Chandigarh University's prodigious performance in the higher education sphere has been crucial in capturing over 5000+ Placement Offers from over 500+ companies amid the pandemic COVID-19. When the world was in lockdown, the varsity guided the students towards placement in top blue-chip and Fortune 500 companies including Amazon, Microsoft, Cognizant, Capgemini, Wipro, TCS, DXC Technology, Birla Soft, L&T, Deloitte, myKarma, PayPal, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Nutanix, Red Hat, and many more with the highest package offered at 35 Lakhs.
At Chandigarh University, they train student to be effective leaders, ready to take on important roles
Chandigarh University's prodigious performance in the higher education sphere has been crucial in capturing over 5000+ Placement Offers from over 500+ companies amid the pandemic COVID-19. When the world was in lockdown, the varsity guided the students towards placement in top blue-chip and Fortune 500 companies including Amazon, Microsoft, Cognizant, Capgemini, Wipro, TCS, DXC Technology, Birla Soft, L&T, Deloitte, myKarma, PayPal, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Nutanix, Red Hat, and many more with the highest package offered at 35 Lakhs.
At Chandigarh University, they train student to be effective leaders, ready to take on important roles in business enterprises. We deliver this talent through a distinctive training schedule based on the principle of unleashing creative energy of the participants.
The training in critical thinking, creativity and innovation and ability to solve problem using inter-disciplinary analytical tools enables participants to be front line leaders who can manage effectively based on values and ethics.
The sector specific modules enable industry to have well rounded, industry ready leaders who are equipped to take managerial responsibility from the day of completion of their training.
Chandigarh Universitys students are given practical exposure in each technology by giving them hands on training in our specialized labs of cyber security, cloud computing and big data along with labs of programming, database, networks, operating systems and others.
Chandigarh University's course caters the students with extraordinary learning opportunities. The programs here provide practical demonstration followed by hands-on training that boosts the students for career and success in the field of Engineering.
CUCET - 2021 rewards your academic brilliance with global opportunities & extraordinary assistance with Scholarships worth Rs. 33 Crore.
CUCET is a National level online entrance test conducted by NAAC A+ accredited Chandigarh University. It is a mandatory test for acceptance into UG programs of Engineering, Pharmacy, Agriculture and Integrated Law, and MBA. CUCET 2021 was launched by the Honorable Minister of Education Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank Ji. With the idea of investing in talent, CUCET offers promising students with incredible financial assistance.