CG PET Scores

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New answer posted

a year ago

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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

CG PET 2025 result has not been announced yet. Candidates will be able to access their obtained scores and ranks through the CG PET result. No other mode will be used to declare the CG PET result. Along with the result, the authorities will also release the CG PET merit list. The qualified candidates will have to participate in the CG PET counselling process for admissions into their preferred colleges and courses. 

New answer posted

a year ago

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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

No, the authorities will not accept requests for review of the allotted CG PET scores. The scores will be allotted after carefully checking the papers and the final CG PET answer key, therefore, the authorities will not entertain any requests for score review. If the candidates find any problem in the information present in the CG PET result, they can contact the authorities, but it is up to their discretion whether to accept the request or not.

New answer posted

a year ago

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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

No, the authorities will not accept requests for review of the allotted CG PET 2023 scores. Since the scores are allotted after carefully checking the papers and the final CG PET answer key, the authorities will not entertain any requests for score review. If the candidates find any problem in the information present in the CG PET 2023 result, then they can contact the authorities but it is up to their discretion whether to accept the request or not.

New question posted

5 years ago

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New answer posted

5 years ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Juhi BansalExplore your self

Guide-Level 14

You may used below link for engineering.

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5 years ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Viswanathan DOld, simple and helping nature

Contributor-Level 9

It's a tough question to answer, because each year it changes. Conversely, how much you got, post here we can do guess work. Yes, only guess work. Or else, I tell you a simple way, visit the college website and look for the 'seat matrix's index. That would give you an idea.

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