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0 Follower 68 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Subhajit M Gormandize Kolkata obsessed,Biriyaani, Mohanbagan

Guide-Level 11

You may but the education or course is not good for a stable job profile with a healthy in hand salary. Think twice before a risky investment. Success has no shortcut. You may be a darling student of college where you are investing huge but ma
1 Follower 91 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

Life at Amity University is quite good.
Though, Amity University is really strict in terms of punctuality as you need minimum of 75% attendance in every subject.
The campus is huge. It has many blocks. Each block has 2-3 courses. Each block has
0 Follower 128 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

MBA is basically more of theory, whereas PGDM gives exposure in real life situations handling.
But, PGDM is considered as a Diploma whereas, MBA is a specialization degree, which gives you a better standing.
MBA is considered to be a better opt
1 Follower 50 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

Amity University is a good college.
The faculty is highly qualified. Amity University has a huge campus. It has many blocks and each block has 2-3 courses.
Each block has a canteen. Amity also has many restaurants like Subway, Cafe Coffee Day,
0 Follower 60 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

Amity University is a leading and well recognized private college.
It has a huge campus. It has restaurants, salon, departmental store, coffee shops, everything inside the campus.
The student's life is quite amazing.
You have everything inside
0 Follower 241 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

The placements of IMI are better whereas Amity has a better campus.
0 Follower 104 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

Amity is good for management studies. It has a good name and recognition in private universities. Also, the campus is huge and amazing.
Your MAT score should be at least 450 for direct admission. Otherwise, you can also apply for normal admiss
0 Follower 42 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

The average package is around 6.1 lakhs and highest is around 15 lakhs.
But the placements are not 100%. Placements are offered to students only on merit basis.
If you want to opt for a private University, then Amity has a good name and recogni
7 years ago What is the agronomy?
0 Follower 44 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fiber, and land reclamation. Agronomy has come to encompass work in the areas of plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science.
0 Follower 174 Views

Radhika Sachdeva

Beginner-Level 5

You can download the admission form from
The admission process has started. You can submit the application form online by submitting the required documents.