Global STEM Leadership Masters Scholarship

Awarded by : CITY, University of London

Updated on Sep 20, 2023
Nidhi Yadav

University Research Analyst

Global STEM Leadership Masters Scholarship

  • Applicable for

    CITY, University of London in UK

  • Max scholarship per student

    Rs 16,86,913/-

  • No. of students to be awarded


  • Course Level


  • Intake year

    Sep 2024

  • Type of scholarships


Report Incorrect information Last updated on 20-Sep-2023

Scholarship Overview

Global STEM Leadership Masters Scholarship is offered by the CITY, University of London to international students. Global STEM Leadership Masters Scholarship is available for students from all countries who want to study Masters Degree in the UK at the CITY, University of London. Every year, the university selects 25 candidates from all the received applications and offers them scholarships based on their academic profiles. The maximum scholarship that a student can receive is GBP 15608 at CITY, University of London. The fee needs to be paid in full, the scholarship amount will be given to students once they start their study program.
Participating Programmes:
Global STEM Leadership Masters Scholarship is available for the Masters Degree. We have listed below the Masters Degree Programmes of CITY, University of London that are eligible for the scholarship:
• MSc Human-Computer Interaction Design,MSc Civil Engineering Structures,MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering,MSc in Artificial Intelligence,MSc in Computer Games Technology,MSc in Construction Management etc as given below As part of the selection process, students must attend an interview.

Scholarship amount details

Max scholarship per student: Pound 15,608 => Rs 16,86,913

Conversion rate used: 1 Pound = Rs. 105.63 (last updated 17th January 2025)

Scholarship amount will be given: One Time

Scholarship amount can be used for

Type of Expense Indicates if scholarship can be used for this type of expense
Tuition & Fees Scholarship amount can be used for this
Living Expense ×Not covered in scholarship
Accommodation ×Not covered in scholarship
Air Fare/Travel Expenses ×Not covered in scholarship
Spouse/Child Care ×Not covered in scholarship
Health Cover ×Not covered in scholarship
Application ×Not covered in scholarship
Others ×Not covered in scholarship

  • Up to 10 scholarships, will cover 75% of tuition fees
  • Up to 15 scholarships, will cover 50% of tuition fees

Student Awards

Number of students to be awarded: 25

  • Up to 25 awards are offered

Scholarship Eligibility

Special Restrictions

  • No Special Restriction applicable

Exams Details

Exam name Indicates if exam is required and cutoff (if any)
Interview Required


  • The scholarship is available to students from the UK and overseas, including from the EU
  • Applicants must have submitted an application for one of the Master level courses offered by The School of Science and Technology before being considered for this scholarship
  • Selection criteria:-
    1. Academic achievement
    2. Evidence of leadership potential
    3. Vision of how the chosen STEM subject of study may change in the future
    4. Communication ability

Eligible student nationality

This scholarship is applicable for students from India +239 more

Application Process for this scholarship

  • Degree certificate and transcript of marks from the first degree
  • A detailed personal statement outlining why you wish to study this specific course, at City, University of London, as well as explaining how your past studies have prepared you for this course and how it will help you to progress in your career
  • If have relevant work experience relating to the degree you are applying for, please upload a copy of your current CV/resume

Scholarship Application

This scholarship needs a separate external application.

Important Dates

Date Additional Details
Application final end date Not Available
  • Application deadline has been passed
Interview Not Available
  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a video conference during June of the current academic year

Please note that these dates could be in local country times and may not be IST (Indian standard time).

Contact email

Additional Information

  • Scholarships will take the form of a fee-waiver applied against the last payable instalment in any year. In other words, if your scholarship covers 50% of the tuition fee, you are expected to pay 50% of the normal tuition fee upfront with no further payment. If your scholarship covers 75% of the tuition fee, you are expected to pay 25% of the normal tuition fee upfront with no further payment
  • Scholarships are only available to students paying the full fee on one of the participating courses
  • All scholarship recipients are required to submit a report at the end of their study reflecting on their experience at City, University of London
  • This scholarship cannot be used in conjunction with any other funding provided by City, University of London

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