NIOS 12th

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer

Scholar-Level 17

To join further study in South Korea, you generally need to follow these steps:The eligibility criteria for theprogrammeyou wish to pursue from university andprogrammemay have specific requirements academic qualifications, language proficiency (usually Korean or English), and standardized test scores (e.g., TOPIK for Korean proficiency or TOEFL/IELTS for English proficiency).Collect all the necessary documents for your application. These typically include:    Completed application form: Obtain the application form from the university's website and fill it out accurately.   Academic transcripts and certificates:

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a year ago

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Sonu Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, you are eligible for BCA. But it's all depends on college where you opted to take admission you've to see their official website for Eligibilty criteria respectively. Many colleges has their own eligibility criteria where some college have 50% aggregate and some have 60%. Someone from any stream can do BCA

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a year ago

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

The NIOS board had released the NIOS 12th date sheet for October 2023 exam. The NIOS 12th October 2023 was held from October 3 to November 8, 2023. NIOS Class 12 exam April 2023 were held from April 6 to May 8, 2023. Students can download the NIOS 12th date sheet from the official website. We have provided the NIOS 12th date sheet 2023 October exam.

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

Students are advised to solve and practice the NIOS 12th previous year question papers and sample papers. This helps them to understand the NIOS exam pattern. It will also help them to know the difficulty level, marking scheme and the type of questions asked in the NIOS 12th exam. In addition, practicing the sample papers will help students to improve their scores. Students can download the NIOS 12th sample papers from the official website. 

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

Students are advised to go through the NIOS 12th pattern and syllabus. This will help them to get an idea on the topics to be learned. It will also help them to know the marking scheme. Understanding the NIOS pattern helps students to plan accordingly. This will help students to be familiar with the type of questions asked for the exam. 

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

For NIOS 12th exam, each subject paper will be conducted for 100 Marks. This 100 marks involve theory, internal, and practical components. The internal assessment will have a weightage of 10 marks, and the practical exam will carry 30 marks. The time duration of the NIOS board exam is 3 Hours. Students should understand the NIOS exam pattern and prepare accordingly. The grading of subjects is made of two parts, Tutor Marked Assignments, or TMAs and the final examinations.

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

Students are advised to go through the NIOS 12th syllabus. This will help them to get an idea on the topics to be learned. It will also help them to know the marking scheme.  Understanding the syllabus helps students to boost the preparation. Knowing the NIOS syllabus helps students to know what to learn and what not to. Thus they can save time by learning only the required topics. 

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

The students can find the following information on the NIOS 12th Admit card 2024. Name of the student, Name of the board, session of the exam, i.e. April-May or October-November, Father/Mother’s name, Address of the exam centre, Subject Code, Subject names, Date of exam, Student’s photography, and instructions for the student to follow during the exams. Students should verify the details mentioned on the NIOS 12th admit card. In case of discrepancy in the details in the NIOS Admit Card, the student must immediately contact the Regional Centre administration and get them rectified. The students, in this case, can also connec

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a year ago

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Salviya Antony

Contributor-Level 10

In case of any errors in NIOS 12th admit card 2024, students must report to the higher authorities. They should get it rectified as early as possible. Students are advised to verify the details in the NIOS 12th admit card. If errors are not corrected, they will not be allowed to appear for the exam. There should not be any spelling mistake in the student details.

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