Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
- Offered byCoursera
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization at Coursera Overview
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
at Coursera
Duration | 6 months |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization at Coursera Highlights
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
at Coursera
- Earn a certificate upon completion from Coursera
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization at Coursera Course details
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
at Coursera
Skills you will learn
More about this course
- In this specialization, students will learn how to define Cybersecurity risk and discuss the threats that create it while also learn to describe the role of Cybersecurity management in the management of Cybersecurity risk
- Students will go on to understand the elements of a general risk management framework as well as how to develop and administer a risk management effort
- Along the way you will learn about the dominant standards and frameworks in risk management, and the tools used to support them
- Given a case study of a sample organization, learner will specify a risk management framework to manage cybersecurity risk
- They will describe the resources needed to support this RMF and perform the initial steps of a risk management effort by identifying, classifying and prioritizing organizational assets and the threats to those assets
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization at Coursera Curriculum
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
at Coursera
Cybersecurity Foundations for Risk Management
A General Approach to Risk Management
Dominant Risk Management Standards and Frameworks
Implementing a Risk Management Framework
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization at Coursera Admission Process
Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
at Coursera
Important Dates
May 25, 2024
Course Commencement Date
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3 months
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Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks Specialization
at Coursera