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2 Followers 136 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

Hi, College is very good. Standard and the quality of teaching is high. There will be lot of learning and fun filled activities from which you can learn a lot and get ready for meeting the high expectations of the corporate. Placements are als
0 Follower 177 Views

shreyas chopra

Guide-Level 12

Definitely opt for Christ University.
0 Follower 78 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

No Bharath. It should be 50% or above marks in aggregate in the undergraduate examinations. (Applicants who are in the final year of their studies should have 50% or above aggregate in all the semesters / years of undergraduate examinations co
1 Follower 176 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

INR 990,000 + Students will need to spend additional amount of approximately Rs.4.2 lakhs towards Airfare (To and fro to Germany), Accommodation (in Germany), and Insurance, Visa Charges, Food and other Living expenses. So the overall cost wil
0 Follower 121 Views

Ritesh bhatnagar

Beginner-Level 3

Christ is better
0 Follower 252 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
abhishek anand An optimist by nature, I like to be social.

Beginner-Level 4

That is a very general confusion faced by everyone. You have to first understand the difference between pgdm & mba. Mba is a degree and pgdm is a diploma. Degrees can only be awarded by a university but pgdm can be awarded by any institute rec
0 Follower 130 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

Their is no fair comparison among these electives. Most of the people choose elective or majors based on their interests or grades in respectable courses.
But i guess here you are not planning to decide based on your interests. So decide base
0 Follower 102 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

The crowning factor of any MBA program is placements. The robust placement cell at Institute of Management, Christ University has been functioning effectively for over 15 years. The cell has grown along with the institute, from placing 60 stud
0 Follower 70 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

Visa formalities are the student's responsibility. However Christ University will provide assistance. If by any chance visa gets rejected and students are unable to go to Germany then the students will continue regular program in India which i
0 Follower 126 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shilpa Madaiah

Contributor-Level 7

For Karnataka students it is Rs.3,30,000 per annum. Students from other states have to pay Rs.3,45,000 for the first year and for the second year it is Rs.3,30,000.