It entirely depends on your interest. We can just tell you the future prospects for each of them.
Job Prospects:
Sociology as a careers not only a very enticing career but also many options. The career is diverse in terms of the specializations that one can choose from. Once you have completed your education there will be quite some opportunities. Research institutes, the criminal justice system, public health and welfare organizations, private businesses, law firms, international agencies, medical centers, educational institutions, advertising firms, survey and polling organizations are only some of the example where people from this ba
It entirely depends on your interest. We can just tell you the future prospects for each of them.
Job Prospects:
Sociology as a careers not only a very enticing career but also many options. The career is diverse in terms of the specializations that one can choose from. Once you have completed your education there will be quite some opportunities. Research institutes, the criminal justice system, public health and welfare organizations, private businesses, law firms, international agencies, medical centers, educational institutions, advertising firms, survey and polling organizations are only some of the example where people from this background are required. There are options of working in other sectors with area specialists to help function. People like economists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists and social workers also require the assistance to make the right choices in their field. Once you complete your education in this field you can choose to be an educator, researcher, counselor, consultant, etc. Practicing sociologists who have advanced degrees can also apply for jobs such as research analysts, survey researchers, gerontologists, statisticians, urban planners, community developers, criminologists, or demographers. There are some MA and Ph.D sociologists which can obtain specialised training to become counsellors, therapists, or programme directors in social service agencies. They usually carry out the following functions:
Market and Quality studies. Social-economic studies, Demographics and opinions.
Planning of services
Organisational management
Design of project evaluation
Human Resources Management
Grant management and public agreements
Satisfaction: marketing, communication and publicity
Regional planning
Local development
Social and occupational guidance
Analysis and evaluation of posts
Institutional relationships
Negotiation and conflict resolution
Advice in the creation of businesses
There is also a great need of sociology in institutions that have projects running in the rural areas and also NGOs. There are also places like Health Care, Business Consultation, Central Government, State Government, Education and Child Welfare where the need of Sociologists is rising. Interior designer is not new to us, as all our lives we have been organizing and designing the places around us. Interior designing is basically shaping the look of an area to create a pleasing aesthetic for the client.