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0 Follower 52 Views

Hari Krishnan Prasath

Contributor-Level 6

Finance will be very hectic. You will not find time to breathe, but in the end, it will all be worth when you get placed in-between INR 6 Lacs to INR 12 Lacs package.
0 Follower 144 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shivam Chhirolya

Scholar-Level 17

The syllabus has following parts:-
Atomic Structure: Bohr's concept. Quantum numbers, Electronic configuration, molecular orbital
theory for homo nuclear molecules, Pauli's exclusion principle. Chemical Bonding: Electrovalency, co-valency, hybri
0 Follower 51 Views

Hari Krishnan Prasath

Contributor-Level 6

Placement is very good, and average package depends on the stream you choose. For Marketing, it is around INR 8.
0 Follower 21 Views


Guide-Level 12

Semester I:-
1 Business Communication.
2 Principles of Management.
3 Programming Principles and Algorithms.
4 Computer Fundamental and Office Automation.
5 Business Accounting.
6 Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (OA+PPA).
Semester II:-
0 Follower 349 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Kanksha Mutreja

Contributor-Level 7

There was no written entrance for this course and just had a personal interview round. Firstly, there would definitely be questions:
1. Introduce Yourself.
2. Why do you want to do BCA.
3. Why Christ University? Then, they might ask you technica
0 Follower 39 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Selvamani Ramanathan Positivity is my Saviour

Guide-Level 15

Hi, Christ is a deemed university with quality education and famous for it facilities provided to Students. The selection for this college has many procedures, instead I would share in the university selection process link so you can have a cl
0 Follower 46 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Vikram Lawyer.UPSC Aspirant,Avid reader

Guide-Level 13

Hi there. The Placements are, at best, okay. The college until recently played a minimal role in securing placements. However, things are changing and the college is taking steps to improve placements, or so it seems. Since the college is rela
0 Follower 37 Views

Hari Krishnan Prasath

Contributor-Level 6

The placements are excellent and the education is first class. No matter how much you try to go against the system, they will make you learn
0 Follower 154 Views

Harish Ravi

Beginner-Level 4

It depends on your career objective. Being in XIME, you will have a better exposure than other premier Schools.
0 Follower 204 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Vikram Lawyer.UPSC Aspirant,Avid reader

Guide-Level 13

Hi there,
The cut-offs vary every year. It follows the rules of demand and supply. Greater the applications of students with higher score greater will be the cut-off. I won't be able to give you absolute figures of cut-off for each year but I'l