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Ram Pradev | MSc Business Strategy, Leadership and Change - Batch of 2023
Reviewed on 29 Sep 2022
This university is worth for money and a respectable one in Edinburgh.

Tips: Do research about your course details correctly before selecting one, go through the entire website for courses, accommodation and the living culture. Talk to the seniors if have chance to contact them. Join groups in social media to find the information.

Likes (Safety): High safety rules and always monitored in the city and inside university. Good ethical safety culture maintained in the university. No need to worry on getting lost inside university as you can find security officials everywhere who can guide yo...

  • Total Monthly ExpensePound 1476
  • Prepping time for classes34 hours / Week
  • Expected Annual SalaryPound
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University CityEdinburgh, Scotland, UK
Size of cityMedium
Population of City4,64,990

Contact Details


Edinburgh, Scotland, UK EH14 4AS

Edinburgh ( Scotland)
