Felix Scholarships- University of Oxford (MSc in Law and Finance)

Awarded by : University of Oxford

Updated on Apr 01, 2024
Rashmi Shukla

University Research Analyst

Felix Scholarships- University of Oxford (MSc in Law and Finance)

  • Applicable for

    University of Oxford in UK

  • Max scholarship per student

    Rs 73,26,743/-

  • No. of students to be awarded


  • Course Level


  • Intake year

    Sep 2024

  • Type of scholarships

    Need, Merit

Report Incorrect information Last updated on 1-Apr-2024

Scholarship Overview

Felix Scholarships- University of Oxford (MSc in Law and Finance)) provides financial support, to academically excellent Indian students, for pursuing any Masters Degree course at the University of Oxford, This scholarship is specifically meant for Indian students who are pursuing full-time Masters Degree course in MSc in Law and Finance from the University of Oxford. Felix Scholarships- University of Oxford (MSc in Law and Finance) for MSc in Law and Finance in MSc in Law and Finance, at the University of Oxford, involves a one_time scholarship award of 61654 that can be used to pay for the tuition,living,travel_air_fare. Students must note that accommodation, health cover, application fees, etc. do not fall within the purview of this scholarship. Moreover, this scholarship will be awarded to a maximum of 5 students, one of whom might belong to a country other than India.
To be eligible for the award, applicants must have completed their Bachelor degree and passed the 12th grade. International students seeing to avail this scholarship need to appear for English proficiency tests like IELTS. As part of the selection process, students must attend an interview. The following documentation is required from students in order to apply for the scholarship: SOP,LOR,Essays and CV. Students are not required to submit a separate application for applying to the Felix Scholarships- University of Oxford (MSc in Law and Finance), as their application will be automatically considered at the time of course application. Students are expected to return to India after the completion of their academic course.

Applicable course, university and country

This scholarship is applicable for Masters Degree

This scholarship is applicable for the following courses in University of Oxford in UK

  • Applicable to all full-time master's course or full-time DPhil course at Oxford

Scholarship amount details

Max scholarship per student: Pound 67,790 => Rs 73,26,743

Conversion rate used: 1 Pound = Rs. 105.63 (last updated 17th January 2025)

Scholarship amount will be given: One Time

Scholarship amount can be used for

Type of Expense Indicates if scholarship can be used for this type of expense
Tuition & Fees Scholarship amount can be used for this
Living Expense Scholarship amount can be used for this
Accommodation ×Not covered in scholarship
Air Fare/Travel Expenses Scholarship amount can be used for this
Spouse/Child Care ×Not covered in scholarship
Health Cover ×Not covered in scholarship
Application ×Not covered in scholarship
Others ×Not covered in scholarship

  • 100% of course fees, a grant for living costs (around £17,800) and one return flight from India/home country to the UK

Student Awards

Number of students to be awarded: 6

  • Up to 6
  • One award is also made each year to a non-Indian student who is ordinarily resident in a low-income country outside India

Scholarship Eligibility

Special Restrictions

  • Intend/plan to return to home country after course completion

  • Applicants are expected to return to India after completing their studies

Exams Details

Exam name Indicates if exam is required and cutoff (if any)
IELTS Required (minimum score 7.5)
12 Required
UG Required (minimum score 60.0%)
Interview Required


  • Applicant must be a national and ordinarily resident in India
  • Applicants must not have previously studied a course at the same level as the course to which they are applying
  • Applicant must be unable to take up your place at Oxford without financial assistance
  • Applicants must have a first-class undergraduate or master's degree from an Indian university
  • IELTS: 7.5 with min score of 7.0 in each component
  • Interview: Is required for scholarship selection
  • Applicants with a full-time degree-level course of a minimum of nine months, at a recognised institution, where the medium of instruction and assessment was entirely in English can be exempted from the English proficiency exam at the discretion of the University

Eligible student nationality

This scholarship is applicable for students from India

Application Process for this scholarship

Application Documents

Type of documents Indicates if this type of document is required to be submitted
SOP Required
LOR Required
Essays Required
CV Required
Official transcripts Required

  • SOP: Max 300 words. It should be written in English and explain applicants motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, his/her relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest and/or he/she intend to specialise in
  • LOR: Three references required out of which at least two must be academic
  • Official Transcript: It should give detailed information of the individual grades received in university-level qualifications to date
  • Essay: One essay of 2000 words. The work must be written in English and on a legal topic. Academic work from the most recent qualification is preferred, but work written in a professional context may be submitted if academic work is not readily available
  • CV: Comprising of one to two pages highlighting applicants academic achievements and any relevant professional experience
  • Applicants will be asked to complete a short questionnaire before being invited for interview in India. There is no questionnaire or interview for the non-Indian scholarship

Scholarship Application

Students will be auto-considered for this scholarship when they apply for the courses on which this scholarship is applicable. No separate application is needed.

Important Dates

Date Additional Details
Application final end date Not Available
  • Applications are closed for 2024
Scholarship Decision Not Available
  • By the end of May 2024

Please note that these dates could be in local country times and may not be IST (Indian standard time).

FAQ Link https://uni-of-oxford.custhelp.com/app/answers/list/session/L3RpbWUvMTQ4NzMxMTA5MC9zaWQvNDlLWmhyYm4=#s=eyJzZiI6eyIxMDAwMTkiOnsiZmlsdGVycyI6eyJub190cnVuY2F0ZSI6MCwicGFnZSI6MSwic2VhcmNoVHlwZSI6eyJmaWx0ZXJzIjp7ImRhdGEiOjUsInJuU2VhcmNoVHlwZSI6InNlYXJjaFR5cGUiLCJmbHRyX2lkIjo1fX0sImtleXdvcmQiOnsiZmlsdGVycyI6eyJkYXRhIjoiY2xhcmVuZG9uIiwicm5TZWFyY2hUeXBlIjoia2V5d29yZCJ9fSwicCI6eyJmaWx0ZXJzIjp7ImRhdGEiOnsiMCI6WzI2XSwicmVjb25zdHJ1Y3REYXRhIjpbeyJsZXZlbCI6MSwibGFiZWwiOiJQcm9zcGVjdGl2ZSBHcmFkdWF0ZSBTdHVkZW5

Additional Information

  • One award is made each year to a non-Indian student who is a national and ordinarily resident in a country (outside of India) which categorised by the World Bank as being low income
  • In addition, for the non-Indian scholarship, the following eligibility criteria apply:
    • Applicant should have a first-class undergraduate or master's degree;
    • Applicants must not already hold a degree from a university outside of their home country (this rule does not apply to study undertaken whilst in receipt of a Felix Scholarship); and 
    • Applicants are expected to return to your home county after completing their studies

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