UPSC mentions the list of topics in the official syllabus as below:TopicsSubtopicsAnalog and Digital ElectronicsOperational amplifiers – characteristics and applications, combinational and sequential logic circuits, multiplexers, multi-vibrators, sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters, basics of filter circuits and applications, simple active filters;Microprocessor basics- interfaces and applications, basics of linear integrated circuits;Analog communication basics, Modulation and de-modulation, noise and bandwidth, transmitters and receivers, signal-to-noise ratio, digital communication basics, sampling, quantizi
UPSC mentions the list of topics in the official syllabus as below:TopicsSubtopicsAnalog and Digital ElectronicsOperational amplifiers – characteristics and applications, combinational and sequential logic circuits, multiplexers, multi-vibrators, sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters, basics of filter circuits and applications, simple active filters;Microprocessor basics- interfaces and applications, basics of linear integrated circuits;Analog communication basics, Modulation and de-modulation, noise and bandwidth, transmitters and receivers, signal-to-noise ratio, digital communication basics, sampling, quantizing, coding, frequency and time domain multiplexing, power line career communication systems.Systems and Signal ProcessingRepresentation of continuous and discrete-time signals, shifting and scaling operations, linear, time-invariant and causal systems, Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals, sampling theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms, Z transforms, Discrete Fourier transform, FFT, linear convolution, discrete cosine transform, FIR filter, IIR filter, bilinear transformation.Control SystemsPrinciples of feedback, transfer function, block diagrams and signal flow graphs, steady-state errors, transforms and their applications; Routh-hurwitz criterion, Nyquist techniques, Bode plots, root loci, lag, lead and lead-lag compensation, stability analysis, transient and frequency response analysis, state space model, state transition matrix, controllability and observability, linear state variable feedback, PID and industrial controllersElectrical MachinesSingle phase transformers, three-phase transformers - connections, parallel operation, auto-transformer, energy conversion principles, DC machines - types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of motors, Induction motors - principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control, Synchronous machines - performance, regulation, parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications, servo and stepper motors.Power SystemsBasic power generation concepts, steam, gas and water turbines, transmission line models and performance, cableperformance, insulation, corona and radio interference, power factor correction, symmetrical components, fault analysis, principles of protection systems, basics of solid state relays and digital protection; Circuit breakers, Radial and ring-maindistribution systems, Matrix representation of power systems, load flow analysis, voltage control and economic operation, System stability concepts, Swing curves and equal area criterion. HVDC transmission and FACTS concepts, Concepts ofpower system dynamics, distributed generation, solar and wind power, smart grid concepts, environmental implications, fundamentals of power economics.Power Electronics and DrivesSemiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static characteristics and principles of operation, triggering circuits, phase control rectifiers, bridge converters - fully controlled and half controlled, principles of choppers and inverters, basis concepts of adjustable speed DC and AC drives, DC-DC switched mode converters, DC-AC switched mode converters, resonant converters, high frequency inductors and transformers, power supplies.