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0 Follower 79 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

Yes it is AICTE approved
0 Follower 63 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

Yes it is a very good private college. But the condition is you have to work very hard. Chitkara is strict in terms of academics and attendance. So you have maintain atleast 75% attendance and 7+ CGPA for a good placement!
0 Follower 1.2k Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

I have my friends in jaypee solan. I think both the colleges are good in terms of academics and placements but the crowd of jaypee is not at all good!
0 Follower 20 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

If you visit the chitkara website B.Tech is clearly mentioned! You must have checked the prospectus of any other course!
0 Follower 32 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

Eligibility criteria is
60% in class 12th
JEE Mains (January/April). .
0 Follower 155 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

I don't know about JECRC but chitkara is much better that mmu in terms of ndrf rankings, crowd and placements!
0 Follower 27 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

Sorry I am B.Tech branch so don't know about your field!
0 Follower 114 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

Chitkara is far better than cgc in terms of crowd, placements, academics! If you want to build your career for your bright future then you should select chitkara!
1 Follower 440 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

VIT Vellore is a very good college and better than Chitkara. But living in south especially for north Indians, it is quite difficult. The main problem is the food. Talking about Chitkara, the education quality is very good and talking about th
0 Follower 53 Views

Kinshuk Bagla

Contributor-Level 7

Chitkara is very strict in terms of attendance! And sorry I am Himachal campus so don't know much about BBA.