How to Write McGill Essays in 2024?

How to Write McGill Essays in 2024?

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Updated on Aug 10, 2023 20:18 IST

McGill Essay: Being a premiere university, McGill University in Canada is among the highly acclaimed top 20 institutes in the world for its academic excellence. The university's Desautels Faculty of Management is recognised by the European Quality Improvement System and grants one of the best MBA programs. Let's look at the McGill University MBA Essay Prompts that are fundamental requirements for admission into the McGill University MBA program.

How to Write McGill Essays in 2024?

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Please complete the following questions on separate pages and submit them as one PDF document.
(500-word limit per question)

McGill Essay Question 1

Why do you intend on pursuing an MBA at this point in your life? Describe your mid-term and long-term visions for your post-MBA career path and how will the Desautels MBA program add value to your future career?

The above question is a contracted form of the general career-oriented essay, giving importance to the candidate's immediate and relatable professional ambitions and its link with the long term. Firstly, the student is required to define his midterm goal employer and employment which he is desirable to attain, and then discuss how this approach will direct him to the long-term vision. Further, explain how the MBA from McGill would be helpful to reach a certain goal. Here, the student is expected to mention the courses within McGill's MBA curriculum, showcasing his awareness towards the program, the university's special features, and other activities offered there. This would justify the student's choice and maintain a convincing link between their career objectives.

Tip: Do not jump to the goals straightaway, rather give a quick synopsis of the previous career at the beginning of the essay to solidify a background.

You may divide the essay into the following words, so as to follow the word limit prescribed by the university:

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Past experience and background- 100 words

Mid-term and long-term goals- 200 words

How the McGill MBA be helpful- 200 words

McGill Essay Question 2

What qualities would you look for in an MBA classmate when working on a team project and describe how your background and leadership skills will enhance the experience of others.

The structure of this essay can be discussed as follows:

The student can draft the characteristics they seek in their fellows at McGill, describing their ability to see things from various perspectives. You may choose 2-3 characteristics that you may desire in an individual batch mate while working on a collaborative project. Further, elaborate on how each of these characteristics is important and how they will help the team.

Share information from your past experiences and mention the skills that demonstrate your abilities and traits that might be beneficial to your batch mates.

As one can see, this question is a two-way street question, realise that the University wants to know your take on the significance of teamwork and collaboration.

Tip: Being an MBA essay, the leadership examples and abilities can be highlighted in this section that enables the student to work together on a team and achieve goals.

McGill University MBA Deadlines - Fall 2024

Timeline Dates
Applications for Fall 2024 - Start September 15, 2023
First application deadline November 1, 2023
Second application deadline January 15, 2024
Final deadline for international students March 15, 2024
Final deadline for Canadian citizens and Permanent residents May 1, 2024

source: Desautels Faculty of Management | McGill University

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McGill Essay Question 3

Describe a difficult decision you made and the process that you went through to make it.

The target of this prompt is to reminisce about the time when things weren't as simple as you'd thought them to be or when you had to make a difficult choice of some kind. The student can discuss their personal or professional experience, where it can be clearly seen how risky or difficult of a decision they took. The Admission Committee (AdCom) should be convinced while reading, that a certain indisputable circumstance was confronted and how a specific decision was made. It is advised to help the AdCom understand one's decision-making process and highlight numerous potential outcomes.

Tip: Stress the significance of the circumstance and its relationship with you, explaining the reason for the decision made and the actions implemented. Also, clearly mention the conclusion and outcome of the undertaken decision.

Lastly, signal how this experience has prepared you to contribute to the McGill community and the chosen program. Candidates looking for assistance with university admissions can get in touch with our Shiksha Topper Counselling services on our website. For other queries feel free to get in touch with us in the comments below. To read more about MBA Essays from top universities, visit our website. 

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