GAT Syllabus

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shruti Garg

Contributor-Level 10

Some of the important topics for GAT Reasoning and Intelligence section are: Coding & Decoding- Decrypting codes or patterns to reveal the original message.Visual reasoning- Solving problems based on visual cues and images.Critical Reasoning: Assessing your ability to evaluate arguments and make judgments. Topics may include:Statement and assumptions: Identifying underlying assumptions in statements.Cause and effect: Determining causal relationships between events.Statement and inference: Drawing logical inferences from given information.Directions: Navigational problems involving directions (north, south, east, west).Blood relati

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shruti Garg

Contributor-Level 10

Some of the important topics for GAT Numerical and Data Analysis section are:Geometry- Concepts related to lines, angles, triangles, polygons, circles, and basic geometric theorems.Number system- Understanding of number properties, prime numbers, factors, multiples, and divisibility rules.Algebra- Elementary algebra, including equations, inequalities, and quadratic equations.Statistics and Probability: Basic concepts of statistics, including mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and probability concepts like permutations and combinations.Arithmetic: Basic arithmetic operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and proportion

New answer posted

a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shruti Garg

Contributor-Level 10

Some of the important topics for GAT English Language section are: Verbal Reasoning, Sentence completion, Fill In the Blanks, One word substitution, Contextual usage, Syllogisms, Sentence correction, Idioms, Analogies, Different usage of same word, Jumbled paragraphs, Foreign language words used in English.Candidates preparing for the GAT English language section must ensure to solve ample of mock tests to become familiar with the type of questions asked in this section.

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