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0 Follower 62 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Anjali Sharma

Guide-Level 14

Yes, BFA is compulsory for taking admission In MFA in BHU.
This is the eligibility criteria of MFA in BHU:
1. Mandatory Course: BFA(with minimum 50% marks)
2. Candidate must have completed B.F.A. in the subject concerned with 10+2+4 pattern or 10
0 Follower 21 Views


Beginner-Level 5

Hi Kritika!
Congratulations for scoring and competing through a number of student!
But I regret to say that this marks won't let you in BHU Main Campus, but you will get Affiliated Colleges and trust me all colleges are worth studying in BHU.
0 Follower 244 Views

Sarthak Kain

Contributor-Level 8

Questions asked from MICRO MACRO DEVELOPMENT Statistics AND BASIC Maths questions
Micro macro have a good weightage so study both very well
Statistics topics are Mean mode media Standard and Mean Deviation Correlation Index number etc. Maths Bas
0 Follower 83 Views


Beginner-Level 5

Hi Aishwarya!
Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is a well-known university in India that offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including M.Com (Master of Commerce). The admission process for M.Com at BHU usually involves an entra
0 Follower 13 Views

Sourav Acherjee

Beginner-Level 5

Not less than 25% of the marks obtained by the topper of the concerned categories in UET/ PET.
0 Follower 36 Views

palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Hey Balwant the examination are now conducted offline only. Online examination are conducted only during covid. So don't wait for the online examination you have to remember everything and give offline based examination
0 Follower 103 Views

Chandni Arora

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, IIT BHU offers various executive programs. Here is a list of some of them:
- Executive MBA
- Executive M.Tech. In Ceramic Engineering
- Executive M.Tech. In Chemical Engineering
- Executive M.Tech. In Civil Engineering
- Executive M.Tech. In E
0 Follower 43 Views

Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

You can try to access them through the official website of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) or by contacting the concerned department of the university. Alternatively, you can also try to find sample question papers or model papers for Master in
0 Follower 139 Views

Uttkarsh beriwal

Guide-Level 15

The syllabus for the MBA CET (Common Entrance Test) exam of BHU (Banaras Hindu University) consists of the following topics:
Quantitative Aptitude: This section includes topics such as Arithmetic, Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry Statistics Proba