Reasons Why You Should Study STEM Subjects

Reasons Why You Should Study STEM Subjects

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Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert
Updated on Nov 10, 2021 17:17 IST

Every student interested in studying science subjects must have heard of STEM courses. STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Even if you are not interested in science subjects here are some reasons why STEM subjects are the best bet. 

Studying for STEM subjects doesn't mean studying at a university for a degree. There are many pathways into a STEM-related career which includes apprenticeship route. 

Higher Average Salary 

One of the reasons why a lot of students prefer studying STEM is the earning potential. Usually, STEM graduates can expect to receive higher starting salaries than the graduates of other subjects. After a few years of employment, they can expect to earn more than non-STEM graduates. 

Better Job Prospects 

Having a STEM qualification makes your chances of finding good quality job very high. Demand for workers in STEM fields is high, especially in countries like US and Canada, and they will only increase more over the next five years. So much so, that chances of getting your work visa approved is a lot higher in you are working in the STEM field compared to any other job.  

Wide Variety of Careers 

STEM learning is useful in almost every industry out there. You need not get into pure science jobs, other alternate options will still be open to you like the fashion industry, events management, architecture etc. 

Impacting the World  

For many idealistic young people, the idea of making a difference in the world is important. Most of them don't want to just make an earning but want to contribute to making the world a better place. This can be best done by studying STEM subjects. 

Working in the renewable energy sector and finding new renewable sources of energy will help you contribute towards solving one of the biggest problems of today. Since this is new area of career opportunity, there are high chances that there will be plenty of job opportunities available. 

Best Jobs for a Diversified Crowd 

Since STEM jobs are full of men, this could be the best opportunity for women to venture into.  Many companies have a diversity policy, encouraging people from all kinds of backgrounds, races etc. to get jobs with equal opportunities. This targeting of the cultural and social drivers behind aspirations is a step towards opening the field for a much bigger crowd of people.


Also read: Making sense of STEM Education: Science Technology Engineering and Math

About the Author
Written by
Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert

Aishwarya is a professional Writer currently working as a Study Abroad Expert in the Editorial Team at Shiksha. She has over 5 years of experience and is skilled at creating Online Content with leveraged knowledge i... Read Full Bio

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