Milton Glick Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by : University of Nevada, Reno

Updated on Apr 18, 2023
Amrita Kaur

University Research Analyst

Milton Glick Memorial Scholarship

  • Applicable for

    University of Nevada, Reno in USA

  • Max scholarship per student

    Rs 83,640/-

  • No. of students to be awarded


  • Course Level


  • Intake year

    Jan 2023 +1 more

  • Type of scholarships


Report Incorrect information Last updated on 18-Apr-2023

Scholarship Overview

Milton Glick Memorial Scholarship at the University of Nevada, Reno are designed to provide financial assistance to talented students from all over the world who wish to pursue their studies. This Merit Based scholarship covers tuition of candidates. This is a Merit Based scholarship offering 1000 USD majorly covering the tuition. This scholarship offers to contribute towards the course. The number of awards offered are 50 each year. There are several eligibility criteria for the scholarships. For instance, Applicants for this award must be registered, full-time graduate students (9 credits or 6 credits with an assistantship) in good academic standing at the time of the application. Applicants must be the first member of their immediate family to pursue graduate education. Members of the GSA Executive Council and Awards Committee, and persons involved with the judging process of any GSA awards, are ineligible to apply. The winner of the Milton Glick Memorial Scholarship may not also be selected for the Outstanding Graduate Scholarship or the Outstanding International Graduate Scholarship. Applicants must be enrolled for the upcoming fall semester in order to receive the scholarship. Candidates should also have significant professional experience and good leadership qualities. All applicants must have successfully earned an accredited undergraduate degree.

Scholarship amount details

Max scholarship per student: USD 1,000 => Rs 83,640

Conversion rate used: 1 USD = Rs. 86.62 (last updated 17th January 2025)

Scholarship amount will be given: One Time

Scholarship amount can be used for

Type of Expense Indicates if scholarship can be used for this type of expense
Tuition & Fees Scholarship amount can be used for this
Living Expense ×Not covered in scholarship
Accommodation ×Not covered in scholarship
Air Fare/Travel Expenses ×Not covered in scholarship
Spouse/Child Care ×Not covered in scholarship
Health Cover ×Not covered in scholarship
Application ×Not covered in scholarship
Others ×Not covered in scholarship

  • Scholarship amount is $1000, disbursed in two equal payments in the upcoming fall and spring semesters.

Student Awards

Number of students to be awarded: 50

Scholarship Eligibility

No specific eligibility requirement mentioned on the Scholarship site, student profile will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Special Restrictions

  • No Special Restriction applicable


  • Applicants for this award must be registered, full-time graduate students (9 credits or 6 credits with an assistantship) in good academic standing at the time of the application.
  • Applicants must be the first member of their immediate family to pursue graduate education.  
    Members of the GSA Executive Council and Awards Committee, and persons involved with the judging process of any GSA awards, are ineligible to apply.
  • The winner of the Milton Glick Memorial Scholarship may not also be selected for the Outstanding Graduate Scholarship or the Outstanding International Graduate Scholarship.
  • Applicants must be enrolled for the upcoming fall semester in order to receive the scholarship.

Eligible student nationality

This scholarship is applicable for students from India +239 more

Application Process for this scholarship

Applicants are required to submit their online application packet by 5:00 pm on the due date (Please check the GSA events calendar and scholarship website for dates). The application packet must include the following:

  • Completed application
  • Unofficial University of Nevada, Reno transcript
  • Letter of recommendation from a UNR faculty member, detailing the excellence of the applicant's personal goals, scholarly work, and involvement in the department, university, and community.

The GSA Awards Program is a highly competitive process. Applications are judged by University faculty members and administrators. The decisions of the judges are final. Applicants will be notified whether they have won an award early to mid-April. All applicants are invited to attend the GSA Awards Ceremony in April. Winners are expected to attend.

Scholarship Application

This scholarship needs a separate external application.

Important Dates

Date Additional Details
Application final end date Not Available
  • No specific deadline mentioned 

Please note that these dates could be in local country times and may not be IST (Indian standard time).

Contact email
Phone number (775) 784-6869

Additional Information

Selections will be made based on the following required fields on the nomination form:

  • Academic achievements: Provide a summary of academic performance, accomplishments and potential for success at the University. Include discussion of nominee’s undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) GPA, quality of undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) institution, standardized test scores, fit with program faculty, and potential for success in the graduate program.
  • Research/work experience and scholarly activities: Outline any previous research, scholarship or relevant work activities undertaken by the student. If formal research has not been carried out, please describe any activities believed to have prepared the nominee to be successful in research (e.g., coursework research, an internship or summer research program). List any publications and presentations for the last five years, including the role the student (if known) in these scholarly activities.
  • Broader impacts: Discuss the nominee’s capacity to broaden participation of underrepresented groups, broaden the dissemination of scientific, technological and scholarly understanding, and provide benefits to society and the campus community.

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