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Vini Parashar

Beginner-Level 3

Hi Megha,
It's not that they are very important but carrying your certificates definitely gives you an upper hand and lays a good impression on your interviewer. During admission however, it is not necessary to carry them along with you. Mark s
0 Follower 109 Views

Vini Parashar

Beginner-Level 3

Hi Sumit,
DEI conducts a written exam of its own for admission in MBA . Apart from that, a group discussion and interview follows the exam.
0 Follower 62 Views

Vini Parashar

Beginner-Level 3

I didn't quite understand your question. If you are a working person and wish to do diploma as correspondence, then that's not possible in Dayalbagh because we have regular classes here which you'll have to attend as attendance is compulsory a
1 Follower 140 Views

Arpita Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Dear don't be disheartened, the evaluation system is always Fair and just and cannot be doubted.
Only having highest marks in the written exam are not enough, the other rounds count too .
Don't be discouraged and keep working hard and try for t
1 Follower 136 Views

Arpita Singh

Beginner-Level 5

The cutoff for the first round is 30% of marks in the written test which makes you qualify to the next rounds i.e the group discussion and the personal interview. But a good score in the written round shall help you a lot to crack the entrance
0 Follower 188 Views

Arpita Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, it certainly is a good choice in terms of overall personality development and career advancement as well. They even provide personality development programs along with exceptional career opportunities that shall help you in the long run.
0 Follower 86 Views

Arpita Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Hello Rajat , All the four sections have equal weightage. Each section carries 50 questions that accounts for a total of 200 questions to be answered.You might need to focus on all of them equally.
0 Follower 86 Views

Arpita Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Hello Rajat ,
All the four sections have equal weightage. Each section carries 50 questions that accounts for a total of 200 questions to be answered.You might need to focus on all of them equally.
0 Follower 559 Views

Arpita Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Happy to know that you are interested in taking admission to DEI. The admission procedure is very simple. It goes like this- you'll have to fill out an application form that shall be available in two modes- online as well as offline. The form