In the field of Computer Animation, students have the option to specialize in animation through a dedicated degree path or enhance their animation knowledge by combining it with Digital Art or Multimedia. The curriculum encompasses various project-led themes that emphasize the significance of Computer Animation. Substantial time is devoted to exploring how visual images initially created on paper (2D) can be manipulated and improved using computer technology, resulting in a final product (2D or 3D) delivered in an animated and potentially interactive form through digital media like CDs and websites. Both individual and group work are i
In the field of Computer Animation, students have the option to specialize in animation through a dedicated degree path or enhance their animation knowledge by combining it with Digital Art or Multimedia. The curriculum encompasses various project-led themes that emphasize the significance of Computer Animation. Substantial time is devoted to exploring how visual images initially created on paper (2D) can be manipulated and improved using computer technology, resulting in a final product (2D or 3D) delivered in an animated and potentially interactive form through digital media like CDs and websites. Both individual and group work are integral, allowing students to develop crucial teamwork skills early on.Central to the animation theme is the imperative for students to produce end products that are innovative, visually compelling, and effectively convey stories capable of captivating and sustaining audience interest. The teaching approach is application-oriented, covering manual as well as computerized Animation with tools such as Flash and MAYA, 3DS Max Studio. In addition to 2D and 3D animation, students are introduced to and explore other animation mediums such as clay, sand, and various mixed media animations.Upon completing the Animation program, students can pursue diverse roles such as Animation Supervisors, Character Animators, 3D Animators, 3D Modelers, Digital Matte Artists, Texture Artists, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, 2D/3D Animators, 2D/3D Designers, Audio Video (AV) Editors, Technical Trainers, Compositors, Visualizers, Layout and Character Designers, Match Movers, Roto Artists, Content Developers, and Pre and Post Production executives, or even venture into entrepreneurship.Several prominent companies, including Prana Studios, Prime Focus, Rhythm & Hues Studios, UTV Motion Pictures, Pixion, Big Animation, Reliance MediaWorks Limited, DreamWorks, DQ Entertainment, Discovery Channel, and Live Media, TV Channels, have visited LPU.