Academic Excellence Fund

Awarded by : York University

Updated on Nov 08, 2024
Amrita Kaur

University Research Analyst

Academic Excellence Fund

  • Applicable for

    York University in Canada

  • Max scholarship per student

    Rs 1,42,784/-

  • No. of students to be awarded


  • Course Level


  • Intake year

    May 2025 +4 more

  • Type of scholarships


Report Incorrect information Last updated on 8-Nov-2024

Scholarship Overview

Academic Excellence Fund is applicable to only Masters courses. This is a merit as well as need based scholarship. Academic Excellence Fund award up to CAD 2,000 one time to various international students. 1 scholarship is awarded to student each year. All international students irrespective of their Nationality can apply for a Academic Excellence Fund . If an applicant has already received a free bursary or has applied for another scholarship offered by the university, then he/she is not eligible for this scholarship. All international students are auto-considered for these scholarships when they apply for the courses that have scholarships.

Applicable course, university and country

This scholarship is applicable for Masters Degree

This scholarship is applicable for the following courses in York University in Canada

  • The Academic Excellence Fund (AEF) program supports graduate students in advancing their research and scholarly objectives through simple and timely access to funds

Scholarship amount details

Max scholarship per student: CAD 2,300 => Rs 1,42,784

Conversion rate used: 1 CAD = Rs. 60.10 (last updated 17th January 2025)

Scholarship amount will be given: One Time

Scholarship amount can be used for

Type of Expense Indicates if scholarship can be used for this type of expense
Tuition & Fees ×Not covered in scholarship
Living Expense ×Not covered in scholarship
Accommodation ×Not covered in scholarship
Air Fare/Travel Expenses ×Not covered in scholarship
Spouse/Child Care ×Not covered in scholarship
Health Cover ×Not covered in scholarship
Application ×Not covered in scholarship
Others Scholarship amount can be used for this

  • Eligible students may request up to $2000  for expenses directly related to their own research and scholarship activities, as well as $300 for collective initiatives per academic year.

Student Awards

Number of students to be awarded: Varies

Scholarship Eligibility

No specific eligibility requirement mentioned on the Scholarship site, student profile will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Special Restrictions

  • No Special Restriction applicable


  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in masters or doctoral program
  • Students must be actively registered at the time the expenses are incurred as well as when they apply for AEF.


Eligible student nationality

This scholarship is applicable for students from India +238 more

Application Process for this scholarship

  • Proof of payment for all expenses; and,
  • For conference presentation, confirmation of acceptance to present;
  • For travel, confirmation of travel including boarding passes, train tickets, gas receipts;
  • For other activities, confirmation that the proposed activity was carried out, including event information, research dissemination materials, and publications.
  • The applicant completes the AEF application portal.
  • After the student submits an application, their supervisor will be notified and asked to complete the supervisor form, within 10 days of the student deadline.

Scholarship Application

This scholarship needs a separate external application.

Important Dates

Date Additional Details
Application final end date Not Available
  • The deadline has passed
Notification Not Available
  • Applications are reviewed once a term and students are notified approximately one month after the deadline
Result Not Available
  • Results: 4 - 6 weeks after the deadline

Please note that these dates could be in local country times and may not be IST (Indian standard time).

Phone number (416) 736-2100

Additional Information

There are four types of activities supported by AEF described below as well as eligible expenses.

  • Category A: Conference Supports

    Formerly Graduate Development Fund

    • Transportation costs necessary to present scholarly or creative work at recognized events, e.g., conferences, colloquia, poster presentations and exhibitions
    • Conference registration fees
    • Accomodation

    Category B: Publication and Other Scholarly Activities

    Maximum of $1000 per academic year in this category

    • Expenses related to activities to disseminate scholarly or creative work to academic and non-academic audiences, including
      • Materials related to dissemination activities
      • Submissions fees to disseminate in academic (i.e. publications) and creative venues
      • Editing services for publications

    Category C: Research Expenses

    Formerly Fieldwork Cost Fund

    Graduate students undertaking research for graduate courses, major research papers, theses, or dissertations involving human participants are required to follow the appropriate procedures and obtain ethics approval before conducting research activities. Students also must maintain active registration status while conducting the approved research. Applicants are required to have ethics approval before incurring fieldwork expense and/or embarking on fieldwork.

    • Expenses for fieldwork including travel, accommodation
    • Equipment, materials, supplies, and other services that are essential and that are exclusively used for the proposed research
    • Honorarium for participant incentive

    Category D: Professional Development Initiatives

    Up to $300 in this category

    • Workshops and other initiatives that are organised by graduate students and enhance graduate research.

    Category E: Accessibility Support

    Up to an additional $1000

    AEF supports students who have incurred or will incur additional expenses for accessibility accommodations while participating in eligible activities subsidized under Categories A-D. Examples of eligible expenses include assistive devices, software, or guides.

    Please note that expenses typically covered by medical insurance such as hearing aids, medications, appointments, etc. are not eligible for subsidy under AEF.

    *Applications for category E will be assessed on an exception basis, subject to fund availability and may not be available for renewal.

    Ineligible Expenses

    • Expenses that are not directly related to activities supported by AEF. For travel expenses, the main purpose must be research or a conference presentation. Vacation packages are not eligible under AEF.
    • Academic association membership fees
    • Tuition and Training fees (i.e. courses and workshops)
    • Expenses that have or will be reimbursed by another source of funds, or those that were previously supported by AEF or related prior funding such as Fieldwork Cost Fund and Graduate Development Fund.
    • Expenses for regular activities that are expected of a graduate student, including computers, books, internet service, phone and data usage as well as local transportation (within the GTA).
    Wages, Research Assistantship and any other expense related to employment.

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