There is no authentic list available for better/best animation institutes in India. Usually, students consider IIT, IDC-Mumbai and NID as a dream destination for their creative careers. You can also opt to for skill development program or pursue Undergraduate/Post-Graduate Program from a decent animation school.
A lot of Govt. colleges and universities, as well as design schools, offers such programs in animation film making. Even there are institutes like Satyajeet Ray Film School, WWI, VIT, Loyola, Raffles, Srishti and DJAD which offer good training.
However, this is just indicative. Please do your own research, as there is no authenti
There is no authentic list available for better/best animation institutes in India. Usually, students consider IIT, IDC-Mumbai and NID as a dream destination for their creative careers. You can also opt to for skill development program or pursue Undergraduate/Post-Graduate Program from a decent animation school.
A lot of Govt. colleges and universities, as well as design schools, offers such programs in animation film making. Even there are institutes like Satyajeet Ray Film School, WWI, VIT, Loyola, Raffles, Srishti and DJAD which offer good training.
However, this is just indicative. Please do your own research, as there is no authentic information available. Name of the college/institute does not guarantee that you will get quality training & placement opportunities. Visit shortlisted institutes yourself and do some analysis as everyone will give inputs as per their own perception. You may consider following important aspects before joining anywhere-
* While choosing any institute, ensure that you are taught by experienced faculty & proficient mentors. Any good institute will publish the list of its faculty on the website. If not then do enquire and check their credentials.
* Second most important point is you must check the industry interface (seminar, workshops, masterclasses, contests and industry visits).
*Validate placement track record of alumni. Talk to few alumni by getting their contact details.
*You may also check more about years of establishment of the institute as none of the private institutes are self-owned, it's all franchisee network. Ensure decent infrastructure but keep the focus on trainers & placement track record.
Consider other parameters including value for money you invest (i.e. fee) as skill development depends more on you than just institutes. For VFX, Prepare yourself for Roto, Paint, Composting and allied job opportunities. Try to join an institute, where you get hands on work exposure via incubation studio.
These programs are rewarding but demanding. Your creative abilities & passion for the medium will hold the key to growth.
Media & Entertainment industry is widely used in ICEE (Information, Communication, Entertainment & Education) a 1.26 Lakh Crore Industry.
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