Below is the eligibility criteria of various courses offered at Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University: CoursesEligibility CriteriaB.E. / B.Tech10+2: 45%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.Sc.10+2: 48-50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thM.Sc.10+2: 50%; Graduation: 50-60%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thM.A.Graduation: 48-50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.A.10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thBPT10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thMBA/PGDM10+2: 45-50%; Graduation: 48-60%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.A. LL.B.10+2: 45%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCB.Pharma10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCM.PhilGraduation: 48-60%B.Ed10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCLL.B.
Below is the eligibility criteria of various courses offered at Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University: CoursesEligibility CriteriaB.E. / B.Tech10+2: 45%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.Sc.10+2: 48-50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thM.Sc.10+2: 50%; Graduation: 50-60%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thM.A.Graduation: 48-50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.A.10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thBPT10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thMBA/PGDM10+2: 45-50%; Graduation: 48-60%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.A. LL.B.10+2: 45%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCB.Pharma10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCM.PhilGraduation: 48-60%B.Ed10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCLL.B.Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thBBA10+2: 48%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.Des10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCMSWGraduation: 48%MPHGraduation: 55%BMRIT10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thBCA10+2: 45-50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.Com10+2: 48-50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thM.Des10+2: 50%; Graduation: 55%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCD.Pharma10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCB.El.Ed10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCMMLTGraduation: 55%MCA10+2: 45%; Graduation: 50-55%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thB.A. B.Ed10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCB.F.Sc.10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thBMLT10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thBPH10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCB.Sc.B.Ed.10+2: 50%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCM.PharmaGraduation: 50%MPTGraduation: 55%M.Com10+2: 48%; Graduation: 48%; Exams: CBSE 12th, RBSE 12thM.EdGraduation: 50%MVAGraduation: 48-50%B.J.M.C.10+2: 48%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCLL.B.Graduation: 50%PGDCAGraduation: 50%Ph.D.Graduation: Subject-specificM.E./M.Tech10+2: 45%; Graduation: 55%; Exams: CBSE 12th, ISCExecutive MBA/PGDMGraduation: 50-60%