Utkal University

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New answer posted

7 years ago

0 Follower 104 Views

shreyas chopra

Guide-Level 12

No, currently, they do not have Hotel management course.

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7 years ago

0 Follower 59 Views

Joyeeta Paul

Guide-Level 12

For travel & tourism courses, you can check Acia Pacific Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, UTM Shillong & Jindal School of Hotel Management Gujarat. These are reputed and have great faculty, curriculum and infrastructure.

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7 years ago

0 Follower 87 Views

Joyeeta Paul

Guide-Level 12

The travel industry in India is - without doubt - headed for big growth. This includes Indians travelling within India. With awareness growing about India abroad, increasing numbers of foreign travellers are also hitting Indian shores.
The growth of the overall industry will trigger the growth of niche travel options, including adventure and offbeat travel.
Before starting on your own in the adventure travel business, it might be wise to keep certain considerations in mind:
Just like any enterprise, knowing and understanding your product and your client is extremely critical.
On the product front, an adventure travel firm has to have first

New answer posted

7 years ago

1 Follower 86 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Rishi Broto Chakraborty

Guide-Level 15

The travel and tourism industry in India has emerged as one of the main sectors for the significant growth of Indian economy in recent years. In travel and tourism industry there are job prospects which exist in both public as well as private sector.
In the public sector, one can find excellent job in the Government Tourism Departments. On the other hand, in the private sector opportunities includes:
1. Travel Agencies.
2. Hotels.
3. Airlines.
4. Transport and Cargo Companies, etc.
Opportunities include in the companies like:
1. Thomas Cook
2. Coz and Kings.
3. SOTC.
4. SITA Travels.
5. Kingfisher Airlines.
6. Emirates.
7. Indian Airlines, etc.
A po

New answer posted

7 years ago

0 Follower 420 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
astha singh

Scholar-Level 16

Master of Finance & Control (MFC) is a degree which is offered to students who have completed 2 years of postgraduate course.
This degree will act as a base for excellent career opportunities in diverse sectors. Students who have completed this course will get opportunities to work in different organizations like Business and Financial Counseling, Capital and Money Markets, Commodity Markets, Core Banking and Insurance, Corporate Finance, Corporate Treasuries, Credit Rating, Equity Research, Forex Advisory Services , International Finance, Investment Advisory Services.
There are plenty of job opportunities available for Master of Finance

New answer posted

7 years ago

0 Follower 86 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ravi jha

Contributor-Level 8

A candidate is considered eligible for the course of Master in Tourism Management if he or she is graduate holding the degree of BTS/ BA (tourism) or those who have done their graduation in any field along with a Diploma in Tourism. The candidates who have diploma in Hotel Management or a Bachelors Degree in any field are also eligible for the course on condition the degree is certified by AICTE or AIU. There is no age bar.
Course duration:
The course duration for Master in Tourism management is 2 year. But the duration of the distant course may extend up to 4 year. The course focuses on aspects like personality development, c

New answer posted

7 years ago

1 Follower 77 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ravi jha

Contributor-Level 8

You can check the details:

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7 years ago

0 Follower 61 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ravi jha

Contributor-Level 8

Please refer to the link:

New answer posted

7 years ago

4 Followers 242 Views

Mayukh Choubey

Beginner-Level 4

Hello Punit,
It is a great choice of career buddy. You remind me of myself when I was at your age. It was very enthusiastic about traveling and seeing the world. Keep that enthusiasm but as you grow up, you'll understand the need of a good degree.
So, I would recommend to finish your+2 then get your Bachelor degree in mass communication or visual communication and in these 2 years, get some experiences of photography, videography, volunteering, theatre because big companies like FOX, Viacom, Discovery, Net Geo look for experienced candidates.
Hope the answer was helpful.
Best of luck.

New answer posted

7 years ago

2 Followers 766 Views

Mayukh Choubey

Beginner-Level 4

Hello Vishesh,
I'm also a fellow 'not good mathematics'.
So, travel journalism is a very tricky field because you will need storytelling capacity along with writing skills, communication skills, photography skills, and self-management.
I would recommend that focus on these things to develop yourself as a writer as well as a photographer. These are the key elements of a travel journalist.
And about the colleges, in my knowledge, there is no college that particularly specialize in travel journalism. So, you have to get a degree in journalism. And then, you can specialize by working freelance or in the field. Or by getting a post-graduate dip

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