NMAT Sample Papers

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

NMAT mock test holds the utmost importance during the preparation phase of the exam. Some of the key benefits of integrating mock test in the NMAT preparation strategy are mentioned below:Understanding the nature of the examGetting aware of the exam pattern, and syllabusGetting rid of exam anxietyPreparing an exam day planHelps in designing better exam strategyHelps in accessing the preparation levels throughoutHelps in revising the syllabus and conceptsHelps increasing speed and accuracyAnalysing strengths and weaknessesGetting aware of the NMAT exam UI

New answer posted

a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

NMAT mock test and the actual exam are identical in terms of the exam structure and overall difficulty standards of the exam. The user interface of the NMAT mock test may vary across service providers. However, candidates practising using the official NMAT mock test will get taste of the actual exam user interface.NMAT mock test released by GMAC is a simulation of the actual exam. Questions, pattern, syllabus, and test structure are similar to the actual exam. However, the score of the NMAT mock test will not affect the admission process at the NMAT participating colleges. Mock test only helps in practicing and revision of the question

New answer posted

a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

To score high in NMAT exam, a candidate must follow an approach to attempt the questions for which he/she knows the answer, and guess the question for which he/she doesn't know the answer. Since there is no negative marking, candidates must attempt all questions in NMAT exam. In the speed-based test, one must aim to answer the questions as soon as possible.Coming to NMAT exam, a test taker has to answer each question keeping in mind the sectional time limit. Additionally, candidates get to choose the section chronology before the test starts. One can use their analysis from NMAT mock tests to devide a good exam day strategy. Speed and

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