The written examination of ICG Navik consists of the subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry, basic Maths, English up to 12th standard, General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, etc. Check the Indian Coast Guard Navik Syllabus for Section I and Section II.Section I SyllabusGeneral ScienceNature of MatterUniverse (Planets / Earth/Satellites/Sun),Electricity and its applicationCarbon and its Compounds Measurement in science Sound and Wave Motion, Atomic StructureMathematicsMathematical SimplificationRatio and Proportion Algebraic IdentitiesLinear Equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous Equation
The written examination of ICG Navik consists of the subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry, basic Maths, English up to 12th standard, General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning, Current Affairs, etc. Check the Indian Coast Guard Navik Syllabus for Section I and Section II.Section I SyllabusGeneral ScienceNature of MatterUniverse (Planets / Earth/Satellites/Sun),Electricity and its applicationCarbon and its Compounds Measurement in science Sound and Wave Motion, Atomic StructureMathematicsMathematical SimplificationRatio and Proportion Algebraic IdentitiesLinear Equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous Equations Basic TrigonometrySimple MensurationEnglishPassagePrepositionCorrection of sentences Change active to passive/passive to active voice.Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct, Verbs/Tense/Non-FinitePunctuation.Phrasal verbs and expressionsAntonyms and SynonymsUse of AdjectivesCompounds and PrepositionsUse of pronounsGeneral AwarenessGeographyHistorySportsCurrent AffairsCapital & Currency Awards & Honour Appointments & Resignations, Obituaries National Affairs SportsBusiness & EconomyInternational Affairs Book & AuthorsNational parksWildlife SanctuariesDefense AbbreviationsGovernment Schemes & PoliciesReasoningSpatial ReasoningCoding and DecodingNumerical ReasoningSequence and SpellingsSection IICheck the subjects for the syllabus for section II?PhysicsPhysical World and measurementEnergyKinematicsNewtons Law of MotionsElectrostaticsThermodynamicsOpticsAtoms and NucleiElectronic DevicesMagnetic effectsAC and DCWavesMathematicsProbability - Statistics Algebraic Identities, Linear Equations, and polynomials Algebra - Principal of Mathematical Induction, complex numbers and quadratic equations, Matrices and Determinants, Sequence and SeriesCalculus - Limits and Derivatives, Continuity and differentially, differential equations, Applications of integrals. Sets, Relations, and Functions - Relations and Functions, inverse trigonometric functions. Simple Mensuration, Geometry, Measures of Central TendencyGeometry - Vectors and Three Dimensionals.Linear programmingVectors - Vectors, and three-dimensional geometryThe Computer Based written test exam pattern of Indian Coast Guard Navik (General Duty) will be objective type questions. The level of the examination will be up to the 12th standard. Have a look at the different subjects which will be asked in the written test of Navik GD.SubjectTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTotal TimePassing MarksSection IMathematics202045 mins30 (UR/EWS/OBC category), 27 (for SC/ST category)Science1010English1515Reasoning1010GK55Total6060Section IIMathematics252530 mins20 (UR/EWS/ OBC category), 17 (for SC/ST category)Physics2525Total5050