PGCET (Karnataka) Pattern

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6 months ago

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Suraj Kumar karn

Contributor-Level 9

The syllabus of Karnataka PGCET 2023 is based on four sections, namely Proficiency in English Language, General Knowledge, Reasoning and General Intelligence, and Quantitative Analysis. Karnataka PGCET MBA syllabus lists all the topics and sub-topics important for exam preparation.As per the Karnataka PGCET MBA paper pattern, the total marks of the Karnataka PGCET 2024 exam are 100. Candidates get 120 minutes to answer all the multiple-choice questions. For every right answer, candidates will get one mark; for the wrong answers, no marks will be awarded.All the questions will be asked from four sections namely- English L

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11 months ago

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

All the four sections of the Karnatka PGCET exam will have equal weightage in terms of number of questions and marks. Each 4 section has 25 quwestions and carry 1 marks each. This means each section has equal weightage of marks that is 25 marks.  The sections are Proficiency in English Language, General Knowledge, Reasoning and General Intelligence, and Quantitative Analysis. Total marks of the paper is thus 100.

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) will release the Karnataka PGCET question papers. With the release of the information brochure and notification for the exam, KEA releases Karnataka PGCET previous year's question papers. Candidates can use the previous year question papers for Karnataka PGCET preparation. These question papers comprise all the questions that appeared in the previous examination sessions. With the help of Karnataka PGCET sample papers, aspirants can prepare according to the pattern, difficulty standards, important topics and more.

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

Karnataka PGCET has a total of 100 questions. There are four sections in the exam and each section has 25 MCQs. Each MCQ carry 1 marks. The sections are Proficiency in English Language, General Knowledge, Reasoning and General Intelligence, and Quantitative Analysis. The total time to complete the exam is 120 minutes. 100 MCQs are to be completed in 2 hours.

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA), the conducting body of Karnataka PGCET exam, has designed the exam with multiple choice questions. Each question in the Karnataka PGCET exam has four answer options. Candidates have to choose one correct option. The most appropriate option will have to be selected and candidates have to mark the bubble corresponding to the most appropriate answer. For example if the answer to question 2 is C, then the bubble C has to be darkened.

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

No. KEA has not defined any of the sections in Karnataka PGCET based on the time duration. Candidates do not need to follow any sectional time limit to solve questions from different sections of the Karnataka PGCET question paper. The total time to complete the exam is 120 minutes. Candidates need to answer all the 100 objective type questions within the time duration of 2 hours.

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

Yes there are four sections in the Karnataka PGCET exam. Each of the section in the PGCET exam will have 25 multiple choice questions. Each MCQ carries 1 mark, while no negative marking is prevelant. The sections included in the KArnataka PGCET exam for MBA course admission are as follows:Proficiency in English LanguageGeneral KnowledgeReasoning and General IntelligenceQuantitative AnalysisSince all the sections have equal weighatge, candidates must consider each section equially important during the preparation phase.

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a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

No there is no negative marking in the exam. Each cprre ct answer will fetch 1 marks whereas the Karnatka PGCET exam has no negative marking for wrong answers marked. The Karnataka PGCET syllabus is based on the topics from four different sections: Proficiency in English Language, General Knowledge, Reasoning and General Intelligence, and Quantitative Analysis. Each of these section will have 25 multiple choice questions. Candidates need to choose one answer option out of four choices for each question.

New answer posted

a year ago

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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Dhawan

Contributor-Level 10

KEA conducts Karnataka PGCET as an offline exam using the OMR input system. Candidates have to attempt the exam in pen and paper mode at the designated exam centre. Candidates need to0 mark the answers in an OMR sheet provided at the test centre. Each question will have options. The most appropriate option will have to be selected and candidates have to mark the bubble corresponding to the most appropriate answer. For example if the answer to question 2 is C, then the bubble C has to be darkened.

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