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Krishna Kumar | Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science in Biology - Batch of 2021
Reviewed on 16 Nov 2023
The University takes care of its students, Minds and Health.

Tips: It is always good to check the profile of a professor before joining college. This will give you an idea of the kind of work and research being done in college. If you are a graduation student, it is almost crucial that you reach out to a professor before you join college. There are a lot of things I wish I knew before college u2014 things like looking out for your mental health because your college may not offer adequate support for students. Or how important it is to communicate with your prof...

  • Total Monthly ExpenseUSD 1150
  • Prepping time for classes5 hours / Week
  • Expected Annual SalaryUSD
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University CityRichardson, Texas, USA

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800 W. Campbell Rd | Richardson TX 75080-3021
Richardson ( Texas)
