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0 Follower 69 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Admission to DTU is done on the basis of JEE Mains examination. So, firstly you have to appear for it, then get marks beyond cutoff then apply for JAC DELHI Counselling and fill DTU branches as your priority. If you get you name allotted any b
1 Follower 196 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

To get admission in DTU you need to have passed class 12th with PCM and should have a good score in JEE Mains paper. Then you have to apply for JAC Delhi counselling. Then fill the branches of DTU first, if allotted, you will get the admission
0 Follower 47 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

To get admission in DTU you need to have passed class 12th with PCM and should have a good score in JEE Mains paper. Then you have to apply for JAC Delhi counselling. Then fill the branches of DTU, if allotted, you will get the admission in so
0 Follower 248 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Admission to DTU is done on the basis of JEE Mains examination. So, firstly you have to appear for it then get marks beyond cutoff then apply for JAC DELHI Counselling and fill DTU, branches as your priority. If you get you name allotted any b
0 Follower 183 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

It basically depends upon you category. If you are from general category and Delhi resident, then a rank about 1 lakh will get you a branch at least in DTU. Moreover, you should qualify JEE mains for branch of your choice.
1 Follower 55 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

It basically depends upon you category. If you are from general category and Delhi resident then a rank about 1 lakh will get you a branch at least in DTU. Moreover, you should qualify JEE Mains for branch of your choice.
0 Follower 1.8k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

It is absolutely true. Admission to above college is though JAC counselling and all above college had 85% state quota. By Delhi students, it basically means the one who had done class 12th from Delhi region.
0 Follower 126 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Kunwar Bhanu Prakash Verma Civil Engineering NiT Agartala

Contributor-Level 8

In first year, you will go through laplace transform, matrix, differential equation and so on. As far as computing is concerned, you will go through basic C or C+ programming. If you already have great command on these topics mentioned above y
0 Follower 48 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

If you are getting CS or ECE then go for DTU as it has better faculty than NITs.
0 Follower 56 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant kumar Ray

Guide-Level 12

Pursue it from DTU. DTU had good faculty for COE and will definitely make you land at you destination.