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1 Follower 76 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Yes, with that rank you will get DTU. Even you had good chance for getting CS or IT branch. Just apply for JAC Delhi counselling.
0 Follower 70 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

It basically depends upon you category. If you are from general category and Delhi resident then a rank about 1 lakh will get you a branch at least in DTU. Moreover, you should qualify JEE mains for branch of your choice.
0 Follower 57 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Yes, DTU provides quality faculty for CS branch. Infrastructure here is good. You get a lot of quality peers.
You get more society for you skills.
0 Follower 222 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sanchit Khandelwal Won Gold medal in National Cyber Olympiad

Guide-Level 12

DTU is better than IP because DTU provides good placements, good infrastructure, good course curriculum and good quality of faculty members.
0 Follower 50 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

FOR admission, you have to appear in JEE Mains exam. For cut-off, it basically depends upon you category. If you are from general category and Delhi resident, then a rank about 1 lakh will get you a branch at least in DTU. Moreover, you should
0 Follower 109 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

It basically depends upon you category. If you are from general category and a Delhi resident, then a rank about 1lakh will get you a branch at least in DTU. Moreover you should qualify JEE Mains for branch of your choice.
0 Follower 22 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk)

Guide-Level 14

Dear Hartej,
With no further doubts, B.Tech in CS from DTU should be your topmost priority. It is one of the best engineering college in Delhi and is also considered equivalent to NIT, Delhi. Thapar University is nowhere compared to DTU even i
0 Follower 63 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Computer Science. But if you ask me, I would say any branch in which you had interest. A environmental branch with good specialisation will fetch you more package than computer branch.
0 Follower 248 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Non delhites have the same procedure. You have to appear for JEE mains and if you get good marks, then you have to apply for JAC Delhi counselling.
0 Follower 41 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
VIKAS SONI Computer Science | Painter | Innovator

Contributor-Level 8

Hello, there is a huge growth in CS today and everything is covered by CS, so you can opt CS in DTU. But everything depends on your interest so if you have interest in programming then you can opt this field.
Best of luck. Please upvote this a