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0 Follower 129 Views

muskan kalra

Contributor-Level 8

Dear Mainak,
I want to answer your question in brief.
There are 2 options available if you want to stay in a hostel at Chandigarh University.
Non-AC rooms.
AC rooms.
Now, coming to the fee of the hostel, I being a 2018 pass out pays an amount of Rs
0 Follower 20 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mohammed Faraz

Contributor-Level 10

You may consult them on their helpline number on their official website but I guess your percentage is a bit low.
0 Follower 23 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shikher jain Student

Guide-Level 12

Yes, you are eligible for admission.
0 Follower 37 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Tushar Chawla

Contributor-Level 6

You have to check the details on for full details.
0 Follower 20 Views

muskan kalra

Contributor-Level 8

Dear Ranjeet, You can download Chandigarh University CUSAT 2018) admit card from the official website of the exam once you have completed your registration process. You can download your admit card by logging in to your accounts using your use
0 Follower 41 Views

Gaurav Shandilya

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Stanzin!
Please specify the college and course you wish to ask about. You will be able to receive a better guidance if you provide clear information.
0 Follower 36 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Tushar Chawla

Contributor-Level 6

No, the student has to pay for it. But there is a scholarship exam for semester change program and you have to score at least 8 CGPA for semester exchange program.
For more details, visit the campus and collect more information from the intern
0 Follower 52 Views

muskan kalra

Contributor-Level 8

Dear Alekh,
Eligibility for physiotherapy department:
10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects, along with one of the following subjects:- Mathematics / Bio-Technology / Computer Science / Biology conducted by a recogni
0 Follower 16 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nageshwar singh bandral Bandral Enlightened others is my main purpose .......

Guide-Level 11

Hi Manpreet, yes Chandigarh University is best for hotel management and also give chance to their students for international internships also. Thanks and visit
0 Follower 30 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nageshwar singh bandral Bandral Enlightened others is my main purpose .......

Guide-Level 11

Hi Karthick,
Congrats on your result in 12th class. Yes, you are eligible for the admission process of B.Tech in IT with a scholarship. You can get a maximum of 50% scholarship of the semester fee for your academics, it's near 40,000 per semest