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palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Who said you these? The graduation course is of 3 years. So no matter which university you enrolled for B.Com (Hons). The course can't be of more than 3 years. So no B.Com (Hons). Ahmedabad University is not of 4 years.
0 Follower 15 Views

Kankshi Sharma

Contributor-Level 7

According to NATA cutoff scores are
general category-79.33
obc- 57.63
0 Follower 10 Views

Priyanshu Ranjan

Beginner-Level 5

Hi, I've checked the details for you and with the reference to your question I would suggest you to go for au. They have better infrastructure and faculty, and if you ask about placement they really have big name with them. For more informatio
0 Follower 15 Views

Priyanshu Ranjan

Beginner-Level 5

Hi, I've checked the details for you and with the reference to your question I would suggest you to go for Au. They have better infrastructure and faculty, and if you ask about placement they really have big name with them. For more informatio
0 Follower 8 Views

Niharika Thakur kshatri

Beginner-Level 2

There is no cutoff information for a bachelor of business Administration.
However you visit the official website of Rai University for more information
0 Follower 12 Views

jasveer singh

Contributor-Level 9

College with best academics and good infrastructure, The quality of teaching is really good. Almost all the professors are Ph.D. from top universities of the world and the way of teaching is so good that students don't find difficulty in co
0 Follower 3 Views

Pothula Aishwarya

Contributor-Level 7

General- 74.05
Sc. -66.69
St. -51.30
Sebc. -65.78
0 Follower 12 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dinesh upadhyay I am a lawyer, aspiring manager , education enthu

Scholar-Level 16

The latest cutoff information for Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) at CEPT University Ahmedabad is around 79.
0 Follower 231 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vinay kr Pandey Simple but significant

Scholar-Level 16

Dear aspirant, Flame university is best. One of the top BBA universities in Maharashtra Flame University has a campus area of over 60 acres, accommodation facilities, sports facilities and other amenities for the students. Best BBA University
0 Follower 77 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vinay kr Pandey Simple but significant

Scholar-Level 16

Dear aspirant, Top BBA University in Maharashtra, Flame University has provision of personalized study options at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Students can choose from 24 majors and each offering a choice of minimum 8 minors and