The topics that are asked in the JKCET exam in the maths section are: Sets, relations and functions, Complex number; linear inequation; linear programming, Sequence and series, permutation and combination & binomial theorem, Trigonometric and inverse trigonometry functions, Matrices and determinants, Limit, continuity and differentiation, Integration and differential equations, Straight lines and conic sections, Statistics and probability, Vectors and three dimensional geometry.The topics that are asked in the JKCET exam in the chemistry section are: Chemical arithmetic & atomic structure, Chemical equilibrium, Chemical kinetics, Solut
The topics that are asked in the JKCET exam in the maths section are: Sets, relations and functions, Complex number; linear inequation; linear programming, Sequence and series, permutation and combination & binomial theorem, Trigonometric and inverse trigonometry functions, Matrices and determinants, Limit, continuity and differentiation, Integration and differential equations, Straight lines and conic sections, Statistics and probability, Vectors and three dimensional geometry.The topics that are asked in the JKCET exam in the chemistry section are: Chemical arithmetic & atomic structure, Chemical equilibrium, Chemical kinetics, Solutions, Chemical thermodynamics, Redox reactions and electrochemistry, Solid state & states of matter, Surface chemistry, Periodic properties, Chemical bonding and molecular structure, Chemistry of representative elements, Transition elements including lanthanoides, Co-ordination chemistry, Nomenclature and basic concepts in organic chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Organic chemistry based on functional group-i, Organic chemistry based on function group-ii, Organic chemistry based on functional group-iii, Molecules of life Polymers.The topics asked in JKCET exam in the physics section are: Physical world and measurement, Kinematics Laws of motion, Work, energy and power, Motion of system of particles and rigid body, Gravitation, Properties of bulk matter, Thermodynamics, Behavior of perfect gas and Kinetic theory, Oscillations and waves, Electrostatics Current electricity, Magnetic effects of current and magnetism, Electromagnetic induction and alt. Currents, Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Dual nature of matter and radiation, Atoms and nuclei, Electronic devices, Communication system.