To conduct CBSE Practical Exam 2024 Class 10, 12 and avoid any marks upload issues in the future, the Board is continuously releasing warnings and notices for school heads. The Board is asking the authority to make sure that CBSE Class 10, 12 practical exam 2024 marks upload must be done carefully.
CBSE Board Exam 2024: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is currently conducting CBSE 10th 12th Practical Exams 2024. To conduct CBSE Practical Exam 2024 Class 10, 12 and avoid any marks upload issues in the future, the Board is continuously releasing warnings and notices for school heads. The Board is asking the authority to make sure that CBSE Class 10, 12 practical exam 2024 marks upload must be done carefully.
CBSE Practical Marks once uploaded can’t be changed!
In the latest notification released by CBSE, the Board has clearly stated, “Once again it is reiterated that while awarding/uploading the marks of practical/internal/project, it would be the responsibility of the school to ensure that marks awarded/uploaded are correct and marks once uploaded on the server will be final and no correction will be allowed thereafter.”
CBSE Practical Exam 2024 Class 10, 12 Strict Guideline
The notice further states, “The following precautions must be taken by the Principals for conduct of practicals,”
- Once the Internal Examiner and External Examiner meet to start the practical examination, they must read the Board's circulars and instructions before the start of the work and adhere to the same in toto.
- They must verify the details of the marks as well as the bifurcation of marks from the Curriculum document.
- Subsequently to the above, the practicals should be conducted and marks should be awarded based on the marks allotted to different activities in the Practical/Project/Internal Assessment. 4 Before uploading the marks on the Board portal, the Principal should verify from both the Internal and External examiners that the marks have been awarded correctly out of the maximum marks allotted for the subject.
- Thereafter, correct marks should be uploaded on the server. and a printout should be taken and matched once again before the final submission of the marks on the portal The award list must be signed by the Internal Examiner. External Examiner, and the Principal for records.
- Schools can take other measures also to avoid mistakes as they deem fit.
- It is also brought to the notice of the Principals that in a recent matter, the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi has rejected an appeal of the petitioner to correct the marks which were uploaded wrongly on the server.
- The marks once uploaded will be final for the declaration of results and no correction thereafter will be permitted.
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