Candidates can get an idea of PUCAT Geology syllabus below:Origin of Earth; Radiometric dating methods of rocks, Geological time scale; Internal structure and chemical composition of the Earth, Weathering, Landforms related to wind, rivers and glaciers. Basic concepts of plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading; Basic concept of stress and strain. Measurement of dip, strike and thickness of beds; Forms of igneous bodies; Fold and faults. Basicidea about crystal, crystal growth and crystallization; Crystal systems. Twinning and common twin laws; Physical properties, chemical composition, occurrences and uses of minera
Candidates can get an idea of PUCAT Geology syllabus below:Origin of Earth; Radiometric dating methods of rocks, Geological time scale; Internal structure and chemical composition of the Earth, Weathering, Landforms related to wind, rivers and glaciers. Basic concepts of plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading; Basic concept of stress and strain. Measurement of dip, strike and thickness of beds; Forms of igneous bodies; Fold and faults. Basicidea about crystal, crystal growth and crystallization; Crystal systems. Twinning and common twin laws; Physical properties, chemical composition, occurrences and uses of minerals belonging to the Silica, Feldspar, Feldspathoid, Amphibole, Pyroxene, Olivine, Mica and Garnet families. Principles of stratigraphy. Physical and structural subdivisions of the Indian subcontinent and their characters. Brief idea of Archaean and Proterozoic successions of Peninsular India. Marine and non-marine Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic successions of the Himalayan and Peninsular India; Gondwana super group; Deccan traps and Siwalik Group. Process of fossilization; Preliminary idea of origin of life and Precambrian fossil records; Morphology and geological history of Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Brachiopoda, Cephalopoda and Trilobita. Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks; Bowen’sReaction series; Magmatic differentiation and assimilation; Texture of igneous rocks; IUGS classification of igneous rocks, Phase rule; mineralogical characteristics of acidic, basic, alkaline and ultramafic igneous rocks. Origin and classification of sedimentary rocks; Diagenesis; Texture of sedimentary rocks; Sediment characteristics; Sedimentary structures. Definition, agents andtypes of metamorphism; Metamorphic rocks: texture, structure and classification; Process of formation of ores, Occurrence, origin and distribution of important mineral deposits of India. Conventional and non-conventional Energy resource; Concept of surface and subsurface mining. Remote sensing concepts and its applications in Geology; Groundwater and its vertical distributiontypes; Types of aquifers. Geological hazards namely Earthquakes, Landslides, Floods and Tsunami.