CAT 2025 Preparation: Get Free Study Material, Prep Strategy & Tips from Toppers

Common Admission Test 2024 ( CAT )

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Vipra Shrivastava

Vipra ShrivastavaSenior Manager - Content

Updated on Dec 18, 2024 16:28 IST

CAT 2024 exam is over. Aspirants planning to pursue MBA in the year 2026, must start preparing for CAT 2025 exam from January onwards. 

The key to success in CAT exam is a well balanced plan. The CAT 2025 preparation plan must include six to eight hours of study on daily basis. Working professionals must take out at least four hours daily for CAT exam preparation and eight hours on weekends. Even if you have joined a coaching institute, do keep spare time for revision and practice. Shared below are key tips on how to prepare for CAT exam.

Q:   What is the structure of CAT question paper?

The CAT question paper structure has remained unchanged since 2014 when there were only two sections. Quantitative Aptitude was clubbed with Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning was clubbed with Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. In 2015, the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning were clubbed together and Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension made two individual sections. Since 2015, the sectional segregation has remained the same but the number of questions have come down from 100 to 66. The exam duration has also been reduced. Until 2019, the CAT exam was of 180 minutes and the total number of questions were 100. However, in 2020, the question paper structure was revised due to COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the total number of questions came down to 76. In 2021 and 2022, the number of questions were further lowered to 66. For the last two years, CAT is conducted for 2 hours, and the number of questions is 66. The latest CAT question paper structure is: Total questions: 66 Number of sections: 3 Order of sections - 1. VARC 2. DILR 3. Quantitative Aptitude Sectional time limit: 40 minutes VARC questions: 24 DILR questions: 20 Quantitative Aptitude questions: 22.
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Q:   Is CAT exam tough for an average student?


CAT is a speed based test which is designed to assess a candidate's analytical aptitude, logical reasoning skills, data interpretation and English comprehension. Now, it may sound tough, but these are the skills which we are taught in school so there is nothing new to learn. What is required is to learn these subjects at advanced level. If you are an average student but have studied Science or commerce in Class-12 and graduation, you will find a lot of familiar topics in Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning. All you will need is brush up the basics and practice the concepts on advance level problems.

However, since the competition is so high in CAT and less than 95 percentile can break your dream of joining a top college like IIM, the preparation for CAT requires a lot of focus, dedication, discipline and diligence. If you can do that, despite being an average student, you can crack the CAT exam.

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Q:   Which CAT slot has the toughest question paper?

There is no pattern to which CAT question paper can be the toughest. The CAT question paper of every slot has unique questions. The examination body strives to maintain the same difficulty level of the paper across all slots but it may happen that a question can be more difficult from another. It is seen that, to keep the uniqueness of the question paper intact, the examination authority also changes the topic wise weightage a little bit across the exam slots. In most of the previous years, it is seen that the morning slot of the CAT exam is tougher than the rest two. However, candidates must not worry about the difficulty level of the slots as, the scores of all the candidates are normalised on a common scale to root out the possibility of advantage or disadvantage to any student due to difference in difficulty level. To know how the CAT scores are normalised, read this article:
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CAT Preparation Strategy 2025

Candidates can either opt for a coaching institute or self study to prepare for CAT 2025. Check below a general CAT exam preparation strategy that can be adopted by any candidate to make an overall study plan for CAT 2025 exam.

Step 1: Check the CAT syllabus thoroughly and understand the CAT exam pattern well

Step 2: Obtain CAT books recommended by experts and other study material

Step 3: Join online MBA study groups on YouTube, Telegram, Quora, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.

Step 4: Make a monthly time-table, a weekly time-table and a daily time-table

Step 5: Stick to the CAT prep strategy and the time-table for best results

CAT preparation 2024

CAT Preparation Highlights

Q:   Which are the best books to prepare for CAT?

By Arun Sharma-How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT (Tata McGraw Hill) By Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay -How to Prepare for the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT (Tata McGraw-Hill) By Nishit Sinha-The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning By Arun Sharma - How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT Common Admission Test (Tata McGraw-Hill) By Nishit Sinha-The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation By, Ajay Singh - Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (Arihant Publications) By, Muhamed Muneer- How to Prepare for the CAT (Om Books The Complete CAT Digest (Tata McGraw-Hill).
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Q:   Are six months enough to prepare for CAT?

Usually, it is recommended to start CAT preparation about a year or nine months in advance. However, one can prepare for this exam even in six months if they put 8-10 hours daily into it. Candidates who have attempted the CAT before may not face a lot of hurdles in six-month preparation as they have a foundation in CAT preparation from previous year, but candidates who are appearing in the exam for the first time may face obstacles, mostly related to accuracy. The syllabus of CAT is vast and includes a lot of reading. One also has to spend a lot of time in practice sessions and mock tests to be able to master all types of CAT questions - easy, moderate and tough. If you are a student of engineering/technical or commerce background you will need to pay extra attention on VARC . However, you'll be able to manage the syllabus of DILR and Quantitative Aptitude with adequate practice of topics. But if you are a student from Arts background, it is advised to start CAT preparation much earlier because you will have to brush up a lot of Mathematics. Reading Comprehension is one subject that cannot be mastered by student belonging to any academic stream, if their English comprehension is not strong. To develop reading habit all CAT aspirants will have to start much earlier.
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Q:   From when should I start solving CAT mock test series?

Ideally, candidates should start solving mock tests after completing the CAT syllabus. CAT exam is held in the last week of November and aspirants usually start exam preparation by March. Even if they start later than March, the syllabus is completed by August end. So, September is the ideal month to start solving CAT mock tests as it gives them over three months to attempt, analyse and assess their preparation level. Those who have appeared for the CAT before can directly start solving mock tests. Their motive should be to SEE if they are doing better than last year or not. If they are not, then they can go back to the topics that are posing challenge. They can study the chapters and practice mock tests simultaneously too as they do not have to start studying from scratch. Solve one CAT mock test in a day and analyse it in details. Check your accuracy level, time taken and knowledge of questions individually. It will help you in understanding which type of questions are easy for you and which are tough.
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Q:   Is the question type and pattern of CAT and GMAT similar?


The question type and pattern of CAT (Common Admission Test) and GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) are not similar. While both exams are used for admissions to management programs, they have different formats and question types. Here are the key differences between CAT and GMAT.


  • CAT is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs).
  • It is a computer-based exam consisting of three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI & LR), and Quantitative Ability (QA).
  • CAT includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and non-MCQs (Type In The Answer) questions.
  • The exam pattern may vary from year to year, but generally, CAT has a time limit for each section and a fixed number of questions in each section.


  • GMAT is an internationally recognised exam used by business schools worldwide and in India for admission to MBA and MIM programs.
  • It is a computer-adaptive test, meaning the difficulty level of questions adjusts based on the test-taker's performance on the GMAT exam.
  • GMAT consists of four sections: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Verbal Reasoning (VR).
  • The question types in GMAT include multiple-choice questions, data sufficiency, sentence correction, etc.
  • The GMAT 2023 exam pattern remains consistent, with a fixed number of questions and time limits for each section.

In summary, while both CAT and GMAT are entrance exams for management programs, their question types, formats, and sections differ significantly. However, it is possible to prepare for both the exam simultaneously as both are based on a similar theme. In fact, both exams will complement each other’s preparation.

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Explore subject-wise topics asked in CAT

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CAT Preparation: Know the CAT Syllabus

CAT syllabus is often said to be more engineer-friendly but the truth is that except for Quantitative Aptitude, no other section of CAT exam syllabus is such that students from non-Engineering background cannot crack. However, they need to practice a lot.

CAT Quantitative Aptitude section, which is often considered tough, includes advance level Mathematics topics studied in Class 9-10. All that the candidates need to do is brush up on the fundamentals of the topics included in the CAT syllabus. infact, it is CAT VARC, that candidates from Engineering stream find tough to crack as the RC passages are long, dense and inference based. Check important topics of CAT syllabus 2025 in the table below:

CAT Syllabus

CAT Important Topics

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension, Parajumbles, English Grammar, One-word Substitution, Fill in the Blanks, Antonyms-Synonyms, Sentence Correction, Foreign Words, Verbal Ability, etc.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

Tables, Line Charts, Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Mixed Charts, Series, Coding-Decoding, Data Structures, Blood Relations, Family Tree, Assumptions, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude

Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Mensuration, Partnership (Accounts), Profit & Loss, Ratios and Proportion, In-equations Quadratic and Linear Equations, Surds and Indices, Time-Speed-Distance, Number System, Geometric Progression, Inequalities, Work and Time, Percentages and Logarithms, etc.

Prepare as per Latest CAT Pattern

In order to aim for 100 or 99.99 percentile in CAT exam, candidates must understand the exam pattern well, so that their selection of question is accurate and they solve the paper with overall 100 per cent accuracy. Given below is the table highlighting key aspects of the latest CAT exam pattern. 

CAT Exam Features


Number of sections

Three - VARC, DILR, QA (to be answered in the same sequence)

Number of questions


Types of question


Examination mode


Sectional time-limit

40 minutes

Total marks


Marks per question


Negative marking

-1 (no negative marking for TITA and unattempted questions)

Exam duration

120 minutes


Difficulty Level of CAT Exam

While preparing for CAT 2025, you must also know the difficulty level of the question paper so that you are aware of what' coming in the exam. Check the table below for CAT exam difficulty level of past six years.

CAT Year

Difficulty Level

Paper Analysis

CAT 2024


Read CAT 2024 exam analysis

CAT 2023

Moderately difficult 

Read CAT 2023 exam analysis

CAT 2022

Moderately difficult 

Read CAT 2022 exam analysis

CAT 2021

Moderately difficult 

Read CAT 2021 exam analysis

CAT 2020

Moderately difficult

Read CAT 2020 exam analysis

CAT 2019

Moderately difficult

Read CAT 2019 exam analysis

CAT 2018

Moderately difficult

Read CAT 2018 exam analysis

CAT 2017

Moderately difficult

Read CAT 2017 exam analysis

CAT 2016

Moderately difficult

Read CAT 2016 exam analysis

Also Read:

Q:   When should I start preparing for CAT exam?


Aspirants should start preparing for CAT exam at least nine months in before the test date. CAT preparation requires long-term planning thus one must start early. The best time to start CAT preparation is in March. Starting early will also help you assess that whether you need to join a coaching institute or not.

Divide your preparation into two phases -

  1. Covering the CAT syllabus 
  2. Practicing mock tests, sample questions and revision.

The CAT syllabus includes the following topics:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: Parajumbles, Parasummary, Sentence Completion and Inferences, Questions based on passages, para meaning, order of sentences
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: Tables, Graphs, Pie Charts, Venn Diagram, Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement, Caselets and Syllogism
  • Quantitative Aptitude: Geometry, Algebra, Number System, Arithmetic, Mensuration.

You can read the following CAT books for exam preparation:

  • CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning by Gautam Puri
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha
  • Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Ananta Ashisha
  • How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary Mass Market Paperback by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis/ Simon and Schuster
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Sharma and Upadhyay
  • High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha
  • Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha.
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Q:   Where can I get official CAT mock test?


The official CAT website ( provides two official CAT mock tests for free. To access these mock tests, you need to follow these steps: 1. Go to the official CAT website iimcat. AC. In 2. Click on the "Registered Candidate Login" button. 3. Enter your CAT login credentials (User ID and Password) and click on the "Login" button. 4. Click on the "Mock Test" button on the left-hand side of the screen. 5. You will be directed to the page with the links to the official CAT mock tests. 6. Click on the "Mock Test 1" or "Mock Test 2" link to start the test. The official CAT mock tests provide a real exam-like experience and are a great way to assess your preparation level. They also help you get familiar with the exam pattern and test-taking interface. It is recommended that you take these mock tests to get an idea of what to expect on the exam day and identify areas where you need to improve.

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Q:   What makes CAT tougher than other MBA entrance exams?

CAT exam is a national level MBA entrance exam conducted by the IIM. Every year, over 2.3 Lacs candidates apply for it. The CAT score is accepted by the Iims and all top MBA colleges in India. To select the best candidates from over 2.3 Lacs test takers there is a need for tough criteria. That's why, the CAT exam is tougher than other MBA entrance exams. Even though the syllabus of CAT is same as that of other MBA entrance exams, the question paper set by the IIM faculty always has tough questions. Moreover, CAT has sectional time limit for each section which is not there in any other exam expect XAT. Having a time limit for each section adds pressure on candidates to complete solving adequate number of questions in a section within the time limit. If a student is weak in a particular subject, they can't use the time as per their need. CAT's Reading Comprehension passages are long and dense unlike other MBA exams. This is one more reason why most candidates feel CAT is tougher than any other MBA entrance exam.
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How to Prepare for CAT VARC?

The CAT VARC section is broadly divided into Reading Comprehension, Verbal Ability, Vocabulary and Grammar. To prepare for this section of CAT exam, candidates need to have a separate approach for each part. For example, preparation of Reading Comprehension should begin in early months of the year as it all about developing and cultivating the habit of reading. CAT Verbal Ability can be tackled by practicing sample questions and can be done in lesser time. Grammar and Vocabulary can be handled alongside. However, the CAT VARC is mostly about RC, parajumbles, odd sentence out and para completing, you need to focus on practice of exercises based on these. By the time exam day approaches, candidates must practice mock RCs and parajumbles.  

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Q:   What type of Reading Comprehension passages are there in CAT?


Reading Comprehension passages in CAT exam are usually inference based. The topics are usually based on Economy, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Current Affairs. There are several types of questions, such as:

  • Central theme based questions
  • Vocabulary based questions
  • Inference based questions
  • Title based questions
  • Paragraph and Structure based questions
  • Tone based questions

The approach to every type of question has to be different depending on their theme. To master this skill, you will need to start preparing for English section of any entrance exam early on. Firstly, you will need to develop reading comprehension speed and skill, secondly, you will have to practice sample RC passages of different types to understand the difference in approach.

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Q:   What is the key to score well in VARC section of CAT?


VARC is one of the tougher sections of CAT and often poses challenge to test takers. The key to score well in this section is long-term preparation. The CAT question paper is dominated by Reading Comprehension questions, so you can’t be ill prepared for it. The maximum number of passages that you can skip is 1. So, there is no alternative to reading. Developing reading habit is a necessity. You can crack this section if you don’t have the habit of reading. Even parajumble questions require clear comprehension of the theme and sentences to arrange them in a logical passage. Reading also strengthens vocabulary and grammar which forms the remaining part of CAT VARC section.

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Q:   How many RC questions does CAT have?


The CAT VARC section is dominated by RC questions. Out of 24 questions about 14-16 are based on Reading Comprehension passages and the rest of them are based on parajumbles, para completion, etc.

CAT has about 12-16 RC question. In CAT 2022, there were four RC passages each having four questions. The ideal attempt was estimated at 13. Since, it is not mandatory to solve all the questions, candidates can maximize their scores by leaving out the questions related to the passage they find the toughest. There is negative marking in CAT so candidates must ensure that they mark only the correct options or do not mark any option at all.

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Q:   What is the best preparation strategy for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension?


To prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, stick to the traditional path of concepts first and practice later. Study English grammar and Verbal Ability first to understand the concept. Then practice a number of sample questions of different kinds to gain confidence, speed and accuracy. For RC passages, develop the habit of reading from early stages. Read books from all walks of life.

Practicing sample Reading Comprehension passages and questions in a crucial part of VARC preparation. This will help you understand the types of questions and RC passages asked in various entrance exams.

As an aspirant, you will be appearing for more than one entrance exam, thus you need to have the practice of different types of RC passages.

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How to Prepare for CAT DILR?

To score well in CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning or DILR, the most important thing is to have clarity of basic concepts. Since the questions in this section are data and logic based, candidates need to develop sharp observation and eye for detail. Also, there are no formulas or theorems in DILR, so your preparation majorly depends on practice of sample questions. Major topics to study for DILR are Tables, Line Charts, Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Mixed Charts. Strengthen your Mathematical calculation ability for DILR. Get hold of CAT study material having a good number of sample questions  on these topics.

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Free Quantitative Aptitude Question Bank with Answer Keys
Free DILR Question Bank with Answer Keys Free VARC Question Bank with Answer Keys

Q:   How can I prepare for CAT DILR?


CAT DILR is all about practice. So, you need to practice a lot of questions from DILR to be able to master it. This section of CAT is equally divided into 10 questions each on DI and LR. The Data Interpretation questions are based on Mathematical tables, bars, pie charts, etc. so you need to work on it alongside Quantitative Aptitude. Learn some basic rules of tables, bars, pie charts as well as some basic rules of mathematical calculations. If you can read the data correctly, you can solve the CAT questions. However, to be able to solve questions quickly and accurately, you need to practice a good number of sample questions and mock tests.

For Logical Reasoning, you will have to depend totally on practice tests and exercises. The CAT LR questions are mostly based on series, number system, coding-decoding, family tree, circular patterns, blood relations, etc. So, you need to practice a lot of questions on these to be able to solve them in the exam. Go through CAT previous year question papers to know the type of questions are asked and practice them.

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Q:   Is it possible to prepare for DILR by self-study?


Yes, it is possible to prepare for DILR section with self-study. In order to score well in the DILR section with self-study, students will have to follow a systematic strategy. The first step should be to go through previous years’ question papers and know the various topics and question types of the section. They should also refer to the top books for DILR preparation to know about the tips and tricks of solving questions from various topics. This should be followed by ample practice. Aspirants have to solve past question papers, take sectional mock tests and analyse their performance regularly to find out ways of improvement. Last but not the least, they should focus on the speed factor. DILR questions can be time-consuming, hence it is crucial to improve the speed of solving questions.

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Q:   Is it necessary to have Maths background to perform well in DILR?


While candidates belonging to Science and Engineering background do have an edge over Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), it is not impossible for students from non-Science background to crack this section of an MBA entrance exam. They do need to prepare harder which includes going back to study fundamentals of Mathematics such as Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration.

With regular practice and understanding of the question types and topics, candidates, irrespective of the educational background, can crack this section. Aspirants must note that it is important to identify the weak areas and improve on them to get a stronghold on this section. For Logical Reasoning, a good amount of practice of sample questions will be enough.

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Q:   What is the weightage of the DILR section in CAT?


In CAT exam, there are 20 questions in the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning section and the total sectional marks is 60 out of 198. In CAT 2020, there were 24 question on DILR and the sectional marks were 72. In CAT 2021 and CAT 2022, there were 20 questions and the sectional marks were 60.  The 20 questions are equally divided into both Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. That means, Both Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning have 10 questions each. The questions are mostly in sets. There’s rarely any standalone question in DILR.

Some of the top MBA entrance exams carrying a high weightage of Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning questions are MAH CET, ATMA, CAT, CMAT, XAT IIFT, to name a few.

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How to Prepare for CAT Quantitative Aptitude?

Quantitative Aptitude section is the last section of CAT exam and the most rigorous one. The CAT QA section includes Mathematics topics such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Mensuration. The key to excel in this section of CAT exam is having thorough knowledge of all the concepts, formulae and theorems. Having a good command over the fundamentals of Arithmetic and Algebra will help you immensly. Also, mental calculation plays a major role in scoring well in this section. Although an on screen calculator will be provided in the CAT exam, mental calculation saves time. Here are some tips fior CAT Quantitative Aptitude preparation:

  • Get the CAT exam study material which has a good number of sample questions on these topics.
  • Cover the topics end to end. Do not leave out any topic of Arithmetic and Algebra as most of the questions are asked from these two topics. 
  • Break down your CAT Quant preparation into phases. Start with concepts, then move to practice questions and then to mock tests.
  • Start with easy topics and then move to tough ones. Starting with easy topics will give you confidence.
  • Revise important formulae and theorem every day in the last one month. 
  • Practice sectional mock tests for Quantitative Aptitude to learn how to handle 40 minutes in the exam.

Read More:

Q:   How can I improve my score in Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT?


The key to improving score in Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT is practice, practice and more practice. Listed below are some tips you can apply while preparing for CAT.

  • Practice Mental Maths to be less dependent on calculators
  • Make short notes of formulae and sample questions to revise them on the go
  • Develop the ability to choose which questions to answer in the exam
  • Avoid negative marking. Don’t attempt questions you are not sure of
  • Practice Quants questions in a time bound manner to be able to utilize maximum time in the main exam
  • Solving a sample question is not enough. Practice the same set of questions multiple time
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Q:   What to keep in mind for CAT Quantitative Aptitude preparation?


CAT Quantitative Aptitude has the potential of 100 percentile if you prepare well. The Quantitative Aptitude topics of CAT are advance level Mathematic topics from Class 9 and 10. So, for any candidate, the foundation is already there, they only need to work on it further.

The important topics of CAT Quantitative Aptitude include Geometry,  Ratios and Proportion, Inequalities, Trigonometry, In-equations, Quadratic and Linear Equations, Work and Time, Algebra, Surds and Indices, Percentages, Mensuration, Time-Speed-Distance,  Logarithms, Partnership (Accounts), Number System, Square Root and Cube Root, Profit & Loss, Geometric Progression, Probability, Mean-Mode-Median, Binomial theorem, Simple interest and compound interest.

Maximum questions are asked from Arithmetic and Geometry so keep the main focus on these two topic. Understand and memorise the formulas and theorems well, and practice enough questions to be thorough with their application.

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Q:   What are the best books for CAT Quantitative Aptitude preparation?

The best books for Quantitative Aptitude preparation of CAT exam are listed below. These books are recommended by experts and mentors not only for CAT but also for other MBA entrance exams. NCERT Mathematics books (Class 9-10) 1. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma 2. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha 3. Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Verma 4. Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha 5. Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal The NCERT Mathematics book is recommended for CAT preparation because it is the best source of building or revisiting the fundamentals of Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry Mensuration and Arithmetic. The NCERT books are extremely helpful to students from non-Engineering background. Quantitative Aptitude books by Arun Sharma, Abhijit Guha, Sarvesh Verma, Nishit Sinha and RS Aggarwal are the main books for CAT preparation as they cover all the topics at advanced level. They also have 1000s of sample questions of easy, moderate and high difficulty levels for practice.
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Last Month CAT Preparation Strategy

By now, aspirants must have completed the CAT syllabus and now fully focus on practice CAT mocks and sample papers in the last one month. Check below a few last month CAT preparation tips 2024 for reference.

  • Take a CAT mock test every alternate day and analyse it. Immediately work on the topics which posed challenge in the mock test.
  • Practice CAT mock tests of various difficulty levels - easy, medium and tough.
  • It is important to also practice sectional mock tests for CAT to learn how to maximise performance in 40 minutes (sectional time limit for CAT).
  • Check your weak points and get your doubts cleared by mentors or in an online session for problem solving.
  • Seek last leg guidance from mentors on how to crack tough DI and LR patterns or tricky parajumbles without applying long process.
  • Read tips and watch videos to know shortcut methods of mathematical calculations and reading of LR patterns. This skill is important for saving time in the exam. 
  • Strengthen your skill of quick reading and picking out important points
  • Make a time table for revision. From now on, you need to revise all the topics of CAT syllabus dedicatedly everyday.
  • Practice more of CAT Logical Reasoning and Parajumbles questions in the last month for better results.
  • Stop practicing CAT mock tests once you start getting the desired score. If your performance is consistent in CAT mocks, you will maintain it in the actual exam too.
  • Do not practice CAT mock test in the last week of the exam. Stop earlier and focus on revision when CAT is only 5-6 days away.

Q:   What is the sectional time limit in CAT?

In CAT exam, each candidate gets 120 minutes to solve the paper. There are three sections in CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. For each section 40 minutes are allotted as sectional time limit. For PwD candidates, the sectional time limit is 53.20 minutes per section. Candidates have to complete each section within the given time limit. Since the CAT is an online mode exam, the test screen will move from first section to the next section automatically as soon as the time limit gets over. Thus candidates have to be mindful of the on-screen timer and pre-decide the number of questions to solve in each section. The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section of CAT has 24 questions, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section has 22 questions and Quantitative Aptitude section has 22 questions. It is not mandatory to solve all the questions in CAT so candidates can devise a strategy to use 40 minutes per section as per their strength and weakness.
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Q:   How do I improve my quant score for the CAT in 1.5 months?

The Quantitative Aptitude section is one of the most scoring and tricky sections in the CAT. You can follow the given expert tips to improve your score in this section: 1. Learn to do mental calculations to solve questions with the minimum amount of calculation. 2. Memorize all important tables, square roots, and cube roots to do faster calculations. 3. Create some unconventional methods to arrive at answers in less time. This is possible in the percentage, ratio, and Number System topics. 4. Make a list of recurring question types in the quant section to practice such questions more. 5. To improve your score in the quant section, you must analyze areas in which you are scoring less. 6. You need to focus on the conceptual clarity of such topics where you are not scoring well. 7. You can learn some tips and tricks from YouTube and guides to solve time-consuming types of questions. 8. It would be better if you were able to create your own methods to solve questions and perform well in the exam. 9. Read all questions quickly and begin with the easiest before progressing to the more difficult ones. 10. Fix a time limit for attempting each question and practice as much as you can in the limited time you have.
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Q:   What are the benefits of solving CAT question papers?

Solving the CAT question paper is very important from preparation point of view. Since CAT is a speed based test where candidates have to read long passages, tables and charts, do multiple calculations and solve tricky puzzles, one needs to have prior practice of the same. The CAT mock tests serve this purpose. However, to know what type of passages and puzzles are there in the CAT exam, you need to solve previous years' question papers. Some of the benefits of solving previous years' CAT question paper are: 1. With the help of previous year's CAT question paper, you can understand the latest CAT exam pattern and marking scheme 2. Practicing CAT question papers improves speed and accuracy in solving the questions, which is critical to a speed based exam like CAT 3. Practicing CAT question papers improves time management skills as you would get to know which type of questions take how much time. 4. When you practice CAT question papers, you gain confidence that you can solve all types of CAT questions. This confidence helps in performing better in the exam.
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CAT Preparation Tips: How Many CAT Mock Tests to Practice?

It is recommended that candidates must practice about 40-45 CAT mock tests during the preparation phase. The aim of a CAT mock test is to improve application, accuracy and speed. If you have reached a stage where you're consistently performing well in the mock tests (high difficulty level) you can slow down. It is not mandatory for all candidates to solve 40-45 mock tests. You can be prepared equally well by solving lesser number of mock tests. Judge your capacity.

Aspirants must start practicing CAT mock test after they have completed the syllabus and dedicate the second half of CAT preparation phase to it. The key here is to analyse each mock test result to see where you stand and how much more practice you need. One tip you should take note of is to not practice mock tests continuously till the exam day. In the last week of CAT preparation 2025, attempt only one mock test to keep your confidence high. Irrespective of the result of that CAT mock test, you will scoer well in the exam.

CAT Mock Test by Shiksha

IIMCAT releases official CAT mock test a month before the exam to help candidates prepare themselves for the actual exam. The official CAT mock test is replica of the exam and provides an insight of the exam pattern for that year. The official mock test provides a sneak peek of the final CAT exam. Every candidate must attempt the official CAT mock test, which can be accessed online on the official IIMCAT website. 

Shiksha has also created CAT mock tests for candidates to practice and strengthen their preparation. Given below are two CAT mock tests you can practice for free.

CAT Mock Test 1 CAT Mock Test 1 Solutions
CAT Mock Test 2 CAT Mock Test 2 Solutions

Also Read:

Q:   How many CAT mock tests to practice to score 99 percentile?

Experts recommend that aspirants must practice at least 40 CAT mock tests to score above 99 percentile well in the exam. Most of the CAT test takers take up to 50 mock tests of various types and difficulty level. CAT toppers in previous years have practiced even up to 80 mock tests during their preparation. However, candidates must decide the number of CAT mock tests depending on their control and confidence on topics as the exam day comes closer. Mock tests are the best way to judge your performance viz. The important topics of CAT. The more one practices CAT mock tests, the more accurate they get in solving questions from all subjects. It is very important to know which formula to apply to which type question to solve the problem accurately. Mock tests help candidates in this aspect which is why practicing mock tests is most important in CAT preparation.
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Q:   Where can I get official CAT mock test?


Official CAT mock test 2023 has been released. The website is: Candidates can access the official mock test at the official website and take a walk through of the CAT online test environment through it. The official CAT mock test is the replica of the actual CAT exam indicating the structure and pattern of the test for that year. The questions asked in the CAT mock test are of same difficulty level as the actual exam allowing candidates to get the experience of the actual test environment. Once the CAT Mock Test 2023 is live, aspirants must attempt it as part of their exam day preparation.

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Q:   What are the benefits of CAT mock test?

Practicing CAT mock test is beneficial for improving speed and accuracy in solving the question paper in the actual exam. It also helps the candidates in identifying gaps in their CAT preparation to work upon them. Practicing sample questions is the best way of any exam preparation. Mock Test is even better as it helps you in solving questions correctly in a time bound manner. Practising CAT mock test also provides with the experience of actual exam environment beforehand, which is immensely helpful in smooth navigation on the exam day. Sectional mock tests for CAT help candidates in timing themselves accurately for each of the three sections of CAT. There is sectional time-limit in CAT. Which means every section of CAT is allotted a certain duration (40 minutes). The moment that duration is over, the computer screen moves to the next section. If the candidate hasn't completed the section and saved answers, the entries will be lost. This is why, sectional mock tests for CAT exam are important. They help in mastering the art of time-management.
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CAT Preparation 2025: Tips from Toppers

Shiksha reached out to previous years' CAT toppers to know their CAT preparation journey for the benefit of future aspirants. Click on the links below to know how CAT toppers prepared for the exam and follow the CAT exam day tips that they offer for a brilliant performance.

CAT Toppers

CAT Topper Interviews

Kartik Bhageria

CAT 2023, 99.99 percentile

 "I began my CAT preparation around July 2023. Being an engineering student, I did not spend a lot of time learning new concepts in the Quant and DILR sections. I spent most of my time giving mocks to practice and try to increase my attempted questions with better accuracy in each attempt." Read Kartik's full interview

Riddhi Dugar 

CAT 2023, 99.91 percentile

"My overall strategy was to finish the entire syllabus a few months before the CAT. From July, I focused entirely on taking mock tests and sectional tests to maximise my score and have a strategy for D-Day. I completed around 70 mocks from July until the CAT exam day." Read Riddhi's full interview

Rounak Tikmani

CAT 2023, 99.90 percentile

I started my preparation properly in May 2023. My preparation strategy was simple build your foundations by having conceptual clarity in the basics of each section. Then It was just mocks every day. I gave around 110 mocks and made sure I spent enough time analyzing them properly. Taking a mock is not as important as analyzing the mocks and improving on your mistakes. Read Rounak's full interview

Nisakar Kumar

CAT 2023, 99.83 percentile

"Quant emerged as my strength, whereas DILR presented a challenge. To address my weakness in DILR, I invested considerable time in understanding the question types and engaged in extensive practice until they became more intuitive. Simultaneously, I dedicated time to revising and practising Quant to maintain a solid grasp. I considered myself decent in VARC." Read Nisakar's full interview

Risshi Agrawal

CAT 2022, 99.99 percentile

Mocks play a crucial role while preparing for CAT. It helps you determine the strategy which suits you the best.

Read Risshi’s full interview

Parul Arora

CAT 2022, 99.93 percentile

I started preparing for CAT in April. My preparation strategy for CAT was to clear my basic concepts in all topics and then maximum practice.

Read Parul’s full interview

Aditya Singh

CAT 2022, 99.90 percentile

For my first attempt I attended offline coaching classes, post which I only took the online test series. This year I took the test series from two of the most renowned coaching institutes. Coaching really helps a lot. 

Read Aditya’s full interview

Atish Naskar

CAT 2022, 99.81 percentile

I started my CAT preparation back in January 2022. I set a daily target for all 3 sections that included daily 3-4 RCs daily 3-4 LRDI sets 20-30 QA questions or some QA concept understanding. The last 2-3 Months gave mocks and analyzed them properly.

Read Atish’s full interview

Tushar Sarkar

CAT 2022, 99.80 percentile

My serious preparation started in the month of June 2022. My overall strategy had three parts: Diagnosing my problems, guiding policy for improving and actions.

Read Tushar’s full interview

Chirag Gupta

CAT 2021, 100 percentile

I started preparing in March 2021. I focused mainly on giving mock tests and analysing them. I used to work on my weaknesses by watching various CAT preparation YouTube videos on various topics.

Read Chirag's full interview

Bir Anmol Singh
CAT 2021, 99.94 percentile 

I started preparing in April 2021. I solved Arun Sharma sir's CAT books for VARC, LR, DI and Quant. I attempted as many past year CAT questions papers (timed attempt) that I could attempt, on weekends. I used to analyse my shortcomings to improve further.

Read Bir Anmol's full interview

Sagar Sengar

CAT 2021, 99.48 percentile 

I started preparing around the end of June this year and went into the full-throttle mode by end of August. My overall strategy was to first complete the theory end to end and then practice different kinds of problems across all the sections.

Read Sagar's full interview

Ved Vineet

CAT 2021, 99.40 percentile

It is not at all important to join a coaching institute for CAT preparation. You just need to prepare in a disciplined manner.

Read Ved's full interview

Sareen Shah
CAT 2021, 99.35 percentile 

Don't delay your prep. Start as early as possible. Solve as many questions as you can. Understand RCs and DILR sets properly. Quality over Quantity should be your aim.

Read Sareen's full interview

Kshitiz Singhal

CAT 2020, 99.99 percentile

My suggestion for the aspirants is to work on your fundamentals, speed and accuracy. 

Read Kshitiz’s full interview

Ekansh Agarwal

CAT 2020, 99.98 percentile

I would say that mock tests are the most important part of CAT preparation. Attempt as many mock tests as possible.

Read Ekansh’s full interview

Naval Mittal

CAT 2020, 99.97 percentile

Solve as many types of questions you can from each section. Secondly, focus on your accuracy.

Read Naval’s full interview

Swarnadeep Ghosh

CAT 2020, 99.92 percentile

Attempt all kinds of mock tests, difficult and easy. Maximize your strengths and do not stress about the weaker areas.

Read Swarnadeep’s full interview

Sabyasachi Mishra

CAT 2020, 99.90 percentile

Focus more on concepts more than the mock tests. I would say that mocks do not matter much. What you learn from the mock tests is what matters.

Read Sabyasachi’s full interview

Prepare for CAT exam with previous years’ question papers & prep guides. Get topper tips & expert advice.

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CAT Preparation: Tips That Will Enhance Your Performance

  • Download MBA preparation mobile apps to prepare for CAT exam anywhere and anytime.

  • CAT is a speed and accuracy test. Practice as many CAT question papers and mock tests as you can to improve speed and accuracy.

  • During CAT exam preparation, measure your performance after each CAT mock test. Analyse strengths and weaknesses to work upon them more.

  • Solve each question of CAT study material at least thrice, because in the first attempt, you will understand it, in the second attempt you will solve it faster, and in the third attempt you may discover a shortcut.

  • CAT exam has sectional time limit, which means you need to complete each section within the stipulated time-frame.

  • CAT exam has negative marking. For each wrong answer 1 mark is deducted. To avoid this, learn the trick of selecting the right questions.

  • Do not do speed reading in RC. Nor should you go for reverse reading, i.e. reading the questions first and passage later. Read the RC passage and note down important points in the rough sheet. This way you will be able to address the questions easily.
  • CAT has sectional cut off limit, so do not ignore any topic. The sectional cut off directly affects the overall CAT percentile and selection in WAT-GD/PI.

  • Practice time-bound CAT mock tests as part of your CAT prep strategy. It will help you to develop time management skills.
  • Keep your CAT 2025 preparation optimum but do not over do anything. If you have prepared certain topics already. Do not work on them again and again. Focus on topics that are still your pain points.
  • Memorise tables up to 20, square, square roots, cubes, cube roots, etc. These will help you in mental calculation during the CAT exam.
  • Revise all the concepts of VA and LR and formulae of QA every day for one hour. You should be so well versed with these that on the exam day, you can recall them without wasting a single moment.
  • In this last phase of CAT 2025 preparation, focus completely on mock tests and revision. This is the crucial time when you can take your CAT score from 95 to 99 percentile.

Get Here: CAT Questions for Practice with Solutions: Free PDF Download

Also read:

Download CAT Previous Year Papers

Download CAT question papers of last five years from the below table to know the type and difficulty level of questions asked:

CAT 2024 Question Paper Slot 3 CAT 2018 Question Paper PDF
CAT 2023 Question Paper Slot 1 CAT 2023 Question Paper Slot 3
CAT 2022 Question Paper Slot 1 CAT 2022 Question Paper Slot 3
CAT 2021 Question Paper PDF CAT 2019 Question Paper PDF
CAT 2020 Question Paper PDF CAT 2017 Question Paper PDF

Q:   What is the marking scheme of CAT?

CAT has a total of 66 question. Each section carries 3 marks for correct attempt and -1 marks for incorrect attempt. There is no deduction of marks for unanswered questions. Therefore, the total marks of CAT is 198. Till 2019, the CAT exam used to be of 300 marks as the total number of questions were 100. In CAT 2020, the number of questions was reduced to 76 and the total marks was 228. Since, 2021, the total marks of CAT is 198. Section-wise, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section has maximum weightage. Sectional marking scheme for CAT is given below: 1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 72 (24x3) 2. Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: 60 (20x3) 3. Quantitative Aptitude 66 (22x3) Since CAT has sectional negative marking scheme, candidates must choose the questions to solve very carefully. If they are not sure of the correct answer, they should leave the question instead of taking a chance. Remember that 0 is greater than negative.
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Q:   What is the sectional time limit in CAT?

In CAT exam, each candidate gets 120 minutes to solve the paper. There are three sections in CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. For each section 40 minutes are allotted as sectional time limit. For PwD candidates, the sectional time limit is 53.20 minutes per section. Candidates have to complete each section within the given time limit. Since the CAT is an online mode exam, the test screen will move from first section to the next section automatically as soon as the time limit gets over. Thus candidates have to be mindful of the on-screen timer and pre-decide the number of questions to solve in each section. The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section of CAT has 24 questions, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section has 22 questions and Quantitative Aptitude section has 22 questions. It is not mandatory to solve all the questions in CAT so candidates can devise a strategy to use 40 minutes per section as per their strength and weakness.
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FAQs on CAT Preparation

Check below Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) on CAT preparation:

Q:   How many questions should I solve to score 99 percentile in CAT exam?

It is tough to give an accurate number as an answer to this questions are the number of questions have been changing in CAT in the last three years. Moreover, percentile also depends on the difficulty level of the exams and the number of test takers in a particular year. However, one can say that it is safe to solve at least 2/3rd of the total questions in each section of the CAT. So, if CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section has 24 questions, candidate must attempt 16-18 questions correctly. If the CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning has 20 questions, the candidate must solve about 12-14 questions correctly. If the CAT Quantitative Aptitude section has 22 questions then candidates must solve about 14-15 questions correctly. For further understanding you can check detailed analysis here:
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Q:   How did you improve your VARC CAT scores?

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section of the CAT paper is usually the first section. It requires the most time due to the lengthy RC passage. Some expert tips to improve your VARC CAT score are as follows: 1. Establish a habit of reading editorials regularly, which will help you improve your reading speed. 2. Focus on the key words while reading the passage. 3. Improve your vocabulary with newspaper and nonfiction book reading. 4. Instead of solving passages that come first on paper, develop the habit of scanning passages and selecting based on familiarity. 5. Learn about time management during the mock test practice. You should balance the time you are allotting to each type of question in the VARC section. You can learn detailed strategy for preparing this section at this link:
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Q:   Which is the best book of logical reasoning for CAT preparation?

Books of Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT exam: 1- Logical Reasoning by Arihant. 2- Logical and Analytical Reasoning by Ashok Gupta. 3- A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal. 4- How To Prepare Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma. 5- Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT by Nishit K Sinha. Books of Verbal Reasoning for the CAT exam: 1- Verbal Reasoning by Bhupendra Kumar Singh. 2- How to Crack Test of Reasoning by Jaikishan and Premkishan. 3- Shortcuts in Reasoning for Competitive Exams by Odisha Experts. 4- A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R. S. Agarwal. 5- A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal by B. S. Sijwali and Indus Sijwali. I hope this will help you.
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Q:   How to prepare for CAT?


Preparing for the Common Admission Test CAT can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and study plan, it is possible to succeed.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for CAT:

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Start by understanding the exam pattern and syllabus of CAT thoroughly. The exam consists of three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability.
  2. Make a Study Plan: Once you understand the exam pattern and syllabus, make a study plan that works best for you. Allocate time for each section, and include time for revision, practice tests, and solving previous year's question papers.
  3. Strengthen Your Basics: CAT is a test of your fundamental concepts in Mathematics, English and Logical Reasoning. Hence, focus on building a strong foundation by revising and practicing the basic concepts.
  4. Read and Analyze: To improve your Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, start reading newspapers, magazines, and books regularly. Analyze the content, style, and tone of the passages to gain a better understanding of the language.
  5. Practice Regularly: Practice is the key to success in CAT. Solve as many practice tests and previous year's question papers as possible to get familiar with the exam pattern and build your speed and accuracy.
  6. Time Management: CAT is a time-bound exam, and time management is crucial. Practice solving questions within the stipulated time frame to build your speed and accuracy.
  7. Join a Coaching Institute: If you find it challenging to prepare for CAT on your own, consider joining a coaching institute that offers specialised coaching for CAT. They will provide you with a structured study plan, guidance, and practice tests to help you prepare for the exam.

Remember, consistency, and dedication are key to success in CAT. Keep practicing and working hard, and you will achieve your goal.

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Q:   What is the syllabus for CAT exam?

CAT syllabus includes all the important topics of subjects that are relevant for business aptitude. For CAT exam, candidates have to study, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension VARC Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning DILR and Quantitative Aptitude. Given below are the key topics included in the CAT syllabus. The VARC section of CAT exam syllabus includes various topics of English Grammar, Word Meaning, Vocabulary, Parajumbles, Paracompletion, Parasummary, Fill in the Blanks, Verbal Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. The Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT syllabus includes all the topics of Mathematics from Class 9 to 10 such as Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra Trigonometry Modern Math, Number System and Mensuration. The DILR syllabus of CAT exam includes topics that require analytical interpretation of data presented in the form of Puzzles, Pie Charts, Venn Diagram, Tables and Bar Graphs.
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Q:   Is it beneficial to do MBA after CA and how can I prepare for CAT in my daily routine?

Yes, it can be beneficial to pursue an MBA/PGDM after completing the CA (Chartered Accountancy) programme. An MBA/PGDM can provide you with a broader understanding of business management concepts and practices, which can complement your technical expertise in accounting and finance. Additionally, an MBA/PGDM can help you acquire leadership and management skills, which can open up opportunities for career growth and advancement. To prepare for the CA. (Common Admission Test) in your daily routine, you can start by setting aside a fixed amount of time each day to study and practice. It is important to develop a study plan and schedule that works best for you and stick to it. You can also join coaching classes or online courses to get access to study materials, mock tests, and expert guidance. GIBS Business School, located in Bangalore, India, offers a 2-year full-time PGDM programme that is designed to prepare students for leadership roles in various industries. The programme is open to graduates from any discipline, including CA. Admission to the programme is based on a candidate's academic background, entrance exam scores, and performance in group discussions and personal interviews. GIBS also offers various scholarships and financial assistance programs to eligible candidates.
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Answered Yesterday

A candidate who scores just 20 on the percentile scale in CAT, hence, will find it really difficult to get admission for MBA programs to any top part of the elite business schools, for all these institutes have put a very high cut-off percentage on a general basis in the range of 85 to 99 percentile



Udaya Bhaskar rao

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

No, CAT is not mandatory for entry to the PGP-TBM programme of Masters' Union. Scores can be submitted by any one of the examinations conducted by GMAT, GRE, or Masters' Union Business Aptitude and Admissions Test (MU-BAAT). Interviews and a holistic review of the profile comprise part of the select



abhishek gaurav

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

Yes, I Business Institute offers scholarship to PGDM students based on CAT score. A maximum of INR 70,000 is offered to CAT qualified students. Below is the detailed criteria:

Marks in Qualifying ExamScholarship Amount
CAT > 85INR 70,000
CAT percentile between 70-85INR 50,000
CAT percentile between 60-70INR 30,000


Nishtha Shukla

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Yes, you can get admission to the MBA/PGDM programme at H.K. Institute of Management Studies and Research (HKIMSR) without CAT scores. The institute also accepts other entrance exam scores like MAT, CMAT, or MAH-CET for admission. As long as you have a valid score from any of these recognised exams,


Amit Saini

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Yes, getting admission at VVISM for a PG Diploma (General Management) without a CAT score is possible. This is because CAT is not the only accepted entrance exam for PG Diploma admission at the institute. In addition to CAT, VVISM accepts the exam scores of MAT/ATMA/XAT/CMAT/GMAT/ICET or any other e



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

With a 50-60 percentile in CAT, you may not be eligible for top IIMs or highly ranked B-schools, but there are several good options:

  1. Tier 2 B-Schools like IMT Nagpur, Welingkar Mumbai, ITM Navi Mumbai, and SIES Mumbai may consider you depending on the category and other criteria.
  2. State Universities li


Amit Saini

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

It is not mandatory for Maharashtra students to appear in MAH CET if they have a valid CAT score. To apply for JBIMS through CAT, you must register for the DTE Maharashtra CAP process, submit your CAT details, verify documents, and select JBIMS as your preference. Admission is based on your merit ra


Amit Saini

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

Top MBA colleges offering average CTCs above 12 LPA, with ST out-of-state reservations and accepting CMAT or XAT scores, include XLRI Jamshedpur (32 LPA, XAT), XIM Bhubaneswar (20 LPA, XAT), Great Lakes Institute of Management (15–17 LPA, CMAT/XAT), Goa Institute of Management (14–15 LPA, CMAT/XAT),


Amit Saini

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 4 days ago

The Common Admission Test (CAT) 2024 introduced several notable changes compared to previous years. Here are the key changes:

1. Increased Number of Questions:

  •  The total number of questions was increased from 66 to 68.
  •   This increase was specifically in the DILR section, which now had 22 questions in



Shreeja suman

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

The CAT exam doesn't have a fixed score. Instead, your performance is measured in terms of percentile. This means your score is compared to all other test-takers, and you're given a percentile ranking. For example, a 99 percentile means you scored better than 99% of the other test-takers.

The actual



Shreeja suman

Contributor-Level 6

1616 Institutes accepting CAT

MBA in Food and Agri Business Management
  • 4.7





    Faculty & Course Curriculum


    Crowd & Campus Life


    Value for Money


    Learning Experience


    Course Support

  • |
  • Total Fees: ₹ 25.00 Lakh
  • |
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time
MBA in Business Analytics
  • Total Fees: ₹ 24.50 Lakh
  • |
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time
Post Graduate Program in Liberal Studies and Managem...
  • 4.7





    Faculty & Course Curriculum


    Crowd & Campus Life


    Value for Money


    Learning Experience


    Course Support

  • |
  • Total Fees: ₹ 20.50 Lakh
  • |
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • 4.4





    Faculty & Course Curriculum


    Crowd & Campus Life


    Value for Money


    Learning Experience


    Course Support

  • |
  • Total Fees: ₹ 12.00 Lakh
  • |
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time

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