Everything About Digital SAT Test 2024

Everything About Digital SAT Test 2024

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Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert
Updated on Nov 26, 2024 16:20 IST

Undergraduate students studying in high school and wishing to study in a college abroad may have to appear for a standardised exam like SAT Digital or ACT. Those who choose to go for the Digital SAT exam can get all the details here. Check out Digital SAT eligibility, dates, registration process, format, and the new exam pattern. 

everything abt sat

In the year 2023, around 1.9 million students appeared for the SAT exam in comparison to 1.39 million ACT exam takers. SAT full form is Scholastic Assessment Test and is required at most of the leading universities in the US, Canada, Australia, Italy and others. From March 2023, the Digital SAT was introduced by the College Board. From being conducted on paper, Scholastic Assessment Test has become digitalized.  SAT exam upon being digitalised, has witnessed a couple of changes. Let us look at the following article and check out the proposed changes along with other prerequisites to appear for the SAT exam in 2024. 

SAT Digital Exam 2024 Highlights

Exam Conducted Digitally (Computer-based)
Gone Digital Since March 2023 in India
App on which SAT is Conducted Bluebook App
Applicants Tested on Devices Laptops / iPads / Tabs
Duration 2 hours 14 minutes
Essay & Subject Section Testing Not tested anymore
SAT Digital Testing Sections Reading + Writing (RW) | Mathematics
Total Questions per Section SAT RW: 54 Questions
SAT Mathematics: 44 Questions 
SAT Score Range 800 + 800 = 1600
SAT Registration Fees for Indians INR 10,994 (approx)
Indian SAT Centres 90+

What is the Digital SAT Exam?

So what's new on the SAT Digital exam? There are a couple of changes that differentiate between the older version of the SAT exam and the Digital SAT exam. Some of the key changes that have changed the face of the SAT exam since March 2023 are as follows:

Digital SAT is computer-adaptive

Since the SAT has gone digital, the SAT exam unlike other exams is also computer-adaptive. This means that the test adjusts its difficulty based on how a student answers in the very first section. So if a student answers correctly, the next set of questions will be harder; if not answered correctly, the questions will be easier. 

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SAT Digital is Shorter in Duration

Initially, the SAT exam was three hours long, but the new Digital SAT exam is 2 hours and 14 minutes long. Thus, there are 98 questions on the Digital SAT in comparison to 154 questions (minus the essay questions) on the previous version of the SAT exam.

Use of Calculators Permitted for All Questions

Previously, calculators were permitted for use for certain SAT Maths section questions. But on Digital SAT, calculators can be used across all questions on the SAT Math section. There is no restriction on the use of calculators. Rather, the applicants can find the in-built calculator on the Bluebook App for use as well. 

Permission to take SAT Digital on Personal Laptops

Applicants are permitted to use their laptops, iPads or tabs to take the SAT Digital exam. Also, those who do not have one can just request devices from the College Board when registering for the SAT exam. This feature was not there in the previous version of SAT. Applicants taking SAT Digital on personal devices will have to download the Bluebook App so that they can take the exam at the SAT exam centre.  

RecommendationView All

Explore B.E. / B.Tech colleges in UK

University of Cambridge

Cambridge, UKPublic

9 courses
35.73 L - 41.37 L
University of Oxford

Oxford, UKPublic

5 courses
46.73 L - 62.6 L
University of Manchester

Manchester, UKPublic

29 courses
22.18 L - 38.03 L
Imperial College London

London, UKPublic

26 courses
33.54 L - 43.24 L
23 courses
29.09 L - 43.31 L
The University of Edinburgh

Edinburgh, UKPublic

20 courses
29.1 L - 36.76 L
King's College London

London, UKPublic

11 courses
29.63 L - 37.82 L
University of Birmingham

Birmingham, UKPublic

22 courses
25.98 L - 31.22 L
University of Leeds

Leeds, UKPublic

45 courses
20.07 L - 29.05 L
University of Glasgow

Glasgow, UKPublic

25 courses
23.15 L - 29.5 L
Is this recommendation relevant?

Want more details? Check out all details at: New SAT Format: Difference Between Old and New SAT Format 

The SAT Digital exam is conducted around the year and Indian students will be able to check the Digital SAT exam dates, SAT exam centres and availability of SAT exam scores beforehand. This will in turn help them make up their minds and plan accordingly. The following section discusses in detail each aspect related to the SAT exam, applicants who are in high school will benefit from the information in this section. 

SAT Digital 2024 Eligibility for Indians

There are no pre-defined SAT eligibility criteria for any set of students. Applicants who are in high school or class X - XII can appear for the SAT exam. Students of age 17 and above on average sit for the SAT exam usually. Thus, high school students who decide to study abroad can also sit for the SAT exam after passing out of school. 

Digital SAT 2024 Exam Dates for Indian Students

The SAT Digital exam is held in India seven times a year, in March, May, June, August, October, November and December. Test dates are released well in advance by the College Board and can be viewed on the website: http://sat.collegeboard.org. 

SAT Digital Test Schedule 2024 for Indian Applicants 

On the following dates, the SAT Digital exam is being conducted for the year 2024 for Indian applicants:

  • March 9, 2024
  • May 4, 2024
  • June 1, 2024
  • August 24, 2024
  • October 5, 2024
  • November 2, 2024
  • December 7, 2024

The dates are fixed and usually do not change, in the case of SAT exam date change, applicants will be informed well within time. Applicants must check for the SAT Digital dates and prepare to sit for the exam according to the university deadlines.

Anticipated 2025 Digital SAT Exam Dates

College Board has announced some of the initial dates for the SAT exam 2025 and they are as follows:

SAT Digital Test Dates 2025 SAT Registration Deadline  Deadline for Changes, and Regular Cancellation 
March 8, 2025 February 21, 2025 February 25, 2025
May 3, 2025 April 18, 2025 April 22, 2025
June 7, 2025 May 22, 2025 May 27, 2025

 For those looking to apply for SAT exam in 2025, can keep these dates at the back of their mind for now. 


How to Register for Digital SAT Exam in 2024?

To appear for the exam, applicants will have to first register for the SAT exam. The SAT exam registration is simple and can be done online easily by a 17-year-old applicant also. In order to register for the SAT exam, applicants can just follow these simple steps below:

  • Log on to the College Board's website and find the option to sign up.
  • Upon signing up you will get the option for registering for SAT button, click on it and the application will open up.
  • There are a lot of details required from the College Board which must be filled with utmost care.
  • After all the details are completed, the applicant will be prompted to select the SAT exam date in the city of choice and also select the SAT exam centre along with it.
  • Based on the SAT exam dates, the centre options will open up and applicants will have to make a choice.
  • The nearest SAT exam centre can be found by putting in the test centre code or by manually looking at SAT centres available in the city of choice.
  • Finally, the application will require a photo update during the registration or can be submitted later on also, it's up to the applicant. The SAT exam fee submission is a must to secure the SAT exam date and centre. 

There are options for late registrations for the SAT exam also, but applicants have to make a payment additionally as well when they do so. Once applicants register for SAT Digital, they can download Bluebook App and begin Digital SAT practice tests. 

Digital SAT Format 2024

The SAT skills taught in high school classrooms include reading, writing, and math. A student’s knowledge and skills in these areas are important for success in college and beyond. Since the SAT exam has gone digital, the SAT Digital exam pattern has also got a makeover. Following is the latest SAT exam pattern for prospective applicants:

SAT Digital Parameters

SAT Digital Reading & Writing (RW) Section

SAT Digital Math Section


Format (Tested across two stages)

 Reading is one and the other is the Writing section

The math section is administered via two separate modules

Test length (total operational and pretest questions)

  • 1st module: 25 operational questions + 2 pretest questions (32 minutes)
  • 2nd module: 25 operational questions + 2 pretest questions (32 minutes)
  • 1st module: 20 operational questions + 2 pretest questions (35 minutes)
  • 2nd module: 20 operational questions + 2 pretest questions (35 minutes)

Scores Reported

Total score calculation: SAT RW section + SAT Math section scores = 1600

Question Type(s)


75% MCQ + 25% Student-produced response (SPR)

Topics Tested

Literature, History / Social Studies, Humanities and Science

Science, Social Science and real-world related topics

Informational Graphics

Tested, includes - tables, bar graphs, line graphs

Also tested

This is the ideal SAT exam pattern after digitalising in 2023, for more details about topics of preparation, check out SAT Exam Syllabus 2024

Digital SAT Scores & Results 

Each section of the SAT exam (RW and Mathematics) is scored on a 200-800 point scale, for a possible maximum total of 1600. Students also get two ‘subscores’ on the writing section: a multiple-choice score from 20 to 80. There is also scope for SAT super scoring which is available for students to submit at those universities which accept such SAT results and scores.

SAT Components


Score Range

Total Score

The aggregate of the two section scores


Section Scores

Reading & Writing and Math Sections


SAT Sub Scores

Reading and Writing: Command of Evidence and Words in Context & Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions.

Math: Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math.


There is a different way to calculate average SAT scores, want to know more? Check out the Digital SAT score calculator at - How to Calculate SAT Scores?

SAT Digital Test Results

Test results are typically released within 2-3 weeks of the test administration and can be viewed online. Students can choose to send their test scores to colleges of their choice. They also have the option to cancel their test score or withhold them from being sent to certain colleges. For additional SAT score reports, applicants will have to pay additionally, usually four free SAT score reports are free and after that, score reports are chargeable. 

Check out: SAT 2024 Cutoff for Top Colleges

How Can Students Prepare for SAT Digital Exam?

SAT exam preparation is usually a 2-3 month long process based on the applicant's previous knowledge. Applicants can use the following strategies to ace their SAT preparations:

  • Understand the SAT Digital exam format and syllabus and check where would you need maximum time for preparation.
  • Make a schedule, plan how you will go about your SAT exam prep section-wise and follow it.
  • Students can also purchase ‘The Official SAT Guide’ or the ‘Official SAT Online Course’ on the College Board website. Detailed information about several practice resources is available at SAT Best Books & Resources
  • Once you are confident, you must take Digital SAT practice tests and analyse how you perform.
  • In case you need more help, you can prepare using Khan Academy tutorials. 

Practice and consistency are a must to keep the momentum of the Digital SAT exam's preparation going. Also, solving Digital SAT practice tests can also be beneficial for applicants. 

How Many Times Should Students Re-Take Digital SAT?

At least half of all students re-take the SAT twice, and most students do see an improvement in their scores the second time they take the test. It is not uncommon for students to retake the SAT multiple times, and in most cases, they will have a higher score. There are many reasons behind this, many students take the test more than once to increase their chances of being accepted to their dream school, some test-takers are nervous or anxious on the first day, and others may be more confident on the second time around.

However, students should be cautioned against taking the SAT too many times, since no evidence taking the SAT exam multiple times significantly changes your score. Instead, students should focus their time on other important components of their college application and on doing well at school. Students should also note that some universities might ask to see all your scores.

Want more details about the SAT Digital exam? Write to us in the comments below. If you are looking for admission or application-related assistance for studying abroad, you can sign up for free Shiksha Abroad Counselling, and our team of expert counsellors shall get back to you. 

Everything About Digital SAT FAQs

Q. What is the digital SAT exam?

A. The Digital SAT is the online or the digitalised version of the SAT exam. Previously, SAT was conducted on pen and paper and since March 2023, for Indian applicants SAT has become online or digital. Thus, as the name suggests, Digital SAT is a standardised exam for applicants applying for admissions abroad for undergraduate courses. 

Q. Is Digital SAT harder than SAT?

A. Digital SAT is comparatively easier than SAT exam (older version) because of three reasons:

  1. The exam has become shorter, plus questions have been slashed too.
  2. Use of calculators for all SAT Math questions is an added advantage for applicants.
  3. Lastly, since Digital SAT is computer adaptive, applicants will be given a mix of questions based on their answer accuracy, which is also beneficial. So if applicants answer questions incorrectly, they will not get difficult questions, rather they will get easier ones. 

Q. Do universities accept digital SAT?

A. Yes, post-digitalisation, SAT has been accepted widely across not just US universities but also across Canada, Italy, UK and other countries for undergraduate admissions. Digital SAT is being accepted across those universities also which had become test-optional during the pandemic. 

Q. Is digital SAT available in India?

A. Yes, Digital SAT was made avaialble by the College Board in March 2023 for Indian applicants. Applicants were giving Digital SAT from March 2023 onwards in India in full swing, and are still being conducted. 

Q. How is Digital SAT different from old SAT?

A. The Digital SAT as the name suggests is conducted online, whereas the old SAT exam was a paper-based exam.

  • The Digital SAT is shorter in duration while the previous SAT was longer by an hour and few minutes.
  • Digital SAT has combined the Reading and Writing section into one, on the other hand the older one had these as two separate sections. 
  • Digital SAT is adaptive and steamlined, while the previous one was not.

Q:   Is university of West of Scotland good for international students?


The University of the West of Scotland has five modern and diverse campuses in United Kingdom. The University has welcomed more than 3,000 international students which are representing 1/3 of the globe. They also have 130 European partners who are actively in global study and exchange options through the Commonwealth universities programmes. The University also offers study abroad opportunities for UWS who are eligible for the same and also have more than 20 transnational education partners worldwide which helps them deliver UWS Bachelors and Masters Degrees around the world.

Q:   What rank is Wolverhampton University in UK?


The University of Wolverhampton is one of the best universities in the United Kingdom. The university is consistently ranked among the best universities nationally and globally. For nearly 200 years, the University of Wolverhampton has been consistently providing a quality of education to students and producing highly skilled graduates. The national rankings of the University of Wolverhampton are given below:

Ranking Body Ranking
The Guardian University Guide 2024 #101
The Complete University Guide 2024#117

Q:   Does the University of Essex require IELTS?


International students whose native language is not English must meet the University of Essex English language requirements to get admission. The university accepts IELTS scores as proof of English language proficiency. Mentioned below are the IELTS scores required for UG and PG admission at the university:

English Language Test



Overall score of 5.5 to 8.0 with minimum of 5.5 to 7.5 in each section

The university also accepts the score of other English language tests such as TOEFL and PTE for admission to undergraduate and graduate programs:

English Language Test



Overall score of 72 to 114


Overall score of 59 to 84 with minimum of 59 to 80 in each section

Also read: Required IELTS Score for UK Universities

Q:   How can I get admission in the University of Manchester?


The application process at the University of Manchester may vary depending on the course and level of study. However, here is the application process for UG and PG courses: 

The Undergraduate Application Process:  

Step 1:  You can apply through the UCAS common application portal.

Step 2: Go to the website and select the course you are interested in.

Step 3: Ensure you meet the Entry requirements (Academic qualifications, English proficiency, etc.

Step 4: Once you decide on the course, submit documents such as SOP, Transcripts and personal statements. 

Check out:  tips to improve your SOP

Step 5: You can track the application's progress through your given credentials by UCAS. 

Step 6: Once the applicant submits the application to UCAS, it forwards to the University, and the admission teams carefully analyse the application document.

Step 7: The university will send you an offer letter once selected. Hence keep checking your UCAS portal for your application status.

The Postgraduate application process: 

Step 1: Select the postgraduate course you are interested in from the University of Manchester.\

Step 2: Ensure you meet the entry requirements for the chosen program, as they vary depending on the course.

Step 3: Complete the online application by providing your personal information.

Step 4: Upload the required documents, such as Academic transcripts and proof of English language proficiency ( TOEFL/ IELTS). experience in your fields and references (depending on the course). You also may require Two LORs depending on the course. 

To make your admission better, check out the following: How Admission Officers Evaluate your application. 

Step 5:  If your application is successful, you will receive an offer from the University of Manchester. 

Q:   Is Hertfordshire University hard to get into?


With a 70% acceptance rate, the University of Hertfordshire is not hard to get into and follows easy selection criteria during admissions. This does not mean the university accepts all the students applying for different programs. The selection is based on academic performance, English language requirements, references, and many more. Some of the programs at Hertfordshire even demand an experience of 4-5 years. Students must fulfill the eligibility criteria to enroll in any programme at Hertfordshire University. In addition, students with average performance can showcase their relevant experience or extracurricular activities participation to increase their selection probability.

Q:   How much IELTS score is required for Hertfordshire University?


International students coming from diverse backgrounds must prove their English language proficiency by submitting the scores of IELTS, PTE, and Duolingo at Hertfordshire University. The university demands an IELTS score of 6 from the students. Along with the IELTS scores, students can refer to the table below for all the required English proficiency score:

English language test

Minimum Score required UG

Minimum Score required PG


6 or above

6 or above


59 or above

58 or above


105 or above

120 or above

Q:   What is University of Wales, Trinity Saint famous for?


University of Wales, Trinity Saint (UWTSD) was founded in 2010, is a public institution for higher education and research at multiple locations. It was set up under the 1828 royal charter of Lampeter, the institution was the result of the merger between Trinity University College and the University of Wales. The institution merged with the Swansea Metropolitan University in 2013.

  • Top Ranked University: The UWTSD is not ranked by any major ranking body, however as per the university ranking given on the official website of the university, it is ranked among:
  1. #1st in Wales and UK Top 5 Film Production and Photography
  2. #1st in Wales and UK Top 5 Fashion and Textiles
  3. #1st in Wales and UK Top 20 Graphic Design
  4. #1st in Wales and UK Top 5 Education
  5. #1st in Wales and UK Top 20 Sports Science
  6. #1st in Wales and UK Top 20 Mechanical Engineering
  7. #1st in Wales for Fine Arts
  • Variety of Courses: UWTSD offers more than 300 programs at various levels including undergraduate, postgraduate degrees as well as multiple online courses.
  • Highly distinguished and learned faculties: the faculty at UWTSD    is highly learned and distinguished which enables students to be the best in their field of study.
  • High Placements: According to Graduate Outcome data 2019-2020 quoted by the UWTSD, more than 95% of its graduates were found to be employed within 15 Months of graduation. The average salary of a graduate is not explicitly released by UWTSD, however, as per some unofficial sources the average salary of the graduates of UWTSD is approximately INR 30-35L. with the highest salary being reported as high as INR 66.5L for jobs in Financial Services.

Q:   What is the ranking of NTU UK in terms of employability?


According to Uni Compare rankings 2024, NTU has been placed at #1 in the UK for employability. In addition to this, as per the details available on the web, some of the top companies where NTU UK alumni work are Deloitte, Microsoft, Tesco, Turner & Townsend, The Access Group, etc. Some of the industries where the alumni work are Operations, Business Development, Arts and Design, Sales, Marketing, IT, Engineering, Finance, Media & Communication, etc.

About the Author
Written by
Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert

Aishwarya is a professional Writer currently working as a Study Abroad Expert in the Editorial Team at Shiksha. She has over 5 years of experience and is skilled at creating Online Content with leveraged knowledge i... Read Full Bio

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Varun Joshi

a year ago

like TOEFL results lasts for 2 years does this last for any certain time or like anything? please reply sir

Reply to Varun Joshi


a year ago

Hello Varun! The SAT scores do not expire hence, they are valid forever. Thus, you can use them even after you graduate.


Gagan Babbar

3 years ago

Can i give sat exam after my 12 class, currently I am in class 12 (pcb) . As I don't have maths in class 11-12, is this exam help me to get addmission in a particular biology related courses that requires maths , if not is there is any other way ?

Reply to Gagan Babbar


a year ago

Hello Gagan! Yes, you can give SAT exam after class 12. There is no other way but to prepare for Maths and appear for the SAT exam as Maths is an important and mandatory section of testing.

Do I need to take SAT exam to get into Gallaudet university?

Reply to My name is Gourinandana


a year ago

Yes, you will need SAT scores to apply to Gallaudet University. Score requirements may vary based on the course of selection. Good luck!


Shamu Sofi

3 years ago

Can I meet my requirement of maths subject by giving SAT to fulfill the requirements presented by US universities to study a science-related bachelors degree there??? given that I'm a PCB student wishing to pursue a science-based degree without prior knowledge in maths in 11th and 12th...

Reply to Shamu Sofi


Piyush Kohli

3 years ago

Hi Shamu, if the university has asked for Maths in 12th standard then you need to have studied this subject in your 12th class.



3 years ago

what happens after giving the SAT exam in class 11th? After that the result will come ,then when we will not give again SAT exam in the university?

Reply to Nancy


Piyush Kohli

3 years ago

Hi Nancy, SAT exam is given to take admission in an undergraduate program, once you got admission, you need not give it again.