Howard C. Christiansen Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by : California State University - Chico Campus

Updated on Jun 15, 2023
Tanuj Kumar

University Research Analyst

Howard C. Christiansen Endowed Scholarship

  • Applicable for

    California State University - Chico Campus in USA

  • Max scholarship per student

    Rs 6,27,300/-

  • No. of students to be awarded


  • Course Level

    Bachelors & Masters

  • Intake year

    Aug 2023 +1 more

  • Type of scholarships

    Need, Merit

Report Incorrect information Last updated on 15-Jun-2023

Scholarship Overview

Howard C. Christiansen Endowed Scholarship is applicable to only Bachelors,Masters only. This is a merit-based as well as need-based Scholarship. Howard C. Christiansen Endowed Scholarship award up to USD 7500 each year to various international students. The number of students to be awarded this scholarship 4 each year. All international students irrespective of their countries can apply for a Howard C. Christiansen Endowed Scholarship. An Interview may be required from the student at the discretion of the course director. The final date for application is .

Applicable course, university and country

This scholarship is applicable for Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree

This scholarship is applicable for the following courses in California State University - Chico Campus in USA

  • All Programs in any engineering major field

Scholarship amount details

Max scholarship per student: USD 7,500 => Rs 6,27,300

Conversion rate used: 1 USD = Rs. 86.62 (last updated 17th January 2025)

Scholarship amount will be given: One Time

Scholarship amount can be used for

Type of Expense Indicates if scholarship can be used for this type of expense
Tuition & Fees Scholarship amount can be used for this
Living Expense ×Not covered in scholarship
Accommodation ×Not covered in scholarship
Air Fare/Travel Expenses ×Not covered in scholarship
Spouse/Child Care ×Not covered in scholarship
Health Cover ×Not covered in scholarship
Application ×Not covered in scholarship
Others ×Not covered in scholarship

  • $7,500 scholarship will be awarded for the academic year

Student Awards

Number of students to be awarded: 4

  • Four (4) $7,500 scholarship will be awarded for the academic year

Scholarship Eligibility

Special Restrictions

  • No Special Restriction applicable

Exams Details

Exam name Indicates if exam is required and cutoff (if any)
Interview Required


  • Applicants must:
    • Demonstrate superior academic performance with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and be in good academic standing
    • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus financial aid office
    • Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate or graduate student in any engineering major field at a CSU campus and remain a CSU full-time equivalent student during the academic year

Eligible student nationality

This scholarship is applicable for students from India +239 more

Application Process for this scholarship

  • Application Process: 
    • Contact the campus financial aid office. Completed applications submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must include the following:

      A personal statement (300 word count for each):
      1. What experience has impacted your personal growth? 
      2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
      3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
      4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

Scholarship Application

This scholarship needs a separate external application.

Important Dates

Date Additional Details
Application final end date Not Available
  • Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring application deadline

Please note that these dates could be in local country times and may not be IST (Indian standard time).

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