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0 Follower 48 Views

Gurleen Khurana

Guide-Level 14

For admission in MSW, you need to have done graduation with minimum 50% marks. You need to appear for BHU PET which is conducted by the university.
0 Follower 148 Views

Arushi Agrawal Studying at Banaras Hindu university

Beginner-Level 3

No, there is no lateral entry in 2nd year.
You have to take admission in 1st year through an entrance exam i.e. BLAT.
0 Follower 94 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Avishek Pradhan Law Enthusiast helping other Law Enthusiasts.

Contributor-Level 8

In my opinion, if you are capable then you should do self-studies, because there is nothing like studying yourself than going to any coaching. In today's world a lot of information is already available to download for free from the internet an
0 Follower 186 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Diwakar Goel Let there be light where it is dark!!🌞🌞

Scholar-Level 16

No, getting admission is highly unlikely. Your rank is very high. You should try next year.
All the best!
0 Follower 109 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Diwakar Goel Let there be light where it is dark!!🌞🌞

Scholar-Level 16

Admissions into BHU are done solely on the basis of ranking and so it cannot be predicted on the basis of your marks.
All the best for your admission!
0 Follower 144 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Diwakar Goel Let there be light where it is dark!!🌞🌞

Scholar-Level 16

The admission is taken solely and strongly on the basis of ranking.
All the best!
0 Follower 43 Views

Shiksha Kumari

Guide-Level 14

Hi Aashi, Please click below and check and check the answer to the question as it looks quite relevant to your question. Hop you get the answer.
0 Follower 83 Views

Prachi Pol Making History...

Guide-Level 13

Total intake of seats at BHU for Political Science is:
Total political science seats - 77
General-29 (Non-BHU general)
1 Follower 119 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bishal Baishya An Aspiring Writer & Podcast Host

Guide-Level 12

Instead of government, I believe that you must try in privately or jointly run medical colleges. Though the privately run colleges have quite high fees, starting from 4 LPA (tuition fees) in a common scenario. Still chances are very less. So I
0 Follower 77 Views

Gurleen Khurana

Guide-Level 14

Yes, basics are taught at the starting of the course.