Embarking on the educational odyssey at KLE Technological University is not just a journey into academia; it's an investment in knowledge and skill development. The initial steps into the world of undergraduate courses come with distinctive price tags:1.BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications): 75,000 A doorway to the realm of computing, where algorithms and codes weave the fabric of innovation.2.B.Sc (Bachelor of Science): 50,000 The canvas for scientific exploration, where curiosity meets discovery in the diverse landscapes of science.3.MCA (Master of Computer Applications): 1.01 Lakhs Delving into the intricate world of computer appl
Embarking on the educational odyssey at KLE Technological University is not just a journey into academia; it's an investment in knowledge and skill development. The initial steps into the world of undergraduate courses come with distinctive price tags:1.BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications): 75,000 A doorway to the realm of computing, where algorithms and codes weave the fabric of innovation.2.B.Sc (Bachelor of Science): 50,000 The canvas for scientific exploration, where curiosity meets discovery in the diverse landscapes of science.3.MCA (Master of Computer Applications): 1.01 Lakhs Delving into the intricate world of computer applications, molding minds for the challenges of the digital era.4.BE (Bachelor of Engineering): 89,473 The cornerstone of engineering education, where theories and practicalities converge to shape future technocrats. Venturing into specialized domains, the university offers a kaleidoscope of courses, each with its own unique fee structure: 1.B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology): 1,66,500–3,68,292 A technological odyssey, spanning diverse disciplines and paving the way for future engineers. 2. B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture): 11,91,000 Unleashing creativity in architectural design, fostering the architects of tomorrow. 3.P.G.D (Post Graduate Diploma) courses: Varied costs Tailored programs providing in-depth knowledge in specific domains. 4.M.Tech (Master of Technology): 1,20,000–1,70,000 The pinnacle of engineering mastery, where advanced studies and research come to fruition. These fees aren't just transactions; they are investments, each amount a stepping stone toward a brighter and more knowledgeable future at KLE Technological University.