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0 Follower 45 Views

Gurleen Khurana

Guide-Level 14

Yes, you can get admission. I would suggest you to go for a full-time course for better career prospects in future.
0 Follower 44 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

Yes, you are eligible to apply. You need to have minimum 50% to apply for admission.
2 Followers 136 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Johnson,
Integrated MSc course allows one to continue to do MSc without any further entrance exam after completion of three years of BSc. But if one has done BSc somewhere else including in this university also there is no direct admissio
0 Follower 44 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shivam Chhirolya

Scholar-Level 17

First, you should qualify their entrance exam as entrance exam is mandatory to get admission in Annamalaai university. So, you should first apply for entrance exam first.
0 Follower 120 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ravi mahawar Student

Contributor-Level 10

Pursuing Master's degree gives you more opportunities than UG holders.
The government of India offers lots of career opportunities to the job seekers after their Masters' programme.
Postgraduates are highly preferred in the government sectors li
0 Follower 43 Views

rohith kola

Guide-Level 14

B.Sc computer science is a 3 year undergraduate program which deals with subjects and topics related to computer application and services. Technological implementation of computer systems is the main agenda of the program. The program ranges w
0 Follower 156 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu offers a Integrated B.Sc. + M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology. There is no B.Sc Psychology (Full time) at this institute. Please refer to the link provided below for a detailed list of all courses offered by this in
0 Follower 37 Views

Aka kov

Contributor-Level 7

10+2 from any stream with a maximum of 60%.
0 Follower 86 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

B.Sc. (Computer Science) from Annamalai University (Distance Education), Tamil Nadu is a distance/correspondence degree offered by the institute. For further details regarding this course please refer to the link provided below. Regards.
0 Follower 24 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

B.Sc. (Computer Science) from Annamalai University (Distance Education), Tamil Nadu is a distance/correspondence degree offered by the institute. For further details regarding this course please refer to the link provided below: