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0 Follower 67 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Lalit choudhary Current Student- DTU, Delhi

Guide-Level 15

You can just hope for the best at this stage as the game is not in our hands. Might be in internal sliding or spot round, you will get ECE.
0 Follower 891 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

The batches with CGPA instead of percentage marks will go into placement in 2018, as of now anything above 70% will make you eligible to sit for most of the good companies.
0 Follower 626 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

They are quite good, many get placed, but the starting packages are 4-5 LPA average only for core, but for electronics and coding, they are quite higher.
0 Follower 54 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

Different companies offer different packages, it can range from 3-4 LPA to around 18-20 LPA.
0 Follower 58 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

It is good. If you go for electronics core, many big companies visit DTU, same for coding companies, electrical core companies also visit the campus in good number.
0 Follower 61 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

Quite good. Many big companies visit DTU for electronics core profile with lucrative packages. But you need to work hard as there are 180 students in ECE branch.
0 Follower 43 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Lalit choudhary Current Student- DTU, Delhi

Guide-Level 15

Yes, there are lots of scholarship scheme available in DTU for SC students.
0 Follower 49 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

Around 15000 rank for the general category students.
0 Follower 81 Views

Sarthak Gandhi

Beginner-Level 5

This generally doesn't happen, only if there is a vacancy in that branch and you are the next person to be upgraded before all others, then you will he upgraded. You can try and contact your hod once though.
0 Follower 290 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Lalit choudhary Current Student- DTU, Delhi

Guide-Level 15

Hey there,
Thanks for a2a.
I think you have missed the counselling of DTU.
DTU has separate counselling process, the committee for conducting counselling is JAC.
You can get admission in DTU only through JAC and no other way for an indian student