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0 Follower 60 Views


Beginner-Level 5

Both the colleges are good, but BHU is more rated. But it mostly depends on your interest in the subject.
0 Follower 19 Views

Singh Arpana Jahindra

Beginner-Level 3

As I know after BHMS one can do PG and after that one can apply for research in CCRH, and there are many other job opportunity also depending upon students choice, but for physiotherapy you have to check the notice and eligibility of BHU psych
0 Follower 11 Views

Sandeep Kumar

Contributor-Level 7

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) conducts the BHU Postgraduate Entrance Test (PET) every year for shortlisting the students for admission to 2 years Master of Science (M.Sc Agriculture) programme. The candidates who wish to take admission to the
1 Follower 1.5k Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Admission to the B.Sc program of BHU is through the Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET) Examination held each year by the university. The examination is a computer-based test that consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. Each question is for 3
0 Follower 16 Views

Ambati Renuka

Beginner-Level 1

No, plastic engineering is not available in BHU.
0 Follower 520 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Devyani Solanki Passionate physics learner and animals lover

Contributor-Level 10

According to eligibility released by IIT JAM in year 2022, all that you need is to have passed the Bachelor's degree programme. Two years gap won't effect. In fact, there are many students who takes more than two years break for IIT JAM prepar
1 Follower 49 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Devyani Solanki Passionate physics learner and animals lover

Contributor-Level 10

All the Indian institute of technology that you have listed are good. But among them IIT Varanasi is best. It ranks higher among them. IIT Jodhpur and IIT gandhinagar are both new IIT's and they are also good in term of opportunities and place
0 Follower 14 Views

Chinmaya Panigrahi

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you need to clear the entrance exam.
0 Follower 9 Views

Shivam Pathak

Beginner-Level 1

The highest offer in IIT BHU For M.Tech was around 45,00,000 and the minimum offer was around 6,00,000 and th average offer was 12,00,00 this information was giver in TPO of IITBHU.
0 Follower 4 Views

Ahtesham Khan In the beggining was my end.

Contributor-Level 7

There is a separate entrance for B. A EXAMS in the university.