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harpreet kaur Sana

Beginner-Level 5

Dear Aryaa
Biotechnology is a branch of Science that binds cellular and bio-molecular processes to develop advanced technologies and products that subsequently improve the health of humans and the planet. UIBT, best B.Sc. Biotechnology College
0 Follower 668 Views

Rocky Singh

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, this can be very clear after you checkout RICS SBE placements. I have given link to know more about placements at RICS School of Built Environment in c
0 Follower 8 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Abijit, have you not appeared for any entrance exam? I am attaching a link that will give you all the required information about the procedure for the admission process of Amity Gurgaon.
1 Follower 153 Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

I don't know about Amity, but I do know about LPU being alumnus of it. A career in MBA is not only progressive but also brings with it many perks. I have done my MBA from LPU and it has helped me grow professionally and also helped in providin