IBPS clerk Scores

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a year ago

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Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

The scores of IBPS Clerk are calculated based on the number of correct answers after deducting the penalty for wrong answers. For wrong answers, 0.25 marks assigned to that question are deducted as a penalty to arrive at the corrected scores. There are no qualifying marks in the exam. Candidates are required to secure the sectional and overall cut off marks to qualify the exam. Candidates qualifying the prelims exam are called for the Mains exam. The final selection of the candidates is done based on the marks obtained in the Mains exam. Normalisation of marks is done to arrive at the corrected score. The normalisation of scores is don

New answer posted

a year ago

0 Follower 28 Views

Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Normalisation of marks is done using equi-percentile method. The exam is conducted in multiple sessions. The question papers are different for different sessions. The corrected scores obtained by each candidate in different sessions are normalised. Scores upto two decimal points are taken for the purpose of calculations. After normalization, final scores are rounded off up to two decimal digits.

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