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0 Follower 38 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Christ university gives you good opportunity for your overall development in terms of all the fields including education, communication skills, extra curricular activities, co curricular activities etc. Placements too go good enough, especiall
0 Follower 89 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Christ doesn't accept May MAT score. Following are the eligible exams and scores.
A composite score of 600 or above in the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by AIMA in either September / December 2015 / February 2016 OR a composite scor
0 Follower 36 Views

Rajesh V

Beginner-Level 3

Yess u are eligible to apply to the college.but selection happens depending on hw u perform in the admission exams
0 Follower 221 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Christ follows NGC rules in terms of fee refund policy. If you cancel your admission before the commencement of classes, whole fee gets refunded deducting around Rs. 1000.
0 Follower 32 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

Composite score of 600 or above in the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by AIMA in either September / December 2015 / February 2016 OR a composite score of 450 or above in GMAT 2015 OR 70 percentile or above in the Common Management Ad
0 Follower 463 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bhavana P

Contributor-Level 10

Hi Sakshi,
XIME is one of the finest B schools in India which has ACBSP Accreditation.Placements 2015: XIME Bangalore Placed 99% Highest Offer 10.50 LPA Average Offer 6.35 LPA Median Offer 6.50 LPA XIME KOCHI - Highest Offer 21.00 LPA We have t
0 Follower 59 Views

Suni K

Guide-Level 14

As understood from the information provided, the objective of MBA(FM) program is to provide a comprehensive and competent alternative to professional programs in finance, such as Chartered Accountancy, Management Accountancy, Financial Analyst
0 Follower 64 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9 SYLLABUS updated BOS 2013-15(1).pdf
Please visit the above link for the syllabus and academic structure for MBA course in Christ. First trimester any student would feel little hectic, as this is a
0 Follower 175 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ankur Kumar It good to commit mistakes but only if you learn.

Guide-Level 13

Considering the advantages of pursuing this course from both the colleges, I would recommend you to go for Christ University. Bangalore.
0 Follower 144 Views

suma vivek

Contributor-Level 9

The eligibility criteria is as follows:A composite score of 600 or above in the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by AIMA in either September - 2015 or December 2015 OR a composite score of 450 or above in GMAT 2015 OR 70 percentile or