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0 Follower 30 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vidura Arya Always a helper, keen on providing value.

Guide-Level 11

Hello Rabina,
The application is to be filled online. Register yourself on the Christ University's site by making your account there. Fill the application form and upload all the relevant documents. Pay the fees of 1000 INR.
Take a print out o
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
ashutosh chauhan

Guide-Level 13

No, Delhi university is better than christ university in every manner. Delhi university is one of the prestigious university of India. More than 75+ colleges come under Delhi university. Delhi university offer various course.
1 Follower 66 Views

Ankit Barai

Contributor-Level 6

I am studying at UBS. So, I would be able to share about UBS only. See all of these colleges obviously get you a placement. It's just that what you get paid. If you are looking for an ROI, then UBS is definitely not the answer. We are getti
1 Follower 126 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

The Christ University, Bangalore offers the following MBA programs as under:-
1. MBA (finance, HR, Lean operation& system, Marketing and business analytic)
2. MBA (FHWS Germany) and MBA (finance, Marketing and operation) at Christ University
3. M
0 Follower 53 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
kanu vashisht

Guide-Level 15

If you get good marks in class 12th, then you can go for any university or college. It depends upon your class 12th marks and subjects.
0 Follower 47 Views

Manali Barad

Contributor-Level 9

The candidates interested in applying for this programme must have a minimum of 50% or above marks in the undergraduate examinations. Candidates in their final degree examinations are also eligible to apply. Candidate must have a valid minimum
1 Follower 89 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pavan achari struggling for something......

Guide-Level 11

Hi, I think you should give you entrance test physically i.e, directly in the university so for that you can see the university directly. But please refer to the website of the university for more details.
0 Follower 61 Views

Aditya Raj Sancheti

Contributor-Level 7

MBA is a course where you will get to enhance your management skills, you get to know the industry, business closely with a broad perspective of its functioning and its working. MBA from Christ is a good option as Christ is one of the top inst
1 Follower 316 Views

Anandvaradhan Goud

Guide-Level 12

It just depends on your interest, because in every aspect there is a best student you just need to go through the subject in detail. All the best for your bright future.
Work hard to get success. Thank you.
0 Follower 80 Views

Aditya Raj Sancheti

Contributor-Level 7

After completing your 12th final exams, you can apply for the admission in Christ university for BBA program. You need to apply with your 10th and 12th marks through the application portal of the university and after applying if you fall in th