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2 years ago

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Deeksha Dixit

Contributor-Level 10

If you want to work as a West Bengal state government officer, WBCS is a better option. However, if your aim is to work for the central government and have postings across India, SSC CGL is a better choice. Both exams are different in the following ways:
1. Nature of work: The WBCS is a state-level government exam in West Bengal, whereas the CGL is a central-level exam. With WBCS you can work as a group A, B, C, or D officer, and after clearing CGL, you will get a job as a group B or C officer in the central government.
2. Career scope: Except for executive and group B posts, all other posts do not have much career scope in WBCS. On the

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2 years ago

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palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Hi, No doubt it is a good option to enroll yourself in a IGNOU M.Com after B.Com. You can easily prepare for competitive examination as M.Com has mostly same curriculum as of B.Com so there will be no extra burden or stress over you so just go for it.

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2 years ago

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Contributor-Level 6

First of all SSC is central government organisation while dssb is Delhi government organisation. The SSC CGL job posts and the DSSSB TGT teacher are two different fields. You can decide which one is better based on the following comparisons:1. Salary: The in-hand salary of a DSSSB TGT teacher is around Rs. 56,246. On the other hand, the salary range under CGL, depending on the post, can be as high as Rs. 63,100. 2. Job Profile: The nature of the DSSSB TGT job is more suitable for candidates who are looking for work-life balance. You can work both desk jobs and field jobs with CGL as per your post. 3. Work area: The DSSSB TGT is exclusi

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2 years ago

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Sahdev Singh

Contributor-Level 6

No, SSC CGL does not have interviews because the central government has removed the interview process from group B and Group C post according to the latest notification of SSC CGL exam, there are two stages, Tier I of the exam will be of qualifying nature which consist of 100 questions to be solved in 60 minutes. A Cut off will be released for the candidates to appear in Tier II exam. Marks scored by the candidates in two will be taken into concentration for preparing the merit list and after document verification the candidates will be appointed for the post they have been selected. There is no interview in SSC CGL exam.

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2 years ago

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Sahdev Singh

Contributor-Level 6

There are no fixed number of attempts for appearing in SSC CGL exam. The minimum eligibility criteria for appearing in CGL is 18 years and a Bachelor's degree. For some posts the maximum age limit is 27 and for some posts it is upto 30 years. A person from reserved category OBC, SC, ST, PwD and Ex-servicemen are given age relaxation for appearing in the exam. Till the time you fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria you can appear for the CGL exam.

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2 years ago

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Sahdev Singh

Contributor-Level 6

No, an officer through SSC CGL cannot become an IAS officer through promotion. They are appointed as Grade B officer and C and can reach up to the level of Grade A officer, but they cannot become an IAS officer. They work under IAS. However, in order to become an IAS officer, they need to prepare for UPSC (Pre + Mains+ Interview). Some CGL departments work profile is not much hectic and candidates appear for UPSC CSE and become Grade A officer.

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2 years ago

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Deeksha Dixit

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, you can qualify for the SSC CGL exam with six months of preparation. You need to be consistent and have a proper strategy to clear CGL with a six-month prep. Following these expert tips can help you clear the SSC CGL exam in six months:
1. You need to dedicate at least 10 hours to preparation for SSC CGL exclusively.
2. You need to analyze your weak areas with the help of previous year's papers and practice that section more.
3. You have to prepare a proper subject-wise schedule to give sufficient time to each section.
4. The more you practice, the more likely you are to advance to the next stage.
5. Since there are four stages, yo

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2 years ago

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Varshika Srivastava

Contributor-Level 7

If the sole purpose is to apply for government jobs, then you can go for courses like B.A. B.Sc. , etc. B.A. Would be most preferable as it would be helping you with various topics that are directly asked in exams. Apart from it, any graduation course would be suitable as competitive exams demands for graduation, not graduation under which course.

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2 years ago

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Varshika Srivastava

Contributor-Level 7

M.Sc in Maths is a two year programme. It offers you a wide range of jobs such as mathematics professor, data analyst, etc. And you can apply in both private and public sector. But, in order to get a job in next 1-2 years, you must be getting one immediately after finishing the course as it alone would be taking 2 years. On the other hand, you can apply for government exams right after finishing the UG degree and continuous attempts maybe can get you a job within 2 years. But then, you would only be opening up to public sector jobs.

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2 years ago

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Varshika Srivastava

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, any graduate with any degree can appear for SSC exams, it will result in different posts available.

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