Classification |
3-4 | Social Intelligence | 1-2 |
The Commission can ask any number of questions from any topic because there is no limit to that.
SSC CGL English Topics Weightage
The candidates can see below the SSC CGL English topics weightage
Topics | Weightage | Topics | Weightage |
Spellings Correction |
1-2 | Reading Comprehension | 4-5 |
Synonyms-Antonyms | 3-4 | Sentence Improvement | 1-2 |
Sentence Rearrangement | 1-2 | Sentence Correction | 3-4 |
Phrases and Idioms | 1-2 | Active Passive | 2-3 |
Fill in the Blanks | 4-5 | Cloze test | 0-3 |
Error Spotting | 3-4 | One word Substitution | 1-2 |
The English and General Awareness questions save time for the candidates so that they can focus on other sections such as Quantitative Aptitude and General Intelligence and Reasoning.
Check Here: SSC CGL Tier 1 Shift Timing
Q: What is the importance of SSC CGL syllabus?
Going through SSC CGL syllabus is one of the key points for effective exam preparation. Candidates are recommended to go through each topic of CGL syllabus thoroughly to crack the exam smoothly. The SSC CGL syllabus is the most important component for the candidates from the preparation perspective. The candidates are required to prepare all the topics given in the official notification pdf.
The Staff Selection Commission will prescribe the SSC CGL syllabus in the official notification. The Commission is expected to release the SSC CGL 2024 notification on June 10, 2024.

Q: Which topics has the maximum weightage in the SSC CGL syllabus?
The topic with the maximum weightage in the SSC CGL syllabus varies across different sections. Based on the provided sources, here are the topics with the highest weightage in each section of the SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus:
General Intelligence and Reasoning: The topic with the maximum weightage is "Coding-Decoding" with 3-4 questions.
General Awareness: The topic with the highest weightage is "Miscellaneous" with 10-12 questions.
Quantitative Aptitude: The topic with the most weightage is "Data Interpretation" with 5 questions.
English Comprehension: The topic with the highest weightage is "Reading Comprehension" with 5 questions.
These topics have been identified to have the maximum weightage in their respective sections of the SSC CGL Tier 1 syllabus based on the analysis provided in the sources

Q: How to prepare Maths for SSC CGL exam?
To prepare for the Quantitative Aptitude section of the SSC CGL exam, it is essential to understand the syllabus and focus on topics such as whole numbers, ratios and proportions, discount, decimals and fractions, averages, percentage, square roots, interest, profit and loss, time and distance, time and work, and geometric problems. Additionally, it is important to practice with mock test papers and prepare a well-thought-out study plan with consistency and honesty. Here are some important tips for preparing maths for SSC CGL:
Work on basics: The basics of maths are essential for SSC CGL preparation. Candidates should focus on topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics.
Learn shortcut methods: Candidates should learn shortcut methods for increasing calculation speed and managing time effectively.
Practice with mock test papers: Practicing with mock test papers will help candidates develop the mindset to apply their knowledge in a time-bound manner.
Prepare a study plan: Preparing a study plan based on pragmatic considerations and affinity of the candidates is essential for SSC CGL preparation.
Be consistent and honest: Consistency and honesty are essential for effective SSC CGL preparation. Candidates should spend enough time each day studying and practice regularly.
Remember, negative marking is applicable in both paper-I and -II, so candidates should be careful in attempting questions they are unsure of. To keep updated on current affairs, candidates can study newspapers daily, and subscribe to any monthly GK magazine. Additionally, preparing for SSC CGL at home requires consistency and honesty, and candidates can prepare a plan considering the resources they have at home.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 FAQs
The candidates can see here important questions related to SSC CGL syllabus.
Q: Do SSC CGL has interview?
SSC CGL exam has no interview in the exam process. There are two tiers in the SSC CGL exam and the candidates need to appear and clear both the tiers. After that, the document verification will be carried at the department of appointment. This reduced the time of the exam process and expedited the exam process.
The SSC CGL 2024 notification is expected to be released online on June 11, 2024 on its official website. The candidates can check the SSC CGL 2024 selection process in the official notification.

Q: What are the common topics between IBPS Clerk and SSC CGL syllabus?
Both the IBPS Clerk and the SSC CGL exams cover similar topics such as: General English Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability General Awareness (including current events and static general knowledge) However, there are some differences in the emphasis placed on certain topics between the two exams. For example, the SSC CGL place more emphasis on Mathematics and Statistics while the IBPS Clerk place more emphasis on Banking and Financial Awareness. IBPS Clerk exam is specifically for candidates interested in a career in the banking sector, while the SSC CGL is a general recruitment exam for various government positions. The topics given in IBPS Clerk syllabus is given below:
English Language: Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Fillers, Spotting Errors, Sentence Improvement, Fill in the Blanks, etc.
Numerical Ability: Number Series, Simplification/ Approximation, Quadratic Equations, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, etc.
Reasoning Ability: Puzzle and Arrangements, Inequality, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Direction sense and Order and Ranking, etc.
Computer Aptitude: History and Generation of Computers, Introduction to Computer Organisation, Computer Hardware and I/O Devices, Computer Languages, Basics of DBMS, Operating System, Internet, Computer Network & Security, Computer Memory, Computer Software, etc.
General Knowledge: Banking and Insurance Awareness, Financial Awareness, Current Affairs, Govt. Schemes and Policies, Static Awareness, etc.

Q: What is the difference between SSC CGL and IBPS PO syllabus?

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Student Forum
Answered 5 days ago
The Staff Selection Commission released the SSC CGL Tier 1 marks and scorecard 2024 on its official website on December 16, 2024. The Commission released the raw marks, normalised marks and the raw marks scored in each section of the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam 2024. The SSC CGL Tier 2 exam 2024 will be con
Beginner-Level 2
Answered a week ago
The Staff Selection Commission is expected to conduct the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam online as a Computer-Based Exam (CBE). The Commission released the SSC exam calendar 2025-26 on its official exam calendar on its official website - ssc.gov.in. The SSC CGL 2025 applications will be available from 22 April
Beginner-Level 2
Answered a week ago
The Staff Selection Commission is expected to release the SSC CGL 2025 notification on April 22, 2025. The candidates will get one month to fill out the SSC CGL applications. The last date to apply for the SSC CGL online application 2025 will be May 21, 2025.
The SSC CGL 2025 Tier 1 exam is expected
Beginner-Level 2
Answered 4 weeks ago
The Staff Selection Commission is expected to release the SSC CGL result 2024 soon on its official website - ssc.gov.in. The Commission will release the SSC CGL Tier 1 result pdf with the category-wise cutoff. The Commission conducted the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam 2024 from September 9 to 26, 2024.
The C
Answered a month ago
The Staff Selection Commission is expected to release the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam 2024 dates soon on its official website. In addition to that the Commission can also release the exam dates of other exams also. The SSC CGL Tier 2 exam 2024 is expected to be conducted on December 2024.
The SSC CGL Tier 1
Answered a month ago
The Staff Selection Commission has released the SSC CGL Tier 1 result 2024 on its official website - ssc.gov.in. The Commission conducted the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam from September 9 to 26, 2024. The candidates will be required to check their result online only.
The SSC CGL Cutoff 2024 was released with
Answered a month ago
The Staff Selection Commission is expected to release the SSC CGL 2025 notification on April 22, 2025, its official website - ssc.gov.in. The Commission released the SSC CGL dates on its official exam calendar on its official website. The Commission will commence the SSC CGL 2025 online applications
Answered 2 months ago
Yes, the Staff Selection Commission has extended the last date to send objections against the incorrect answers given in the official SSC CGL Tier 1 answer key. The candidates can now send their objections against the SSC CGL answer key 2024 till October 8, 2024. The candidates will be required to s
Answered 2 months ago
The Staff Selection Commission has released the SSC CGL Tier 1 answer key 2024 on its official website - ssc.gov.in. The Commission released the candidate's response sheet and the tentative answer key under the candidate's login window. The Commission will accept the objections against the incorrect
When Will SSC CGL Tier 1 Marks and Scorecard 2024 be released?