UGC along with MHRD has released Standard Operating Procedure to conduct final year examinations. Read further to know more.
University Grants Commission (UGC) along with the Ministry of Human Resource Development has released the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for holding the pending University and college exams for the final year students. The decision to hold the final semester exams for University and college students compulsorily faced serious criticism from the students, parents, all of whom raised the concern that holding the pen-paper mode examination at the present situation might put lives of students at risk. The commission has now released a detailed SOPs for holding of the remaining Final Year University Exams 2020, without putting the safety of the students. As per the UGC's SOP guidelines, the colleges and universities have to ensure the availability of hand sanitizers, thermal checking at the examination centres and extensive seating plans with proper social distancing norms.
"Conducting final year examinations for graduation or post-graduation courses is very important, and the safety of students is our prime concern," University Grant Commission (UGC) Secretary Prof Rajnish Jain said.
"Universities and colleges can opt to conduct exams through online, offline or blended mode. Guidelines for the conduct of exams have been issues on basis of Standard Operating Procedure suggested by the Health Ministry. All states should conduct exams for final year students," Jain said.
One of the key highlights of the SOP released by the UGC includes that the final year examination for terminal semester students will be compulsorily conducted by all the universities that are affiliated to it. The guidelines also cleared that Universities should complete the pending Final Year/ Semester Exams by September 2020. The SOP issued is the revised guidelines issued by UGC on July 6, where it stated that the end semester examination would be conducted by September 30, 2020, in pen n paper mode, online mode, or blended mode.
Key Highlights of the SOPs released by UGC
- Downloading of Aarogya Setu App should be advised to all the students and staff of the University and College.
- Avoid overcrowding at the entry and exit points
- Students having symptoms of fever, cough and cold should either be made to sit in another room or allowed to appear for the exam another day
- Admit/identity cards issued to the students should be treated as a pass for the movement of students.
- The state government should issue instructions to all local authorities to issue movement passes to invigilators and all personnel engaged in the conduct of the exam.
- The examination hall should be sprayed with disinfectant including floor, walls, gates, doors etc. Sanitizer bottles along with liquid handwash should be arranged at the entry gate, exam room, staff/observer room etc.
- Thermal checking will be done at the staff entrance point. Fresh masks and gloves should be used by exam functionaries after staff verification is completed.
- The seating area of candidates should be thoroughly sanitized after every session. Even washrooms should also be cleaned an disinfected.
- Staff will have to fill self-declaration form about their health status before entering the exam area. If any functionary fails to meet the self-declaration criteria or thermo gun check, he/she will be asked to leave the exam center immediately.
- Dustbins must be cleaned and covered properly
Check the official notification here
Read More:
Cancel Final Year Exams! Students against UGC's Revised Guidelines 2020
Ministry of Home Affairs allows final-year exams, UGC's revised guidelines RELEASED!
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